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Miss. Sanders Newsletter


Thoughts from the

In the classroom this week we
will be learning about the history
of HALLOWEEN. We will have
a quiz on the 29th. We are
learning about why we celebrate
Halloween and also who, what,
when, and where Halloween
Whats Planned for these Days: came from. For great work and
Your child will be bringing home 2 party. Cant wait to see their studying on the quiz we will have
sheets of papers for you and outfits. Also the party sheet the Halloween party as well.
your child to go over has different snack items
together. The first for you to bring so if
sheet is talking your child ends up
about you loosing this sheet
bringing in a just email me
pumpkin for please for your
your child to carve. I will also items to bring. Also if any
have extra pumpkins just incase. The parents would like to help it
second sheet is talking about what to would be greatly appreciated.
bring in on the 30th for the Halloween

Upcoming Events: Star Student:

Oct. Oct. Oct. October star student is Hannah
28th 30th 31 st
Minnix. Congratulations on your
Carving Pumpkins Halloween Party Halloween!! accomplishment. You are being
recognized for your niceness,
respectfulness, and everything in
between; keep up the good work

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