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Stormy Weather

March 2nd, 2017

Time: 1:27

Emory & Henry College and surrounding areas experienced severe weather on March

1st, 2017. Power outages occurred on campus and other universities including East Tennessee

State University and Virginia Tech. The schools cancelled their classes because of tornado

warnings and dangerous thunderstorms. Hazardous winds of up to 60 miles per hour were

damaging. The winds lead to students struggling to walk back and forth to classes. There were

multiple reports of trees and large limbs that have fallen. The weight room closed around noon

due to the inclement weather throwing student athletics off of their regular routine. Emory &

Henry student Mylan Brewer discusses the climate and how it affected his weekly workout


Mylan Brewer

Oh yeah, first of all today when it started storming I thought the Lord was going to come

back a time or two because those skies got real dark and all. But as far as my day went, the

weight room got closed at 12 and normally I go do my work out around 3:20, so it kind of

messed my day up but everyone is safe so I am all good.

The community is hopeful that the weather will begin to clear up. For now, Emory &

Henry College is remaining on standby and prepared for future storms and inclement weather.

Ashley Bostian- EHC-TV

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