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Cappucino Hot Coffee


1. 1 teaspoon of instant coffee

2. 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa powder

3. 1 teaspoon of brown sugar

4. 1 teaspoon of sugar

5. 250 ml of water

6. 50 ml of whipping cream


1. Combine coffee, cocoa powder, and sugar in a cup and set aside.

2. Heat the water to a boil, mix in a cup of coffee. Stir until blended.

3. Whisk whipping cream, spray on and coffee is ready to serve.

bahan Bahan:
1. 1 sendok teh kopi instan
2. 1/2 sendok teh bubuk kakao
3. 1 sendok teh gula merah
4. 1 sendok teh gula
5. 250 ml air
6. 50 ml whipping cream

1. Campurkan kopi, coklat bubuk, dan gula dalam cangkir dan sisihkan.
2. Panaskan air sampai mendidih, campuran dalam secangkir kopi. Aduk sampai rata.
3. Kocok whipping cream, semprotkan pada kopi dan siap untuk melayani.

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