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There are many definitions of health.

The World Health Organizations (WHO) definition

of health is Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely

the absence of disease or infirmity (2017). As a student in the Health Science major, I define

health as a combination of ones physical, social, and mental aspects of life. There are a variety

of factors that can affect ones health. For instance, a persons attitude towards health, nutrition

and exercise are individual factors.; the relationships and influence of friends and family are

social factors; and ones environment and availability of health services are community and

environmental factors.

Health education is significant because it provides skills to recognize the physical, social,

and mental factors influencing health, and how to improve these factors to affect health

positively. Health education should include understanding health behaviors to promote an

effective message or program that will be successful in increasing knowledge on health issues,

and changing attitudes and behaviors that will improve the lives of the community. Health

education should be intended for every person. More people being able to change attitudes and

behaviors of others in the community will lead to a healthier community.

Being a health educator is meaningful for me because not every person or family is

educated about health or do not have equal health opportunities. Focusing on educating children

is crucial because if children can change their behaviors early, then these children are more likely

to maintain that behavior as they age and can demonstrate that new behavior for future

generations. To effectively address diversity in the environment, it is essential to be culturally

competent. Talking to key informants, using inclusive terminology and multiple languages will

provide a better understanding and perspective on the community. Being culturally competent

will help implementing a message or program in a community be more efficient.

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