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Top Notch 2 Student Book Grammar

Disclaimer: This page is intended for pedagogical purposes only, to be used by ACBEU students and teachers.

Unit 1

Lesson 1

Exercise A

1 Live 2 be 3 fly 4 go 5 be 6 visit

7 climb 8 go 9 see 10 travel 11 tour 12 be / not

Exercise B

Answers will vary, but may include the following:

1 What big cities have you visited ?

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 Has she finished the book yet?

2 Thas hey havent seen the movie yet.
3 Weve already tired wild rice several times. OR Weve tried... times already
4 Has your fahter already left? OR Has... left already?

Exercise B

1 I havent had dinner yet

2 Shes already been to London, Berlin and Rome, OR Shes been... Rome already
3 They havent called home yet
4 Weve finished our class already. OR Weve already finished...

Exercise C

Answer will vary.

Unit 2

Lesson 1
Exercise A
1 has been playing
2 has been waiting
3 have been worrying about
4 ve been talking about
5 ve been coming

Exercise B

1. The Grabts have been living in Buenos Aires since the late seventies.
3. Weve been waiting to see you for three years.
5. Weve been eating in that great indian restaurant for years.
7. How long have you been studying Chinese?

Exercise C

1 finding 12 speaking 23 eating

2 being 13 hearing 24 paying
3 losing 14 letting 25 stading
4 putting 15 coming 26 thinking
5 getting 16 leaving 27 buying
6 saying 17 driving 28 seeing
7 writing 18 meeting 29 beginning
8 going 19 blowing 30 telling
9 making 20 giving 31 bringing
10 fixing 21 runing 32 taking
11 knowing 22 forgetting

Unit 3

Lesson 1

Exercise A

Answer will vary.

Exercise B

Answer will vary.

Lesson 2

Exercise A

Unit 4

Lesson 1

Exercise A

Answers will vary.

Lesson 2
Exercise A

1 B: drop it of
2 B: fill it up
3 B: Turn them on
4 B: turn of
5 B: pick it up

Unit 5

Lesson 1

Exercise A

Answer will vary but may include the following:

1 a box of rice
2 a bar of chocolate
3 a cartoon of milk
4 a tube of toothpaste
5 a bottle of shampoo
6 a can of shaving cream
7 a jar of body lotion

Exercise B

1 enough
2 too much
3 too much
4 too many
5 enough
6 to many
7 Too many
8 enough
9 too much

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 something
2 something
3 anything
4 something
5 something
6 something
7 nothing
8 anything

Unit 6

Lessom 1

Exercise A

1 B: No, he isnt
2 B: Yes, he does
3 B: No, I havent
4 B: Yes, Iam
5 B: No, she wasnt

Exercise B

Answer will vary.

Unit 6

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 Did you use to go running every?

2 Did there use to be a large tree in front os your house?
3 Did Mr. And Mrs. Palmer use to go dancing every weekend?
4 Did your grandmother use to put sugar in your orange juice?
5 Did Luke use to be very havy?
Exercise B

1 Jason and Trish didnt use to get lots of exercise, but now they go swimming every dy.
2 there used to be a movie theater on Smith Street, but now there isnt
3 Nobody used to worry about fatty foods, but now most people do.
4 English didnt use to be an international language, but now everyone uses English to
communicate around the world.
5 women didnt use to wear pants, but now its very common.

Unit 7

Lesson 1

Exercise A

1 I love watching DVDs, and I like to sing too.

2 Avoiding sweets makes a healthy change in your diet.
3 The most important thing I do is cooking dinner for my children.
4 Whats the point of inviting her to the movies?
5 Theyre always angry about our leaving the lights on late
6 Last year I devoted myself to studying English.

Exercise B

1 getting up 2 running 3 going 4 exercising 5 to join 6 to go

7 reading 8 to stop 9 to go 10 doing 11 to change 12 to go

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 be 2 felling 3 staying 4 riding 5 not having 6 not getting

Unit 8

Lesson 1
Exercise A

1 A new film about women is being directed by Pedro Almodvar.

2 Two of Michelangelos drawings have been bought by a Canadian art collector.
3 Edvard Muchs paiting The scream was stolen in 2004.
5 Sunflowers will be sent on tour by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
6 Some new sculptures have been bought by the Britsh Museum for its ancient Roman
7 A new gallery will be opened next year by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Exercise B

1 The Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911

2 These pieces of jewelry were designed by Paloma Picasso
3 Great pyramids were built trought Central Amrica during the height of the Mayan
4 The sculpture will be repaired when it gets old.
5 Millions of U.S. dollars have been paid for Van Goghs paitings.
6 This colorful cloth was made by Hmong people from Laos.

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 is that new film about families being directed by Gillian Armstrong?

2 Has one of Da Vincis most famous drawings been sold by a German art collector?
3 Will a are ceramic figure from the National Palace Museum in Taipei be sent to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York?
4 is a new exhibit goping to be opened at the Photography Gallery this week?
5 Have some new paintings been bought by the Prado Museum for their permanent collection?
6 Can Las Meninas be seen at the Prado Museum in Madrid?
7 Was the Jupiter Symphony written by Mozart?
8 Was some of Michelangelos work being shown around the world in the 1960s?

Unit 9

Lesson 1

Exercise A
1 The Ortman headset isnt as elearer as the Pike headset.

2 My old laptop didnt have as many problems than my new laptop.

3 I checked out the three top brands, and the Piston was definitely the better

4 Maxwells web camera is much more expensive as their digital camera.

The largest
5 Of all the monitors I looked at, the X60 is deninitely larger .

Exercise B

1 My MP3 player downloads as quickly brothers MP3 player.

2 My new computer doesmt log on as slowly as my old computer.
3 My scanner works as well as your scanner.
4 The Grant printer doesnt pint as quickly as the Rico printer.
5 The Pax CD drive doesnt run as quietly as the Rico Cd drive.

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 I joined a chat room in order to meel new people.

2 Jason surfs the internet in order to find interesting websites.
3 Alison is istant messaging her friend Nancy in order to invite her for dinner.
4 They always print their files in order to read them.
5 I never use the pull-down menu in order to open a file.

Exercise B

1 to 2 to 3 to 4 for 5 to 6 to 7 for 8 for

Unit 10

Lesson 2

Exercise A

1 If the weather is good, I exercise outside

2 Im not happy if dont get enought sleep.
3 If they were extroverts, they would talk more.
4The students will start on Monday if they get their books in time.

Exercise B

1 freezes / lower
2 see / return
3 goes / doesnt have
4 runs / is

Exercise C

1 like / will see

2 m going talk / does
3 buy / ll make
4 see / ll drive
5 Are you going to study / ofer

Exercise D

Answer will vary.

Exercise E

A 1 I exercise outside if the weather is good.

2 If dont get enought sleep, Im not happy.
3 They would talk more if they wre extroverts.
4 If they get their books in time, the students will start on Monday.

B 1 If tou lower its temperature below degrees, water freeses.

2 I return it on the owner if I see something on the ground in the street.
3 If she doesnt have to much work, she goes on vacation in August.
4 If the weather is dry. He runs in the park.

C 1 Yhey will see it again if they like the movie.

2 If she does that again, Im going to talk to her.
3 Ill make you an omelet tonight if you buy some eggs.
4 Theyll drive her home if they see her tomorrow.
5 If ofer in text year, are you going to study italian?

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