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Bloom Ball Project


You will need 12 circle templates to complete your Bloom Ball project. As you complete
each circle, write the circle number in a bottom corner, and put your name on the back. Complete
all 12 circles before cutting out your templates and gluing them together.

1. Circle 1 should contain a sketch or explanation of Hoovervilles. (1 Knowledge)

2. Circle 2 should contain a map of Buds travels to find his father. Be sure to include
correctly spelled labels and a key. (1 Knowledge)

3. Circle 3 should contain the definition of theme. Next, identify what you feel is the most
important theme of the book and explain the role it played in the novel. (possible theme topics
could be: leadership, bullying, fears) (6 Evaluation)

4. Circle 4 should contain your own original book cover design for the novel Bud, Not
Buddy. Include the title, author, illustration and tagline to hook readers. (3 Application)

5. Circle 5 should identify a conflict in the story. Tell whether the conflict was an internal or
external conflict, and explain how it was resolved. (4 Analysis)

6. Circle 6 should contain an alternate storyline. Explain how an event could have had a
different outcome, if a character had acted differently. (5 Synthesis)

7. Circle 7 should contain a chart or graphic organizer of the main characters. Identify
characters and their specific personality traits. (2 Comprehension)

8. Circle 8 should contain a Venn diagram showing similarities and differences between
two characters of your choice. (4 analysis)

9. Circle 9 should contain a list of five conflict/resolution events in the novel (6 Evaluate)

10. Circle 10 should include a list of 5 things you would like to have happen in a sequel to
Bud, Not Buddy. (2 Comprehension)

11. Circle 11 should contain a paragraph explaining how the subject of family could be a
theme for this novel. Your paragraph should explain a lesson this novel teaches readers about
violence. (4 Analysis)

12. Circle 12 should contain a collage of 24 words you think should be called in a Bud, Not
Buddy BINGO game. You can include characters, places, and key terms. Ex: Hoovervilles, urchin,
Flint (1 Knowledge)

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