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Erics Montreat Experience

Summer 2009

I did many things at Montreat this year. I had a great experience

overall. Each day began with energizers and then keynote. To be
perfectly honest, jumping around and dancing in the pews does not
energize me. It makes me feel like an idiot. Walking along the creek
at Montreat is something that energizes me.

The keynote speaker was great this year. After keynote every
morning we went to small group and talked about the previous
nights worship and other things. This year small group wasnt
cliquish. It was more like we were all friends.

After lunch each day we would go to small group again and then
every night we went to worship. The preacher this year was a great
speaker. He told some amusing stories about playing pranks on his
younger brother when he was young and how he tried to catch a pet

After evening worship and a recreation event, we went to our back

home groups where we talked about the day. One night we had a
philosophical discussion about whether or not hell exists and on
another night Josephine, Mahala and I stayed up late and talked
about our future weddings. Our discussions were very random

On Wednesday we had a free afternoon during which I went on a

hike with Michael. We then went shopping in Black Mountain with
Mahala and Josephine and then my mom joined us for pizza at My
Fathers Pizza.

In all of this was a great experience. I want to thank the

congregation for helping to make this happen.

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