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Spotlight on your AR Sister January 2016

Joey Lord

Have you ever had any celebrity crushes and/or what performer(s) have you seen
that was especially memorable?

Clark Gable and my grandparents lived next door to Clarks parents

in Beverly Hills! While I often visited my grandparents, I never once
saw Clark! It seems my grandmother was always saying: Oh, you
just missed Clark he was here last week! Here is a photo of a
small vase that Clark Gables mother gave me on my 5 th,
Because I lived in California, through the years I have seen many
famous people - Eddie Fisher, Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Engelbert Humperdinck,
Kenny Rogers, Herb Alpert Beach Boys, - to name a few. Most unforgettable was
being kissed by Tom Jones. I took my then 12-year-old daughter Margaret to his
concert at the Assembly Hall and we stood inside the ramp as he was leaving and he
kissed each of us! It was Margarets first kiss! Not too bad for a first kiss!
What is one item in your home you cannot live without?
Xarelto (blood thinner) and CPAP machine! My cell phone and worry stone,
and of course my husband Dick.

What is a favorite trip you have taken?

I have been horse-crazy since birth. One day when I was in 5 th grade my Dad and
Grandfather picked me up from a class picnic being held at our small town park and
drove me to a town a half-hour away Adele, Iowa. They then proceeded to allow me
pick out my very own horse to buy! I named the horse Flash and loved him dearly.

I continue to love horses and share that love with my grandchildren when I can. Here
is a photo at a local stable when some of our
family was in town this fall.

While I have enjoyed more than 25 cruises, there

have been two I have especially enjoyed. One was
in 1999 when we cruised on the Bering Sea. A stop
on that cruise was Red Square, during which we
had a lunch of borscht soup and while at the
Kremlin, we saw the Russian gymnastic team
practicing in the basement. The other cruise was
in 2003 down the east coast of the USA and
Canada; areas we visited included Montreal,
Quebec, Halifax, Bar Harbor, Boston, New York,

Baltimore. On that cruise, I learned one

does not have to leave country to see
beautiful sites.

Here is a photo of Dick and me on one of

our early cruises.

What jobs have you had outside your


I was crazy about boys when I was a

teenager which prompted my wise Mom to arrange for me to be a camp counselor at
a girls camp for two summers! I taught 7- and 8-year old girls riding, swimming, and
riflery. Later, I was a dental hygienist in California for two years for my uncle and
three other dentists. I was a dental assistant to my husband in his orthodontist
practice and a dental receptionist for 15 years.

What's something that most people don't know about you?

I have a guardian angel who speaks to me on occasion. He first talked to me when I
was five years old when he told me my Mother was going to have twins but the twins
would not live. My guardian angel said do not tell anyone this. At that time my
Mother had not yet told us she was pregnant. Later that evening, my Mother sat my
brother and me down and told us she was expecting. I did not tell my Mother I knew
this and that the babies would not live, as was requested by my guardian angel.
When my Mother was 8 months pregnant, she lost the twins. My guardian angel has
visited with me other times in my life as well.

I have communicated mentally with people who are deceased. I recognize that
paranormal experiences are difficult for most to understand and appreciate.
However, since I had my first visit with my guardian angel when I was five, it has
always been a natural part of who I am. I am very comfortable with it. Through the
years, I have learned that my grandmother also had this ability or sense.

In May our chapter is having a social meeting at which I will talk more about my
experiences. I appreciate the Social Committee allowing me the opportunity to have
a conversation with you, my dear sisters, about this part of who I am.

When you have leisure time, what do you enjoy doing?

What I enjoy doing the most is talking to Dick, my wonderful husband, followed
closely by calling my daughter Margaret and my wonderful friends. I enjoy Sudoku,
bridge, and email. I also often find myself sitting and thinking, reflecting on what Ive
done that I could have done better.

If you could witness any event, past, present, or future, what would it be?


What is something you learned this past year?

The value of my pacemaker since last September it has given me a new life filled
with happiness, zip, and zing!

Tell us about one special memory or experience in Chapter AR.

Five years ago I was diagnosed with breast and uterine cancer. The food, notes, love
and kindness from the chapter was unbelievable. I will never forget that day when Jo
Radcliffe and Nancy Daigh walked into my hospital room for a visit!

What would you name the autobiography of your life?

Amazed, and Loving It by Joey Lord

Below is a photo of our family at our 50th anniversary celebration in 2010.

Here is a photo of our three granddaughters celebrating the Fourth and one of all of
our grandchildren. The following page has photos of our four children.

Left is son Rob with Alexandra and Michael. They live in _________
Above, son Joey who lives in Champaign.

Above daughter Margaret with Mike, with

grandchildren Lillie and KK. They live in

Right, son Rich with Michelle, Colette, and

Conrad. They live in___________

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