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Math affects every single part of our daily lives, every day.

If you want to decorate your home, or lay new flooring or carpet, you
will need math to take the measurements so that you know exactly
what materials you are going to need.

Cooking needs math so that you will use the right amount of each
particular ingredient, and you will also need to be able to calculate how
much you will need for the amount of people you are feeding.

if we go to a restaurent or at cinemas we pay the bill using maths .

if a person deposit or withdraws money then he/she calculate the

amount by adding which is again a part of maths.

Fees / salary got calculated suitably for the person, post, work ethics,
work involvement daily, weekly, monthly compared with the
international or national or state standardization involves a good deal
of mathematics though it may require some units of management and
accounting which can be doneseffectively by a student of

it is used to :-

1. calculate the distance

2. wheighing something

3. counting

4. market stocks

5. calculating the average of a vehicle

6. calculate the time

7. used in stores to fix the payment or at discount offers

Every outing you plan needs your math skill.When driving you need
fuel, oil and water, without it your car will break down. All of these
require math.

Whether you are painting, doing the flooring or just acquiring new
furniture, you need math to make your sums add up. Everything you
do inside or outside of your home needs math skills. From accessories
to a new swimming pool and putting in new lighting.

co-relation of mathematics with other


Science and math are intimately connected, particularly in fields such

as chemistry, astronomy and physics. Students who can't master basic
arithmetic skills will struggle to read scientific charts and graphs. More
complex math, such as geometry, algebra and calculus, can help
students solve chemistry problems, understand the movements of the
planets and analyze scientific studies. Math is also important in
practical sciences, such as engineering and computer science.
Students may have to solve equations when writing programs.

Literature and Writing

Literature might seem like a far cry from math, but mastering basic
arithmetic can enable students to better understand poetry. The meter
of poetry, the number of words to include in a line and the effect that
certain rhythms have on the reader are all products of mathematical
calculations. At a more mundane level, math can help students plan
reading assignments in literature classes by discerning their average
reading time and estimating how long it will take them to read a
particular work. The linear, logical thinking used in mathematical
problems can also help students write more clearly and logically.

Social Studies

Social studies classes, such as history, often require students to review

charts and graphs that provide historical data or information on ethnic
groups. In geography classes, students might need to understand how
the elevation of an area affects its population or chart the extent to
which different populations have different average life spans.
Knowledge of basic mathematical terms and formulas makes statistical
information accessible.

The Arts

Students interested in pursuing careers in theater, music, dance or art

can benefit from basic mathematical knowledge. Musical rhythm often
follows complex mathematical series, and math can help students
learn the basic rhythms of dances used in ballet and theater
performances. Art thrives on geometry, and students who understand
basic geometric formulas can craft impressive art pieces.

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