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4 April 2017 www.testbook.

com Testbook Win


, difficulty level

SBI PO Preliminary

, ?
(PO) ,
, 2.
| 3.
1. : 4. Cut offs
| ,
2. :
Mock Tests | SBI PO
3. : 2017 prelims exam

4. : ?

SBI PO Prelims 2017

( )



, , Quant Reasoning
- table no. 1.1 1.2
1. Reasoning SBI PO Prelims exam
overall cut-offs
2. Reasoning

Testbook Win April 2017 1


, SBI Reasoning Quant


1.1: SBI PO Prelims 2016 Reasoning Quant ,

Cut offs



1. ,

2. 12-15 ,
Quant Reasoning
, Quant Reasoning
Prelims 8-10 ,
, -
Table no. 1.3, SBI PO Prelims
table no. 1.4,

Table No. 1.2: Overall cut offs - SBI Probationary Officer
Prelims 2016

50-52 , graph

Table No. 1.3: SBI PO Prelims 2016

table no. 1.3 1.4


2 April 2017 Testbook Win


Table No. 1.5: SBI PO Prelims

Siddharth Jain Interview

Table No. 1.4: SBI PO Prelims 2016
1) SBI PO Prelims strat-
egy ?
) ,
Quant Reasoning calculation Tests , All India Rank
, , Quants | select
and Reasoning
- , Online Mocks tests
, : Analysis Analysis
- ~15
- 2) syllabus ?
35 ) 60 100 ! ,
60 ,

The order in which you answer the sections is important. I , Syllogisms,
always started off with English because I was aware of the
Input-Output, Inequalities, Quadratic Equations,
fact that this section is a score booster.

cut-off topics

3) study-schedule ?
) , fixed schedule

tests mock tests analyze
- Siddharth Jain, SBI PO Topper 2015
SBI PO Prelims toppers overall :
: mock -> Mock Analysis ->
Current Affairs -> mock
-> Mock Analysis -> revision

Testbook Win April 2017 3



The essence of self-discipline is to do the important thing rather than the urgent thing.
Barry Werner

/ ,
SBI PO Pre 2017

SBI PO Prelimi- IBPS
nary , SBI PO Prelims



SBI Indian Bank PO, ) SBI PO Pre
PO Prelims 2017 2 - 2017 ,
, : pie chart 2.2
1. (SBI, IBPS, IPPB, Indian Bank,
2. (
) SBI PO Pre-
lims 2017
, SBI PO Pre-
lims , pie
chart 2.1

SBI PO Pre 2016

Pie Chart 2.2: - SBI PO Pre-
lims 2017


Pie Chart 2.1: - SBI PO Pre 2016

4 April 2017 Testbook Win

SBI PO Pre - Time Management C. Fill in the blanks:
Fill in the blanks | ,
1: SBI PO Prelims 2016 (blank space)
15 |
SBI PO Prelims 2016 , ,
table no. 2.3
13-14 ,

Table no. 2.3



in the Blanks
, 5

5 ,

3 2

, 2.5

5 3




Fill in the Blanks

Table No. 2.3: SBI PO Prelims 2016 3.75
, Accuracy,
* fill in the blanks 5 1
15 D. Reading Comprehension:
, , Parajumble , Para-
jumble 5 5
: Fill in the Blanks , Para-
SBI PO Pre toppers jumbles , RC RC 10
: 4 | 1-2
Facts 2-3 Vocabulary
A. Cloze test: RC 3 score
English section Cloze Test
flow cloze test 5 E. Parajumbles:
3 1-2 ,
6 parajumbled
(negative marking) /
( 3 , ,

B. Error Spotting Grammar: 2: SBI PO Prelims 2017

Error Spotting IBPS (IBPS PO, IPPB
cloze test 3 PO, Indian Bank PO, ) SBI
, PO Pre 2017 English Section
, , (table no.
3 error spotting 2.4) 15

Testbook Win April 2017 5

A. Cloze Test:
Cloze test
( Testbook.
) score

, |

10 ,

Table No. 2.4: SBI PO Pre 2017

, ,
Cloze Test, Error
B. Error Spotting: Spotting Reading Comprehension
10 4-5 , !

C. Reading Comprehension:
, Vocabulary


Bonus Tip: Preview

Question paper
Question Paper ,
, cloze
test - . 23 33 ,

6 April 2017 Testbook Win

, Mini Quizzes
Cloze Test -
delete |
Cloze Test |

Cloze Test ? SBI PO Prelims cloze test

:- sentence

Cloze Test passage , -
- :

( )
, SBI PO Prelims cloze test
1. Part of Speech:

A noun, a pronoun, a verb, a preposition, a conjunction,

an article, etc. are called parts of speech.
Part of speech
, , ? noun, pronoun, verb, preposition, conjunc-
cloze test ? tion article |

! Cloze Test English :

Mr. Modi has not so far stressed about the _____ of pop-
passage | , ulation control in India and has not announced any spe-
Tricks Tips cial measures or policies to check the alarming growth
, 5-6 Cloze Test | of population level.

A) Important B) Significant C) Importance

Cloze Test Tips D) Pivotal E) Vital

SBI PO Prelims cloze test

- |
10 | , 10 5-6
Noun , article
, cut-off !
(the) | , C
passage POE (Pro-
Adjective , C |
cess of Elimination)
2. :
Process of Elimination or POE is a method of choos-
ing the right option, by removing all the incorrect op- passage
tions one-by-one. Read further to know more. | Sentence

Testbook Win April 2017 7

passage | | beauty
| , |
smell, fragrance and aroma
: | flowers ( ) fra-
Economists generally believe that high rates of inflation grance |
and hyperinflation are ______ by an excessive growth of
the money supply.
5. Linkers:
A) Brought B) Caused C) Resulted in

D) Placated E) Disoriented
sentence |
Disoriented , Pla-
cate, , sentence
Thailand had acquired a burden of foreign debt that
made the country effectively bankrupt even before the
| 3
collapse of its currency. As the crisis spread, most of
| tips ,
Southeast Asia and Japan saw _____ currencies, deval-
ued stock markets and other asset prices, and a precipi-
tous rise in private debt.
3. :
A) Rising B) Increasing C) Failing
D) Slumping E. Improving
Article, Preposition or Determiner
| sentence due to the crisis, there
was a devaluing of stock markets and increase in pri-
1 , phras- vate debt. |
al verb form ( brought about) | Are resulted slumping |
in in by sentence ,
| resulted ( rising improving)
, inflation growth of money , |
| |

, caused by 6. :
repetitive | -
4. Subject ( ) :
Subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence. This
noun or pronoun is generally doing an action. E.g. Ram certain/sure/guaranteed/essential
is the Subject in Ram is playing. Absolutely :
sentence meaning certain absolute
sentence subject () | certain/sure/guaranteed/essen-
| tial absolute ( ) ,
: |
The _______ of flowers spreads only in the direction of
the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all : Actual fact, Past histo-
directions. ry, Cousin brother, Plan ahead, Postpone until later, Un-
expected surprise, Unintentional mistake, Written down,
A) Odour B) Smell C) Beauty D) Fragrance Still remains, Protest against, Revert back, New begin-
E) Aroma ning, Repeat again, Protruded out, But nevertheless, etc.

odour ,

8 April 2017 Testbook Win

7. Preposition : day.

verbs () preposition , A key challenge for insurers and companies is the com-
preposition , plexity of cyber risks and quantifying their associated
| losses. Insurers and risk analytics vendors are ___(H)___
with different approaches to cyber risk modelling, but
there is still work to do. In the meantime, product and
The import ______ of coffee, mangoes and rice.
process innovations like greater use of smart analytics
A) Insists B) Comprises C) Consists
that can improve threat detection and risk assessment.
D) Contains E) Incorporates
This will help foster improved cyber insurance solutions
of ( preposition) , and extend available cover to a wider set of ___(I)___.
( Comprise Contains)
As part of that, insurers are looking to develop less com-
preposition | incorporates
plex and more flexible insurance products. These include
insists | , consists
covers that can be tailored to small and medium-sized
businesses, which have historically been underserved
Verb Preposition : by insurance and are often less able to cope with cyber
Discuss About, Emphasise On, Despite risks than larger firms. Firms are also becoming more
Of, Await For, Seek For, | comfortable sharing information, which will be crucial
if insurers are to do a better job at assessing and un-
, tips cloze test derwriting cyber risk. To ensure a viable private cyber
, SBI insurance market, both firms and their insurers will need
: to walk hand in hand for ___(J)___ sustainable products.
Directions: Below, a passage is given with five blanks la-
belled (A)-(J). Below the passage, five options are giv- 1) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
en for each blank. Choose the word that fits each blank the blank labelled (A)?
most appropriately in the context of the passage, and
- :
mark the corresponding answer.
1) Increasing [Reason: a ,
Cyber risk is a ___(A)___ concern for businesses. Insur- vowel ]
ance can play a role to boost resilience, but firms will 2) Flickering [Reason: concern
need to work with their insurers to create a market that ]
is sustainable. 3) Growing [Reason: growing concern
Recent attacks demonstrate that the costs of a cy- 4) Multiplying [Reason: Concern uncountable
ber breach can accumulate well beyond managing the noun Multiplying countable nouns
fallout of lost or corrupted data. Risks also include ]
___(B)___ damage to a firms ___(C)___ and physical 5) Rapid [Reason: concern
property, which could lead to physical danger, as well as ]
disruption to business operations. Even so, businesses Ans. 3
large and ___(D)___ -- are generally well prepared to Solution: Process of
____(E)____ with cyber threats, the latest sigma report Elimination Option 3)
___(F)___. Regulation could be a catalyst for change: leg- growing |
islation is coming on-stream in many jurisdictions that
will compel firms to introduce enhanced safeguards for 2) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
their customers private information or face sanctions the blank labelled (B)?
should they ___(G)___ of required standards. But these
- :
regulations wont address the full scale of risk, and firms
1) Plausible [Reason: Subject () ]
cannot afford to wait for changes in laws. They need to
2) Impenetrable [Reason: ]
invest more in their own cyber security architecture to-

Testbook Win April 2017 9

3) Improbable [Reason: ] 1) Survive [Reason: , preposition
4) Potential [Reason: Process of Elimination with ]
] 2) Cope [Reason: Process of Elimination
5) Harmful [Reason: , damage ]
harmful ] 3) Handle [Reason: , preposition
Ans. 4 with ]
Solution: plausible reasonable probable 4) Prepare [Reason: ]
, sentence 5) Ignore [Reason: ( )]
plausible statements arguments Ans. 2
| A plausible explanation A plausi- Solution: cope ,
ble argument. damage with |
| Potential
possible damage | 6) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
the blank labelled (F)?
3) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
the blank labelled (C)? 1) Narrated [Reason: , narrated
Looking at the options, 2) Said
1) Building [Reason: ] 3) Says
2) Ego [Reason: ] 4) Both 1) and 2) [Reason: 1 ]
3) Rapport [Reason: Rapport with 5) Both 2) and 3)
preposition ] Ans. 5
4) Future [Reason: ] Solution: Narration stories ,
5) Reputation [Reason: Process of Elimination , facts | Said
] says |
Ans. 5
Solution: Physical property sentence 7) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
, Building | Rapport the blank labelled (G)?
( , ) with
1) Fulfill [Reason: ( )]
| Option 5) Reputation |
2) Take down [Reason: prep-
4) Which of the following words most appropriately fits osition of ]
the blank labelled (D)? 3) Fall short
4) Satisfy [Reason: Satisfy the required
1) Singular [Reason: ()] standards of required standards]
2) Huge [Reason: ( )] 5) Take up [Reason: preposi-
3) Conspicuous [Reason: ( )] tion of ]
4) Small [Reason: Process of Elimination Ans. 3
] Solution: sanctions ( )
5) Microscopic [Reason: (Firms mi- , targets
croscopic )] , 1) 4) | Take down
Ans. 4 , , | Falling short
Solution: cyber risk , , target |
, size 3 |
| , large |
huge conspicuous | , 8) Which of the following words most appropriately fits
small | the blank labelled (H)?

5) Which of the following words most appropriately fits 1) Trying [Reason: , preposition
the blank labelled (E)? with ]

10 April 2017 Testbook Win

2) Experimenting | , preposition
3) Fiddling [Reason: ( )] for creating |
4) Gauging [Reason: ()] 4 |
5) Failing [Reason: Preposition with
] :
Ans. 2 Below, a passage is given with ten blanks labelled (A)-
Solution: sentence still work to do (J). Below the passage, five options are given for each
, , blank. Choose the word that fits each blank most ap-
failing, | propriately in the context of the passage, and mark the
To gauge , , corresponding answer.
, risk | Trying
with | Fiddling , , The Minister of State for Agriculture Tariq Anwar had
| Option 2) Experimenting said that as per estimates by the Central Statistics Of-
| fice, the share of agricultural products/agriculture and
allied sectors in the countrys Gross Domestic Product
9) Which of the following words most appropriately fits (GDP), which was 51.9 per cent in 1950-51, has come
the blank labelled (I)? down to 13.7 per cent in 2012-13. That __ (A) __ is abys-
mally low for a sector that employs about 50 per cent
1) Policyholders
of the countrys population. However, this is mainly due
2) Insurers [Reason: , insurers
to the farmers __ (B) __ to generate income from their
() |
crops and __ (C) __ their growing debt.
3) People [Reason: People
Insurance Policyholders ] CropIn, a farming technology solutions startup founded
4) Both 1) and 2) [Reason: 2 ] by a Bangalore software engineer, provides agri- busi-
5) Both 2) and 3) [Reason: 2 3 nesses the technology and __ (D) __ to create a smarter
] and safer food supply for consumers around the world.
Ans. 1
Solution: , CropIn offers __ (E) __ on a cloud-based platform, in-
, 2 | 4 5 tegrated with a mobile app for Android. Called Smart
| 1 3 , Policyholders Farms, it allows large food companies to track the __
passage people () (F) __ of crops on farms around the country with details
, , about what the crop is and the conditions it is grown in
, 1 | to help companies __ (G) __ monitor farms, __ (H) __with
farmers and make every crop transparent and traceable.
10) Which of the following words most appropriately fits It also aids farmers in __ (I) __ global agricultural prac-
the blank labelled (J)? tices and improves __ (J) __ by offering productivity in-
sights and harvest forecasts.
1) Constructing [Reason: Subject (),
Sustainable products, , Q1. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
construct ] the blank labelled (A)?
2) Creation [Reason: A) Statistics B) Information C) Contribution
Part of Speech , verb , D) Data E) Yield
noun ] Q2. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
3) Operation [Reason: Part the blank labelled (B)?
of Speech , verb ] A) Ability B) Inability C) Unability
4) Creating D) Disable E) Unable
5) Using [Reason: Part of Q3. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
Speech , verb ] the blank labelled (C)?
Ans. 4 A) Remote B) Intensify C) Enhance
Solution: D) Curb E) Increase

Testbook Win April 2017 11

Q4. Which of the following words most appropriately fits Q8. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
the blank labelled (D)? the blank labelled (H)?
A) Expertise B) Experience C) Knowledge A) Order B) Interact C) Talk
D) Information E) Data D) Share E) Speak
Q5. Which of the following words most appropriately fits Q9. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
the blank labelled (E)? the blank labelled (I)?
A) Knowledge B) Funding C) Technology A) Adapting B) Adept C) Adopting
D) Expertise E) Information D) Adopt E) Adapt
Q6. Which of the following words most appropriately fits Q10. Which of the following words most appropriately
the blank labelled (F)? fits the blank labelled (J)?
A) Growth B) Reduction C) Expression A) Gains B) Productivity C) Efficiency
D) Bumper E) Area D) Introduction E) Reproduction
Q7. Which of the following words most appropriately fits
the blank labelled (G)? Answer Key:
A) Close quarters B) Closely C.) Remotely 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.E 6.A 7.C
D) Farther E) Away 8.B 9. C 10. B

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book App

12 April 2017 Testbook Win

, Mini Quizzes
Error Spotting
Error spotting

I BPS Error spotting

Parts of Speech -
did or had
No sooner are the boys marching than the whistle blows.
No sooner do the boys march than the whistle blows.
SBI PO Prelims 5-10 error spotting
error spotting c. Scarcely hardly when
4 10 5 than
error spotting tips Hardly had the teacher left the room than the pupils
started enjoying. (Incorrect)
Error Spotting Tips Hardly had the teacher left the room when the pupils
started enjoying. (Correct)
a) basic errors :
2. As
a. Appointed, elected, considered, called
, grammar
verbs As , regard
basic error error conjunctions (,

not only, but also)
He was elected as Secretary of the organisation. (In-

common errors
He was elected Secretary of the organisation. (Correct)

b. As if were
1. No Sooner...than/Scarcely...when
third person | As if
a. No sooner than
No sooner had the bell rung when the students started |
leaving the classroom. (Incorrect) She behaves as if she was a queen. (Incorrect)
No sooner had the bell rung than the students started She behaves as if she were a queen. (Correct)
leaving the room. (Correct)
3. Let
b. present tense ( ) No
Let pronoun objective
sooner does/do or has/have

, past tense ( )
(Objective = Me, Her, Him, Them, etc.)

Testbook Win April 2017 13

Let I show it. (Incorrect) Unless you work hard, you will not excel in the examina-
Let me show it. (Correct) tion. (Correct)

4. Infinitives b) parts of speech Error :

Infinitives - to + verb. E.g. to eat, to drink, common error ,

etc. parts of
a. Know, when, what infinitive , speech -
how :
I know to speak English (Incorrect)
I know how to speak English (Correct)
1. Subject and Object [Noun/Pronoun]
b. Infinitive ( to + verb) verb to
Nouns Pronouns

, noun pronoun errors :
She agreed to quickly and quietly leave the room. (Incor-
Noun/Pronoun /
rect) [ to verb , ]
Subject () Pronoun
She agreed to leave the room quickly and quietly. (Cor-
Pronoun form [Subjective form (I, She, He,
They, We, etc.)/Objective form (Me,Her, Him, Them, Us,
5. One/One of: etc.)

a. one pronoun Nouns

1. nouns singular verb
One must respect his elders. (Incorrect)

One must respect ones elders. (Correct)
E.g. Advice, scenery, stationery, mathematics, news
b. One of noun plural form Mathematics are a difficult subject. (Incorrect)
She is one of the least important person in the office. Mathematics is a difficult subject. (Correct)
2. nouns verb plural form
She is one of the least important people in the office.

E.g. Cattle, peasantry, people, clergy, police, scissors,
6. Lest/Such: trousers, spectacles, thanks, premises, etc.
The Police has come (Incorrect)
a. Such as The Police have come (Correct)
He is such a writer that everybody should read his books.
(Incorrect) 3. noun , ,
He is such a writer as everybody should read his books. ,
(Correct) Noun Pronoun noun singular

b. Lest should E.g. Million, pair, metre, year, dozen, foot, head.
This is a nine-metres cloth. (Incorrect) [noun cloth fol-
Work hard lest you will fail. (Incorrect) lows the measurement]
Work hard lest you should fail. (Correct) This is a nine-metre cloth. (Correct)
Work hard lest you fail. (Correct)
4. noun , ,
7. Unless:
Unless Noun Pronoun , noun
, unless not plural
E.g. Million, pair, metre, year, dozen, foot, head.
Unless you do not work hard, you will not excel in the This sari is nine yard long. (Incorrect) [No noun is used
examination. (Incorrect) after the unit of measure]

14 April 2017 Testbook Win

This sari is nine yards long. (Correct) Noun or Pronoun (Countable/Un-
5. Collective nouns
singular Determiners
1. Some (affirmative)
E.g. Public, team, committee, government, audience, or-
Quantity Any
chestra, company, jury.
The public were unanimous in their opinion. (Incorrect)
I shall buy some books. (Correct)
[Same opinion]
I shall not buy any books. (Correct)
The public was unanimous in its opinion. (Correct)
Have you bought any books? (Correct)
The jury was divided in its opinion. (Incorrect) [Different
opinion] interrogative some
The jury were divided in their opinion. (Correct)
Will you please give me some water? (Correct)

1. Who () subject whom 2. Less Quantity () few

() object
Whom do you think won the competition? (Incorrect) No less than twenty people were invited. (Incorrect)
Who do you think won the competition? (Correct) No fewer than twenty people were invited. (Correct)
Who did you talk to? (Incorrect)
Whom did you talk to? (Correct) 3. Verb

2. everybody, everyone, anybody, each Common errors determiners , verbs errors ,

Noun/ Pronoun/ Verb Singular () verb - :
| Tense
Each of the boys in the class has finished their tasks. Subject-Verb Agreement
(Incorrect) Non-finite Verbs [Infinitives (to + verb), Participles
Each of the boys in the class has finished his task. (Cor- (Verb + ing), Gerund (Verb + ing)]
rect) Modals
Phrasal Verbs (Verbs + Prepositions)
3. pronouns , pronouns
: second person + third Subject-Verb Agreement
person + first person.
1. nouns eitheror neither nor or
Raju, I and you have finished the work. (Incorrect)
verb pronoun noun
You, Raju and I have finished our studies. (Correct)

4. - Pronoun Either my father or my sister will use their credit card.
pronoun (Incorrect)
Either my father or my sister will use her credit card.
He, being an M.A., he is overqualified for the position. (Correct)
2. nouns along with as well as
He, being an M.A., is over qualified for the position. (Cor-
verb pronoun noun

Mansi, along with her students, were on their way to the
2. Determiners movies. (Incorrect)
Mansi, along with her students, was on her way to the
noun pronoun errors , deter-
movies. (Correct)
miner , : determiner
noun pronoun errors : 3. plural subject
Articles (a/an/the/no article) verb

Testbook Win April 2017 15

when, no sooner...than, etc.]
Eighty kilometres are a good distance. (Incorrect)
Eighty kilometres is a good distance. (Correct)
Five hours is a long duration. (Correct) 1. since, because, as, for
4. singular () nouns and
since because
each every pronoun
as for

Each man and each boy must be rewarded for their good
I respect him as he is the best teacher. (Incorrect)
deeds. (Incorrect)
I respect him because he is the best teacher. (Correct)
Each man and each boy must be rewarded for his good
deeds. (Correct) 2. When , while

5. Many a singular verb
When learning how to sing, technique is of utmost impor-
Many a man were influenced by the speech. (Incorrect)
tance. (Incorrect)
Many a man was influenced by the speech. (Correct)
While learning how to sing, technique is of utmost impor-
6. the number of singular a number of tance. (Correct)
plural verb
A number of changes were made in the report. (Correct) 6. Adjective and Adverbs:
The number of buildings is very low. (Correct)
, adjectives adverbs
errors :
4. Preposition
Degree of Comparison.
10 3 errors prepositions , Adjectives [Adjective of Quantity (more,
: less, etc.), Quality (big, beautiful, etc.), Number (few,
Place/Space Preposition (e.g. at, in, on, some, etc.), Demonstration (this, that, these, etc.),
etc.) Distributive (each, every, etc.)]
Time Preposition (e.g. for, since, by, Adverbs
etc.) Adverbs adjectives (e.g. cowardly, nig-
Direction/Movement Preposition (e.g. gardly, miserly, etc.)
towards, into, etc.)
Compound preposition (e.g. beforehand, above, along,
inside, behind, etc.) 1. adjectives
, adjectives

1. Since for Bhanu is more intelligent and wise than Manu. (Incor-
He has been reading the book since three hours. (Incor- Bhanu is more intelligent and wiser than Manu. (Cor-
rect) rect)
He has been reading the book for three hours. (Correct)
2. Elder
Suyash is my older brother. (Incorrect)
5. Conjunction: Suyash is my elder brother. (Correct)

conjunctions error Older

Conjunction [Additional/contrast/ Raju is elder than all other boys of this class. (Incorrect)
result/reason/time/purpose/condition/etc.] Raju is older than all other boys of this class. (Correct)
Check the correct pair of correlative conjunctions.
[Either...or, neither nor, not only but also, hardly.. 3. comparative degree than

16 April 2017 Testbook Win

, superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, 3. Choose whichever of those (A)/ you are comfortable
anterior, posterior prefer to (B)/ with, but let I illustrate (C)/it with a single example.
(D)/ No error (E)
Gandhi is preferred than Nehru. (Incorrect) 4. The Council would survive without the (A)/ three of
Gandhi is preferred to Nehru. (Correct) them: Sasha, whod sold (B)/ out long ago; Kris, who
needed (C)/ to die; and him, who Andred kill as soon as
he killed Kris. (D)/ No error (E)
Adverbs adjectives confuse | Ad- 5. Even the poor student is (A)/ taught only political
jective, subject adverb, verb economy, while that (B)/ economy of living which is
synonymous(C)/ at philosophy is not even sincerely pro-
The horse looked beautifully. (Incorrect) fessed in our colleges.(D)/ No error (E)
The horse looked beautiful. (Correct) 6. Researchers who study regulation and its effects
(A)/ on business said there have been numerous (B)/
- adjective adverb instances in which regulation (C)/speeds along, rather
adjective adjective than impede, technological progress. (D)/ No error (E)
7. In the past few decades, weve seen how technology
E.g. Miserly, Cowardly, etc. (A)/ has threatened the old order in cultural business-
She was a cowardly woman who never stood up for her- es, (B)/ including the decimation of the music industry,
self. (Correct) death of the cable (C)/ subscription and the annihilation
of newspapers.(D) No error (E)
8. The firms directors called a meeting (A)/with their
Read the sentences to find out whether there is any error consultants (B)/to discuss about the proposal (C)/ put
in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. forward by their rivals (D)/ No Error (E).
The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, 9. The Central Government should know to (A)/ deal
the answer is (E). Ignore errors of punctuation, if any. with those minority political parties (B)/ that indulge in
caste based politics (C)/ for their own benefit. (D)/ No
1. The code will help facilitate credit for (A)/ both large error (E)
enterprises as well as smaller (B)/ ones which have suf- 10. Whenever a known picky buyer (A)/ enters a shop
fered (C) the most under laws like the Sarfaesi Act. (D)/ (B)/ every salesperson secretly exhale (C)/ a sigh of de-
No error (E) spair. (D)/ No error (E)
2. What joy it was to lose (A)/ myself in that garden of
(B)/ flowers, to happily wander from spot to spot (C)/ Answer key:
chasing a beautiful butterfly. (D)/ No error (E) 1. B 2. C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C
8.C 9.A 10. C

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Testbook Win April 2017 17

, Mini Quizzes
SBI PO Reading Comprehension
, . ..!

Reading Compre-
hension RC
| ,
thermore linkers ,

4-5 RC
Step 2: Using Keywords
Keywords RC What, Who, Whom,
Where, When, Why, How
, ,

1. RC common follow |

3. , key words Step 3: Answering the Questions
2 paragraph main idea
Step-by-step Guide to Solve RC
? , mark
, paragraph
Step 1: Read , key-
Passage main idea paragraph
? ,
keywords (
, keywords
2 )
? ,
Keywords keywords
keywords , RC keyword ,
main idea keywords

Keywords :
, ,
A. Main Subject - - RC 10 4
, noun |
B. Doer () - RC ,
// , main subject
: Read Keywords
C. Linkers - Additionally, Moreover, However, Fur- Answer

18 April 2017 Testbook Win

passage paragraph Keywords
Keywords ?

SBI PO Pre Reading Comprehension

a. Infrastructure ( ) (e.g. Roads &
Transport in China, Water Scarcity in Africa, etc.)
b. Environment () (e.g. Air Pollution in Del-
hi, Global Warming & Its Effect on Economies, Ar-
senic contamination in West Bengal, etc.)
A newly published paper sets out to test this second-
c. Social Issues ( ) (e.g. Empowering
ary problem by examining a common-enough situation
Women through Education, Overpopulation & Gen-
taking a taxi ride in a strange city. The authors, a trio of
der Skew, Facilities for Visually impaired) - SBI PO
academics at the University of Innsbruck, sent research-
Pre 3rd July 2016
ers on 400 taxi rides, covering 11 different routes, in Ath-
d. Banking and Technology ( )
ens, Greece. In all cases, the researchers indicated they
(e.g. Mobile Banking, Cyber Security, etc.)
were not familiar with the city. But in half the cases, the
e. Finance & Economy ( ) (e.g. In-
researchers indicated that their employers would be re-
dias GDP, Chinas Employment Issues, Human De-
imbursing them for the journey. The researchers in the
velopment Index,etc.) - SBI PO Pre 3rd July 2016
latter group were 17% more likely to be overcharged for
f. Business & Markets ( ) (e.g.
their trip and paid a fare that was, on average, 7% higher.
Stock Market Collapses, Brexits Effect on Europe-
an Trade, Trumps effect on Indian I-T sector etc.) The most common form of overcharging was not, as
g. Other Science & Technology Topics (e.g. ISROs might be expected, taking a longer route. People on ex-
space mission, GSLV Mk. III, etc.) - SBI PO Pre 9th penses may be less concerned about the cost of a ride
July 2016 but they still care how long it takes. Instead, passengers
were subject to bogus surcharges (a fee for airport pick-
up, for example) or charged the night-time fare in the
keywords daytime.

keywords There was also a difference between the way that taxi
keywords , RC drivers treated different sexes. Women were overcharged
keywords more frequently than men. But they were overcharged
whether or not the driver knew they were travelling on
RC keywords expenses (the difference between the extent of over-
charging was not statistically significant). Drivers may
Moral hazard is a problem that crops up frequently in be tempted to overcharge, the authors believe, because
economics. People behave differently if they do not face members of the higher-fare sex are less likely to com-
the full costs or risks of their actions: deposit insurance plain.
makes customers less careful about choosing their
banks, for example.
Moral hazard can also be second-hand. Take medicine. RC 5
A patient with private insurance may be happy to sit
through extra tests, and a doctor may be happy to order
them. Doctors might be more reluctant to order tests if keywords
they know that the patient would bear the full cost. |

Testbook Win April 2017 19

40-45 second

3. : 10 1-2


, RC
English strong

4. : 10 0-1
paragraph 1 paragraph 2 -
keywords nouns para- RC ,
graph paragraph 3, 4 5 RC RC
Keywords linkers ( linking words 1 2 paragraph
) ,
paragraphs Who, What, Why, Where, When,
Whom, How
, linking words 2
, Q1. What has helped Tomorrow Group acquire more
, wealth?
1. Economic policies
: 2. Market strategies
3. Advertising
4. Political connections
RC 5. Market regulations
, Ans: 4
method , Solution: Mr Xiao, the head of a sprawling investment
RC company called Tomorrow Group, is one of Chinas
wealthiest men, worth at least $6bn. And he made a lot
of his money through political connections.

lines , par-
RC : agraphs Tomorrow Group
2 paragraphs
1. : paragraph Tomorrow
Group ,
30 seconds
10 2-3 : RC para-
(Easy to attempt)
2. : (Voacbulary)
Q2. What image does the Chief Securities regulator have

20 April 2017 Testbook Win

1. Strict bureaucrat Ans: 4
2. Mild mannered bureaucrat Solution: The entire passage is not about the stock mar-
3. Soft spoken bureaucrat ket crash. It is only a fact mentioned in the passage.
4. Innovative economist Thus option 1 can be eliminated.
5. Presidents friend
Ans: 1 A government will obviously support the growth of the
Solution: We will not allow such giant crocodiles to economy. However, the above passage is not based on
flay the skin and suck the blood of retail investors. this premise.
said Liu Shiyu, the chief securities regulator, belying his The problems that the economy faces because of mar-
earlier reputation as a mild-mannered bureaucrat. ket manipulators have not been enumerated in the pas-
sage. Thus it does not form the main idea.
the chief securities regulator The passage is about how the government is actively try-
now has an aggressive image as compared to his previ- ing to eliminate the manipulators from the market. Thus
ous image of a mild mannered bureaucrat. : it forms the main idea of the passage.
- RC

(Easy to Attempt)

Q3. Who has got a record punishment in China for eco-
nomic crimes? (Difficult to Attempt)

1. Xiao Jianhua Q5. What does the phrase take with a pinch of salt
2. Xu Xiang mean?
3. Chen Jianhe
1. Take in a humorous way
4. Liu Shiyu
2. Take as a compliment
5. Cinda Securities
3. Take in an appreciating way
Ans: 2
4. Take in a disbelieving manner
Solution: On January 23rd Xu Xiang was found guilty of
5. Believe completely
market manipulation. He was sentenced to five-and-a-
Ans: 4
half years in jail and fined 11bn yuan ($1.6bn), a record
Solution: The phrase take with a pinch of salt means to
in China for economic crimes.
not believe something completely. Thus, take in a dis-
Thus, option 2 is the correct answer.
believing manner is the most appropriate meaning from
paragraph the given options.
vocabulary ()
passage :,

(Easy to Attempt)
paragraph 2
Q4. What is the main idea behind the passage?
(Moderately difficult to Attempt)
1. The stock market in China is facing recession.
2. Chinas government is actively supporting the growth Q6. Who can be inferred to be protected by the govern-
of the economy. ment?
3. Chinas economy is facing problems because of mar-
1. Market manipulators
ket manipulators.
2. Political bureaucrats
4. Chinas government is actively trying to eliminate mar-
3. Retail investors
ket manipulators.
4. Speculative stocks
5. None of the above.
5. Cannot be inferred

Testbook Win April 2017 21

Ans: 3
Solution: We will not allow such giant crocodiles to (Easy to Attempt)
flay the skin and suck the blood of retail investors.
said Liu Shiyu, the chief securities regulator. Q9. What is the opposite of the word tentative?
The steps taken by the government to eliminate market
1. Speculative
manipulators is solely to protect the retail investors and
2. Conjectural
reduce the effect of speculation in the market. Thus op-
3. Hesitant
tion 3 is the correct answer.
4. Doubtful
, 5. Definite
paragraph Ans: 5
: Solution: The word tentative means uncertain or not
(Easy to Attempt) fixed. Thus all the words except definite are synonyms
of the given word. The correct answer is option 5.
Q7. What is the meaning of the word shenanigans?
vocabulary highlight
1. Activity lines
2. Dishonest activity
3. Mischief (Easy to Attempt)
4. Fortune
5. Connections Q10. What can be the reason for the market to be de-
Ans: 2 scribed as swampy?
Solution: The meaning of the word shenanigans is se-
1. It will take time to eliminate market manipulators.
cret or dishonest activity.
2. The market is dirty.
vocabulary () RC 3. The presence of market manipulators.
4. Corruption in politics.
shenanigans 5. Both 3 and 4.
highlight lines Ans: 5
: Solution: The stock market is described to be swampy
due to the presence of market manipulators and the cor-
(Easy to Attempt) ruption in politics both of which help such manipulators
to thrive. Thus option 5 is the correct answer.
Q8. What is a synonym for the word miscreants?

1. Reprobate paragraph :
2. Guilty
3. Culpable (Difficult to Attempt)
4. Innocent
5. Wicked RC 10 analysis
Ans: 1 :
Solution: Miscreant is a noun that means a person
Reading 2 paragraphs and making notes for key-
who has done something wrong or unlawful. Thus the
words: 2-3 Mins
correct synonym would be reprobate. Innocent is op-
Time taken to solve all 6 Easy to Attempt Ques-
posite of the meaning. The other words given are adjec-
tions: 4-5 Mins (40 seconds per question)
Time taken to read extra paragraphs or lines: 2 Mins
vocabulary Total time taken: 8-10 Mins
, miscreant
total time 5-6
highlight lines

22 April 2017 Testbook Win

While India stood on a relatively solid pool of global
knowledge skills compared with other emerging mar-
, Vocabulary
kets, the country is not able to retain and attract talent.
questions (i.e. Synonym, Antonym and Phrase
In terms of retaining and attracting talent, India was
ranked at a lowly 104th and 114th, respectively. This
RC /
is not likely to improve until India boosts performance

in its regulatory (94th) and market (99th) landscapes,

the report said. It further said that overall, a challenge
for countries such as China and India is to attract talent

from abroad, particularly in the context of large emigra-

tion rates of high-skilled people.
India has been able to create a stable pool of global
RC noun knowledge skills, but it has suffered in the Retain pil-
/ - lar (104th). Although diasporas have been engaged
successfully in some industries, a great deal of talent
continues to leave the country, and thus India still expe-
riences a brain drain, the report added.
Meanwhile, the index also released the first-ever glob-
Directions: Read the passage given below and then al ranking of cities on the basis of their reputation and
answer the questions given below the passage. Some growing footprint in attracting, growing, and retaining
words may be highlighted for your attention. Pay careful global talent. Mumbai was the only Indian city that has
attention. made it to this coveted list, topped by Copenhagen. The
top 10 global cities in terms of talent competitiveness
India has slipped 3 places to 92nd rank on the global
include Zurich, Helsinki, San Francisco, Gothenburg, Ma-
index of talent competitiveness that measures how
drid, Paris, Los Angeles, Eindhoven and Dublin.
countries grow, attract and retain talent, a list topped
by Switzerland. Indias ranking is worst among the five Q1. What is Russias rank on the global index of talent
BRICS countries.While China was ranked at the 54th competitiveness?
place, Russian Federation was placed two ranks be-
low China, followed by South Africa at 67th and Brazil 1) 89th
81st. Switzerland topped the overall index, followed by 2) 56th
Singapore and the United Kingdom in second and third 3) 92nd
places respectively, in the list released on Monday by 4) 54th
INSEAD Produced in partnership with The Adecco Group 5) 52th
and the Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore
(HCLI). Others in the top 10 include the United States Q2. What was Indias last year rank?
(4th), Sweden (5th), Australia (6th), Luxembourg (7th),
1) 89th
Denmark (8th), Finland (9th) and Norway (10th).
2) 90th
Last year, India came in at 89th on the index. The report 3) 91st
noted that the BRICS countries are not getting stronger 4) 92nd
and both China and India have slipped from their year- 5) 93rd
ago rankings. Although China attains an impressive 4th
Q3. Which was the only Indian city to have made to the
place in the sub-pillar of Talent Impact and is solid in the
coveted list of first- ever global ranking of cities?
Grow pillar mainly supported by good formal education
(23rd) and lifelong learning (20th), the shortage of voca- 1) New Delhi
tional and technical skills shows up clearly, the report 2) Kolkata
said. 3) Chennai

Testbook Win April 2017 23

4) Mumbai 3) Abandon
5) Bangalore 4) Preserve
5) Desert
Q4. Why does India have a low rank when it comes to
attracting talent? Q8. From the given options choose the correct antonym
for the highlighted word emigration.
1) India is an under developed country and hence cannot
attract talent. 1) Migration
2) India has too much talent of its own and hence does 2) Propagation
not bother to attract outside talent. 3) Immigration
3) Because of strong regulations against outsiders and 4) Defection
markets that are not outsider friendly. 5) Exodus
4) India does not have a low rank when it comes to at-
tracting talent. Q9. What is the meaning of the highlighted phrase brain
5) India is a developing economy and the rules and regu- drain?
lations are only for the betterment of the citizens.
1) The action of draining the brain after death.
Q5. According to the passage, what allows a country to 2) The emigration of highly trained or qualified people
grow? from a particular country.
3) The immigration of highly trained or qualified people
1) Open research funding from a particular country.
2) Open markets and regulations favoring foreign talent 4) The loss of brain activity due to a surgery or life
3) Good vocational and technical skills training threatening disease.
4) Investments in education 5) When brains in laboratory work are poured down the
5) Good formal education and lifelong learning drain.

Q6. From the given options choose the correct descrip- Q10. What is the main idea of the passage?
tion of the countries in the top 10 of the list.
1) A summary of the report on the global index of talent
1) Countries at war competitiveness.
2) Third world 2) What is global index of talent competitiveness.
3) Underdeveloped 3) How countries are suffering from brain drain.
4) Developing 4) Indias position in the global index of talent compet-
5) Developed itiveness.
5) Chinas position global index of talent competitive-
Q7. From the given options choose the correct synonym ness.
for the highlighted word retain.
Answer key:
1) Recollect 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 5) 5 6) 5 7) 4
2) Remember 8) 3 9) 2 10) 1

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24 April 2017 Testbook Win

Word List & Memory Tips
words -
, !

Vocabulary () Building Use in Sentence: The new flavours added by the chef
complemented the dish.
Reading Comprehension Compliment (noun,verb)
Vocabulary Hindi translation:
Memory Tip: Compliment Comply + ment (Com-
ply = ) , !
How to Remember meaning of Words

- Vocabulary |
| ,


1. Complement vs Compliment
Use in Sentence: She was complimented for her good
Complement (noun, verb)
Hindi translation:
Memory Tip: Comple + ment To Complete + mend 2. Fastidious vs Factious
(mend = repair) To complete.
complement Fastidious (adjective)
Hindi Translation: ,
Memory Tip: Fastidious ,
, fast-fast

Testbook Win April 2017 25

Use in Sentence: The officer took bribe and divulged the
secret information to terrorists.

Deluge (noun, verb)

Hindi translation: ,
Memory Tip: Deluge = The + huge (huge :
) The huge response (deluge of response) re-
ceived from the supporters surprised me.

Use in Sentence: Kim becomes fastidious upon seeing

dirty floors. She likes neat and tidy homes.

Factious (adjective)
Hindi translation: OR
Memory Tip: Factious fractions (= )
Faction division.
Use in Sentence: The deluge was responsible for the de-
struction in the Kashmir Valley.

4. Affluent vs Effluent

Affluent (adjective)
Hindi translation: ,
Memory Tip: Af + fluent After + Influence After you
become affluent (very rich) you have influence.

Use in Sentence: The Party members were factious on

choosing the new leader.

3. Divulge vs Deluge

Divulge (verb)
Hindi translation: (announce )
Memory Tip: Divulge Div + ulge Divaar + Urge
, suppress your urge to divulge
my secrets to anyone. Use in Sentence: When Sameers parents used their af-
fluence to build the schools new library, Sameer easily
got admission into the school.

Effluent (noun)
Hindi translation: ,
Memory Tip: Ef FLU ENT Flowing Pollutant.

26 April 2017 Testbook Win

Use in Sentence: The imperious demands for expensive
things from his wife make him irritated.

Use in Sentence: Industrial effluents flow into rivers and

pollute them.

5. Impervious vs Imperious

Impervious (adjective)
Hindi translation:
Memory Tip: Im + pervious Impossible +

1. The ________ (weather/whether) in Mumbai has be-

come hot.
2. He needs to ________ (except/accept) the fact that he
is not going to get a job without working hard.
3. The ________ (prospective/perspective) buyer is com-
Use in Sentence: The girl seemed impervious to her par- ing to take a look at the house.
ents anger and continued to disobey them. 4. I am afraid that the number of Facebook accounts will
________ (accede/exceed) the number of people on the
Imperious (adjective) planet.
Hindi translation: , 5. The trio finally called it a night with the likelihood of
Memory Tip: Imperious Emperor Emperors (kings) ________ (restful/restive) sleep a pipe dream.
are arrogant and give orders which makes them imperi-
ous! :

1. Nothing else mattered ________ (accept/except) that

she was alive.
2. The Roman government declined to ________ (accede/
exceed) to these arrangements.
3. His ________ (perspective/prospective) towards life
has turned pessimistic after the tragedy.
4. I will tell you tomorrow________ (whether/weather) I
will go for the game.
5. He got angry as his horse was getting ________ (res-
tive/restful): it pawed the frozen ground, pricking its ears
at the noise and looking at the lights.

Testbook Win April 2017 27

Answers: Down:

Across: 1. Except means not including; other than. Here, noth-

ing else matters other than her being alive.
1. Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particu-
2. Accede is to agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
lar place. Here the weather of Mumbai was getting hot.
Here the Roman government refused to accede.
2 Accept is consent to receive or undertake (some-
3. Perspective means a viewpoint about something.
thing offered). He has has to accept the fact..
Here, it is a viewpoint on life.
3. Prospective is a probable candidate for something.
4. Whether is expressing a doubt or choice between
Here, he was a probably going to buy the house.
alternatives just like if.
4. Exceed is to be greater in number or size than. Here
5. Restive means unable to remain still, silent, or sub-
facebook users will exceed the number of people.
missive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfac-
5. Restful is having a quiet and soothing quality. Here
tion. Here, the horse was restive and so the master was
the sleep was restful.

28 April 2017 Testbook Win

Memory - Based Question Paper
Mock Test PO perfect

, IPPB PO Prelims paper

Q.1 : , |
/ :
| M N O < P Q; R = S; P < R; U M; T < M
: :
A > B C D; M > E; D > E = F G; H = G I I. M < P
: II. S > Q
I. F I III. T < O
II. M > G 1)
III. C F 2) I II
1) 3) II III
2) I II 4) I III
3) II III 5)
4) I III
5) Q.4 : ,
Q.2 : |
, / :
| H E; J > L; R > L; H < J
: :
Q = P R; T < U; A = T; A > E; T S > R I. H < L
: II. E > J
I. R U III. J < R
II. S = E 1)
III. R A 2) I
1) 3) II
2) I II 4) II III
3) II III 5) III
4) I III
5) Q.5 : ,
Q.3 : , |
/ : R < U; P > U; K = R; D > R

Testbook Win April 2017 29

: 3)
I. D > K 4)
II. D > P 5)
III. R > U
1) Q.9
2) I ?
3) II 1) E, D
4) III 2) H, D
5) 3) H, F
4) E, F
(Q.6 Q.10): 5) E, K
: D, E, F, G, H, J K Q.10 H D ?
: , , , , , 1)
, | 2)
: , , , , , 3)
, | 4)
J , 30 | J
(Q.11 Q.12):
| K F , |
| K F C, A 5 G, C 3 | B,
| A 5 E, B 6 |
, 30 | C 12 1 ,
| K D | E 2 1
F |
| G H | D
, | Q.11 B 5
F | 1 , F
Q.6 K ? 1) D, 1
1) 2) E, 2
2) 3) A, 3
3) 4) D, 5
4) 5)
Q.12 A 7 1
Q.7 F ? , ?
1) 1) D
2) 2) E
3) 3) C
4) 4) B
5) 5) G

(Q.13 Q.14):
Q.8 ,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G H
| :
, , , , , ,
, |

30 April 2017 Testbook Win

D | A (Q.18 Q.22):
E, G | , G |
| G : , , , , , ,
, | A E | A 7 2017
E | H
| A |
E | H | E : 2001, 2010, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2002, 2006
| G B 2003 ,
| E A |
| | |
Q.13 D |
? 2 |
1) |
3) | , 2008
4) |
5) , 2006 |
21 |
Q.14 D ?
1) D

2) E B, D
3) D
| 5 |
4) D ,
Q.18 ?
5) 1)
Q.15 H,
| , B, |
______ |
1) F
2) G Q.19 ?
3) A 1) 2003
4) D 2) 15
5) C 3) 8
Q.16 G B ?
1) D
2) Q.20 ?
3) 1) 2
4) 2) 5
5) A 3) 6
4) 3
Q.17 H ?
5) 8
2) Q.21
3) ?
4) 1)
5) 2)

Testbook Win April 2017 31

4) 4) 3
5) 5)

Q.22 ? Q.26 III : win 75 van 15 39 setup gap

1) 12 28
2) 10 ?
3) 24 1) Van 15 win 75 39 setup gap 28
4) 16 2) Van win 75 15 39 setup gap 28
5) 3) 15 75 win van 39 setup gap 28
(Q.23 Q.27): 5)
| Q.27 II : vein 73 13 45 man sort 60 key
: ?
: 20 push rest on 39 27 85 golden 1) VIII
I: rest 20 push on 39 27 85 golden 2) IX
II: rest 85 20 push on 39 27 golden 3) VII
III: rest 85 push 20 on 39 27 golden 4) VI
IV: rest 85 push 39 20 on 27 golden 5)
V: rest 85 push 39 on 20 27 golden
VI: rest 85 push 39 on 27 20 golden (Q.28 Q.29):
VII: rest 85 push 39 on 27 golden 20 |
VII | : J, K, L, M, N, P, Q R | N, R
| P, J , R
| | N , L K | R, M
| Q, N |
Q.23 : hat full 17 37 well now 85 69
VI ? Q.28 M, P ?
1) Well 85 now 69 full hat 17 37 1)
2) Well 85 now 69 hat full 17 37 2)
3) Well 85 now 69 hat 37 full 17 3)
4) There will be no such step 4)
5) 5)

Q.24 : jet fuel 97 38 gone 29 75 blast Q.29 K ?

III 1) J
? 2) R
1) 97 3) M
2) Fuel 4) L
3) 75 5)
4) Gone
(Q.30 Q.32):
Q.25 II : table 83 50 34 glory flower must save some money ze lo
ring 66 ka gi | he made good money fe ka so no |
he must be good no lo da so be good
? save grace we so ze da |
1) 4
Q.30 Grace of money ?
2) 5
1) ka da fe
3) 6
2) we ka so

32 April 2017 Testbook Win

3) ja da we :
4) ka we yo I. |
5) ja ka ze II. |

Q.31 good ? (Q.36 - Q.40):

1) so (?) ?
2) we
3) ze Q.36 418, 208, 102, 48,?, 5
4) lo 1) 22
5) fe 2) 24
3) 20
Q.32 ze ? 4) 18
1) some 5) 30
2) must
3) be Q.37 180, 191, 193, 203, 206,?
4) grace 1) 215
5) save 2) 225
3) 205
Q.33 TEXTBOOK 4) 315
, , 5) 305
1) Q.38 3, 4, 9, 28,?, 566
2) 1) 111
3) 2) 112
4) 3) 113
5) 4) 114
5) 115
I II | , Q.39 153, 155, 160, 170, 187,?
| 1) 211
2) 212
| 3) 213
1) I 4) 214
2) II 5) 215
3) I II
Q.40 3, 1.5, 1.5, 3, 12, 96,?
4) I II
1) 1530
5) I II
2) 1430
Q.34 : 3) 1636
| 4) 1436
| 5) 1536
(Q.41 - Q.45):

I. |

II. |

Q.35 : 2016

Testbook Win April 2017 33

1) 89.10
2) 87.25
3) 79.77
4) 81.50
5) 83.25

(Q.46 - Q.50):
: A, B, C, D E -2014 -2015
( . )
Q.46 2015 , 2016 B
1) 260%
2) 255%
3) 258%
4) 270%
5) 275%

Q.42 2017 ,
20% , 25%
, 2017
( ) ?
1) 38970
20% 2014 , 2016
2) 42170
E 35% , 2016 B
3) 44165
2016 E
4) 47195
1) 21
Q.43 2) 24
, 3) 26
| 4) 28
1) 2409 : 3199 5)
2) 3199 : 2409
Q.47 2014 A, C E
3) 3231 : 1652
, 2015 B D
4) 1625 : 3243
/ ?
1) 31.5 %
Q.44 2) 31.75%
3) 29.75%
| 4) 31.25%
1) 51 5)
2) 43
Q.48 2014 2015
3) 37
4) 41
1) 420
5) 39
2) 380
Q.45 10% 3) 450
45% 4) 480

34 April 2017 Testbook Win

5) 1) 1364
2) 1284
Q.49 2014 2015 C 3) 1348
2014 2015 4) 1388
D | 5)
1) 4 : 7
2) 7 : 3 (Q.56 - Q.60): (I)
3) 3 : 7 (II)
4) 5 : 7
5) 7 : 5
1) x > y
Q.50 2014 A B 2) x y
2015 D E 3) x < y
| 4) x y
1) 140 5) x = y x y
2) 150
3) 190 Q.56 I. x2 + 12x + 36 = 0 II. y2 + 15y + 56 = 0
4) 170
5) 160 Q.57 I. x2 = 35 II. y2 + 13y + 42 = 0

: (?) Q.58 I. 2x2 3x 35 = 0 II. y2 7y + 6 = 0

Q.59 I. 6x2 29x + 35 = 0 II. 2y2 - 19y + 35 = 0
Q.51 21/6 + (33/4 - 11/4) = ?
1) 45/12 Q.60 I. 12x2 47x + 40 = 0 II. 4y2 + 3y 10 = 0
2) 41/4
3) 47/12 Q.61 24 ,
4) 51/4 16
5) 5/6
6 ,
Q.52 36251 + 43261 = ? + 52310 ?
1) 27202 1) 7/3
2) 28102 2) 4
3) 29302 3) 2.5
4) 26602 4) 3
5) 5)

Q.53 35 of 143 + 262 = 61800 ? Q.62 A B 9720 . , 19 ,

1) 56533 B C , A 17
2) 57533 B
3) 58533 1) 4320 .
4) 37355 2) 4610 .
5) 3) 4260 .
4) 4160 .
Q.54 72% of 486 261 64% = ?
1) 184.66
2) 183.66 Q.63 A B 20 A C
3) 188.88 19 B C
4) 182.88 21 A, B C ?
5) 186.24
1) 22, 18, 20
Q.55 ? 62 12 = 264 2) 18, 22, 20

Testbook Win April 2017 35

3) 22, 20, 18 1) 366
4) 18, 20, 22 2) 352.94
5) 3) 267
4) 267
Q.64 , 75% 5) 366.58
18522 , 75% Q.69 1.8 . 144
? 137/36%
1) 36000 , 2.4 .
2) 36400 ?
3) 33600 1) 1411/23%
4) 34800 2) 14 19/27%
5) 3) 15%
4) 15 20/27%
Q.65 : A B | 5)
8:5 5:2 693/13%
Q.70 3 10%, 12%
? 15% 3 , 5 6
1) 3:5 ,
2) 5:2 ?
3) 5:7 1) 2:3:6
4) 2:7 2) 2:5:6
5) 3) 6:5:2
4) 6:5:3
Q.66 , 802 5)

3:4 , (2 Directions (Q.71 - Q.80): Read the following passage
) ? carefully and the questions given below it. Certain
1) 6144 2 words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them
2) 6515 2 while answering some of the questions.
3) 6554 2
4) 6600 2 Chinas rising power is based on its remarkable eco-
5) nomic success. Shanghais overall economy is currently
growing at around 13% per year, thus doubling in size
Q.67 50% 168200 . every five or six years. Everywhere there are start-ups,
innovations, and young entrepreneurs hungry for prof-
, 15 13 its. In a series of high level meetings between Chinese
18 , and African officials, the advice that the African leaders
| 5% received from the Chinese was sound, and more practi-
, ? cal than they typically get from the World Bank. Chinese
1) 42050 . officials stress the crucial role of public investments,
2) 40000 . especially in agriculture and infrastructure, to lay the ba-
3) 45000 . sis for private sector-led growth. In a hungry and poor
4) 45500 . rural economy, as China was in the 1970s and as most
5) of Africa is today, a key starting point is to raise farm
productivity. Farmers need the benefits of fertilizer, irri-
Q.68 20% , 85% gation and high-yield seeds, all of which were a core part
, 80% , 60 of Chinas economical takeoff. Two other equally critical
? ( investments are also needed: roads and electricity, with-
) out which there cannot be a modern economy. Farmers

36 April 2017 Testbook Win

might be able to increase their output, but it wont be education. It is clear the Bank can regain its relevance
able to reach the cities, and the cities wont be able to only if it becomes practical once again, by returning its
provide the countryside with inputs. The government has focus to financing public investments in priority sectors.
taken pains to ensure that the electricity grids and trans- If that happens, the Bank can still do justice to the bold
portation networks reach every village in China. China is vision of a world of shared prosperity that prompted its
prepared to help Africa in substantial ways in agriculture, creation after World War II.
roads, power, health and education. And that is not an
empty boast. Chinese leaders are prepared to share new (The topic of the passage asked in the exam was based
high-yield rice varieties, with their African counterparts on World Bank report on African economy)
and, all over Africa, China is financing and constructing
Q.71 The authors main objective in writing the passage
basic infrastructure.
is to
This illustrates what is wrong with the World Bank. The 1) make a case for the closure of the World Bank since
World Bank has often forgotten the most basic lessons it promotes US interests over those of other countries.
of development, preferring to lecture the poor and force 2) illustrate how China can play a more concrete role in
them to privatise basic infrastructure, which is untena- Africa.
ble, rather than to help the poor to invest in infrastruc- 3) criticise the World Bank for playing a crucial role in
ture and other crucial sectors. The Banks failure began Chinas development but neglecting Africa.
in the early 1980s when under the ideological sway of 4) recommend that China adopt the guidelines of the
the American President and British Prime Minister it World Bank to sustain growth.
tried to get Africa and other poor regions to cut back 5) use Chinas success as an example of the changes
or close down government investments and services. required in World Bank ideology.
For 25 years, the bank tried to get governments out of
Q.72 What advice have African leaders received from
agriculture, leaving impoverished peasants to fend for
their Chinese counterparts?
themselves. The result has been a disaster in Africa,
(A) Focus primarily on innovation, start-ups and urban
with farm productivity stagnant for decades. The bank
also pushed for privatization of national health systems,
(B) To ensure all citizens benefit from economic devel-
water utilities, and road and power networks, and has
opment, investment in crucial sectors should come from
grossly underfinanced these critical sectors. This ex-
the government, not the private sector.
treme free-market ideology, also called structural ad-
(C) Improve agricultural output through government in-
justment, went against the practical lessons of devel-
vestment to stimulate economic growth.
opment successes in China and the rest of Asia.
1) Both (A) & (C)
Practical development strategy recognises that public
2) Only (C)
investments- in agriculture, health, education, and infra-
3) Only (B)
structure-are necessary complements to private invest-
4) Both (A) & (B)
ments. The World Bank has instead wrongly seen such
5) None of these
vital public investments as an enemy of private sector
development. Whenever the banks ideology failed, it has Q.73 What effect has the World Bank policy had on Afri-
blamed the poor for corruption, mismanagement, or lack can nations?
of initiative. Instead of focusing its attention on helping 1) The African government has restricted private sector
the poorest countries to improve their infrastructure, investment in agriculture.
there has been a crusade against corruption. The good 2) Africa has focused more on health and education
news is that African governments are getting the mes- rather than on agriculture.
sage on how to spur economic growth and are getting 3) The agriculture sector in these countries is not as pro-
crucial help from China and other partners that are less ductive as it could be.
wedded to extreme free-market ideology than the World 4) US and Britain have volunteered substantial aid to Af-
Bank. They have declared their intention to invest in infra- rica as Africa has complied with World Bank ideology.
structure, agriculture modernisation, public health, and 5) None of these

Testbook Win April 2017 37

Q.74 What is the difference in the Chinese and World on its loans to Africa.
Bank approach to development? 5) None of these
1) Unlike the World Bank, China favors the public sector
and restricts private sector participation in crucial sec- Q.78 What advice has the author given the World Bank?
tors. 1) Support Chinas involvement in developing Africa
2) Contrary to Chinas strategy of dependence on the 2) Reduce the influence of the US and Britain in its func-
private sector, the World Bank pressurises governments tioning
to take the lead in investing in agriculture. 3) Adopt a more practical ideology of structural adjust-
3) While the World Bank has focused on agriculture, Chi- ment
nas priority has been rooting out corruption so that in- 4) Change its ideology to one encouraging both public
vestment in infrastructure is utilised appropriately. and private sector investment in basic infrastructure
4) The Chinese government favors private sector in- 5) Focus on fighting corruption rather than interfering in
volvement, while the World Bank has retained control the governance of developing countries
over essential services like transport.
Directions (Q.79 - Q.80): Choose the word/group of
5) None of these
words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word/
Q.75 Which of the following cannot be said about struc- group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.
tural adjustment?
1) It is the World Banks free market ideology adapted by
1) Enervate
Asian countries.
2) Indigent
2) Under this strategy public sector investment in priori-
3) Penurious
ty sectors is discouraged.
4) Destitute
3) As a development strategy it has failed in Africa.
5) Opulent
4) With this strategy there has been a lack of adequate
investment in critical sectors. Q.80 CRUSADE
5) It is an ideology advocated by the World Bank which 1) Offensive
needs to be modified to facilitate economic growth. 2) Sortie
3) Drive
Q.76 Which of the following is NOT true in the context of
4) Onslaught
the passage?
5) Fortification
(A) Chinas involvement in Africa so far has been re-
stricted to advising its leaders. Directions (Q.81 - Q.90): Read each sentence to find out
(B) The World Bank was created by the US and Britain whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if
for the sole purpose of furthering their interests. any, will be one part of the sentence. The number of that
(C) Chinas economy was once in the same state as part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5).
many African countries are today. (ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
1) None
2) Only (B) Q.81 The blinds life (1)/ is really very miserable (2)/
3) Only (A) because they cant see (3)/ what happens around them.
4) Both (A) & (B) (4)/ No Error. (5)
5) None of these
Q.82 A cell (1)/ is the smallest (2)/ identifiable unit of
Q.77 Why is the author optimistic about Africas future? life and cannot be (3)/ seen with a naked eye. (4)/ No
1) The World Bank has committed itself to invest huge error (5).
sums in Africas development.
Q.83 It is true (1)/ that I met (2)/ the Chief Minister (3)/
2) Africa has decided to adopt a structural adjustment
at one of my friends houses. (4)/ No Error. (5)
ideology which has benefited many nations.
3) Africa has committed itself to adopting Chinas strat- Q.84 She asked him (1)/ what it was that made him (2)/
egy for economic growth. so much stronger and braver (3)/ than any man (4)/. No
4) China has urged the World Bank to waive the interest

38 April 2017 Testbook Win

error. (5) ry disease. The six are the main cause of local pollution
but have little to do with climate change, since they do
Q.85 The invention of the modern (1)/ gadgets like mo- not include carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.
bile phone, microwave, etc (2)/ have not been without Scientists from Berkeley Earth, a not-for-profit founda-
any affect (3)/concluded the new study.(4)/ No error. tion in America, have (96) through this recent cloud
(5) of data for the four months to early August 2014, sieved
out the bits that are manifestly wrong (readings where
Q.86 The buildings roof (1)/ needs repairing otherwise
the dial seems to be stuck, for instance) and emerged
(2)/ it may fall down and (3)/ result into many persons
with the most detailed and up-to-date picture of Chinese
death. (4)/ No Error. (5)
air pollution so far.
Q.87 The economic structure of Indian household (1)/
Pollution is sky-high (97) in China. Some 83% of
is such that girls are required to help (2)/in household
Chinese are (98)... to air that, in America, would be
work and also (3)/ perform their chores. (4)/ No error
deemed by the Environmental Protection Agency either
to be unhealthy or unhealthy for sensitive groups. Almost
Q.88 Closing the doors to a foreign citizen (1)/ seeking half the population of China experiences levels of PM2.5
employment in India, the High Court on Thursday ruled that are (99)... Americas highest threshold. That is
(2)/ that it is not a foreign nationals fundamental right even (100) than the satellite data had suggested.
(3)/ to get an employment visa in the country. (4)/ No
Q.91 1) Frightened
error (5)
2) Spooked
Q.89 Demand for diesel cars, which has (1)/ been on the 3) Startled
rise for the last few years, (2)/ may dip as the govern- 4) Pleased
ment is increasing the price (3)/ of the fuel, bringing it 5) Agitated
closer to that of petrol. (4)/ No error (5)
Q.92 1) Situated
Q.90 Not only was the actress over the Moon (1)/ as 2) Stationed
winning an award, but was (2)/ also deeply touched by 3) Based
the support (3)/ she got from the industry. (4)/ No error 4) Enacted
(5) 5) Disambiguated

Directions (Q.91 - Q.100): In the following passage Q.93 1) Countering

there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. 2) Retorting
These numbers are printed below the passage and 3) Answering
against each five words are suggested, one of which fits 4) Greeting
the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words. 5) Responding

The capitals airpocalypse, the choking smog that de- Q.94 1) Fugitive
scended on Beijing in the winter of 2012-13, galvanised 2) Felon
public opinion and (91)... the government. The strange 3) Miscreant
thing is, though, that information about air pollution 4) Culprit
how extensive it is, how much damage it doeshas 5) Suspect
long been sketchy, (92) mostly on satellite data or
Q.95 1) Hamper
computer models. Until now(93) to the outcry, the
2) Cause
government set up a national air-reporting system which
3) Lead
now has almost 1,000 monitoring stations, pumping out
4) Result
hourly reports on six pollutants, including sulphur diox-
5) Originate
ide, ozone and (the main (94) particulate matter less
than 2.5 microns in diameter, or PM2.5. These are tiny Q.96 1) Seined
particles which lodge in the lungs and (95) respirato- 2) Drained

Testbook Win April 2017 39

3) Carried 5) Concealed
4) Trawled
5) Propelled Q.99 1) Above
2) Over
Q.97 1) All over 3) Aloft
2) Nowhere 4) Beyond
3) Around 5) After
4) Ubiquitous
5) Everywhere Q.100 1) Better
2) Worse
Q.98 1) Exposed 3) Poor
2) Obscured 4) Horrible
3) Exhibited 5) Repugnant
4) Blocked

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