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Ideal English Year 1 Page 1 of 1

Track 25
Activity 2
Listen carefully to the story.
Wing Hong likes scary movies. Dont watch those films! said his sister. They
are too scary! Wing Hong laughed. Im not scared, he said.
The next day, there was a storm. Wing Hong came home from school in the rain.
There was lightning in the sky and loud thunder.
Wing Hong walked up the stairs to his home on the fifth floor. Through the noise
of the rain and thunder, he heard footsteps behind him. Wing Hong stopped. The
footsteps stopped. Wing Hong went on. The footsteps went on.
Then Wing Hong saw a shadow on the stairs behind him. Someone was
following him! He walked faster but the shadow was still there.
When Wing Hong reached the third floor, he looked back again. The shadow was
coming after him. It had a knife in its hand! Wing Hong was very scared. There was no
one to help him. He ran as fast as he could to the fourth floor. He stopped and listened.
The footsteps were still following him!
Where was the key to his door? Wing Hongs hands were shaking.
He could not find his key. The shadow with the knife had reached the fifth floor!
It would get him! Oh no!
The shadow was coming closer and closer. Wing Hong shut his eyes. He opened
his mouth to scream.
Hello, Wing Hong, said a familiar voice.
Wing Hong opened his eyes. It was his father! He was holding a newspaper in
his hand. Phew!

Get into groups of four. Talk about scary movies. Do you like watching scary movies?
(Any suitable answer)
Why was Wing Hong afraid of the shadow? Take turns to tell one another what you
(He thought the shadow was of a man with a knife and that the man was going to hurt
Do you think Wing Hong will watch scary movies after this?
(Any suitable answer)

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