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Ideal English Year 1 Page 1 of 1

Track 27
Activity 4
Listen carefully to the story.
The Three Little Ducks
The school workman found three little ducks near the school. He took the little
ducks to a classroom. You can look after them, he said to the children.
The children loved the little ducks. They gave them food. They played with them.
The little ducks followed the children around the school.
One of the children filled a basin with water. The ducks swam and splashed in the
basin. They were getting bigger.
Soon the ducks were big and fat. When the children ran, the ducks ran with
them. When the children sat down, the ducks sat down too.
The workman looked at the ducks. They are nice and fat, he said. Tomorrow I
will cook them.
Oh no! cried the children. You cant cook our lovely ducks!
That night, some of the children crept into the school. They called out to the
ducks and the ducks came to them. The children walked out of the school, and the
ducks followed them. Soon the ducks were safe at the house of one of the children.
The next day, the workman was very angry. He talked to the headmaster. The
headmaster talked to the children. Has anyone seen the ducks? the headmaster
asked. The children did not say a word. They just smiled at one another. They had saved
their lovely ducks!

Get into groups of three and number yourselves ONE, TWO and THREE
in your group. Answer the questions according to your number.
This question is for PUPIL 1 to answer: Who found the three little ducks?
(The workman at the school)
PUPIL 2: Did the children take good care of the little ducks? What did they do?
(The children fed and played with the ducks.)
PUPIL 3: Why did the children take the ducks away from the school?
(The workman wanted to eat the ducks. The children saved the ducks by taking them
Now take turns to tell one another about your pets. If you dont have one, talk about
which pet you would like to have and why.

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