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Developmental Domains

Childs Initials: HH
Childs Birth Date: August 24, 2015

Social-Emotional Development
Complete the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five appropriate for your focus child
for the domain listed.
List childs strengths based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
1. Increasingly enthusiastic about company or other children

2. Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) that
supports the strength.
When HH is in class he seems to enjoy the company of his friends and teachers.
When HH was in the room and one of the Assistant Directors walked his he ran to
them and gave them a hug. He then smiled and said, Up! Later on HH was
dancing to the music, that is when one of his friends came through the door. He ran
to his friend yelling his name with a big smile on his face. He then grabbed his hand
and began to dance with him. Below is the picture of HH and his friend dancing
together. HH also smiles and says HH HERE! when he comes to school to start the
day. He seems to be on track with his social and emotional skills.
For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), include a photograph supporting the strength.
HH has the tendency to imitate others when in the classroom. For example, one of
HHs peer start to scream, ran to a bucket, and place his hands inside. HH watched
him do it once or twice before he joined in. HH would scream, ran to a bucket, and
place his hands inside along with his friend. They did this over and over for about
two minutes. Henry has also imitated his teacher. When we were outside playing
with the parachute one of the teacher stuck herself under the parachute when it
went up. When it started to come down she popped up and said peek-a-boo. Henry
laughed and tried to do the same. Below is the picture of Henry imitating his
teacher play peek-a-boo. He did this for about one minute before he ran away.
Based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five Red Flags, identify one
challenge. Write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) describing
the challenge. Include a photograph.
HH is doing great with his social and emotional skills he does however has an issue
with his sharing and hitting. When HH wants something he usually grabs it from his
friends. If they will not give it to him he sometimes pushes them down. In the
picture below is a picture of HH and his friends playing in the dramatic area. HH
wanted his friends toy that is when he tried to take it from his friend. After this
picture was taken he took the toy his friend took the toy pack that his when Henry
pushed him and said
mine. While this is normal for his age, after speaking with his teachers and
parents this is something they want to work on with him by teaching him works he
could use, so he can communicate with his friends.

Childs Initials: H.H.

Childs Birth Date: August 24, 2015

Physical Development: Motor Development Fine Motor

Complete the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five appropriate for your focus child
for the domain listed.
List childs strengths based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
1. Scribbles spontaneously
2. Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts, and bolts

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) that
supports the strength.

H.H. is on track for his fine motor development. There are somethings I find him to
be advanced in. When H.H. does things like coloring with a marker, paint brush, or
crayon he does not stay within the lines. He does not draw or create a picture an
actual person or item. In the picture below H.H. is painting with his paint brush.
There is no pattern in his work. In the picture below you can also see H.H. holding
the paint brush with a pencil grip. H.H. did this with no help from his teachers. To
continue his work on his coloring he will offer H.H. different items such as crayons
and colored pencils to practice.

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), include a photograph or work sample (e.g. a drawing, a painting, a
craft project) supporting the strength.
While screwing and unscrewing jars are not in H.H.s to do list until he is 24 months,
he is doing it now. When coloring the picture H.H. pointed at the lid and said, uhh,
uhhh I asked H.H. if he wanted the lid and he shook his head yes. I handed him the
lid and he screw it on. After that continued to close all the lids to the dotters. While
some of them were not tight or place incorrectly most of them were screwed on.
After they were on he would ask for a dotter and unscrew them. An example picture
is given to show H.H. practicing this skill. This shows just how H.H. is ahead in in fine
motor skills. We will continue to work on this by giving him different things like nuts
and bolts to encourage him to practice this skill.

Based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five Red Flags, identify one
challenge. Write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) describing
the challenge. Include a photograph or work sample (e.g. a drawing, a painting, a
craft project).
While H.H. has been doing great with his fine motors I noticed while observing him
he did struggle with putting puzzles together. H.H. could hold the pieces, but
struggle with getting them in the correct places. He would try to put them in the
wrong area or did not place them in the correct area properly. He then just turn
away and do something else. The teacher noticed and encourage him to trying
again asking, Do you want help? Henry then shook his head yes. That is when she
worked with H.H. with his skills by saying things like, Is that a truck? and Is that
cow upside down? H.H. then did better with support for a teacher, but seemed to
struggle doing independently. Below are pictures of Henry doing the puzzle with a
friend and on his own.
Childs Initials: HH
Childs Birth Date: August 24, 2015

Physical Development: Motor Development Gross Motor

Complete the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five appropriate for your focus child
for the domain listed.
List childs strengths based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
1. Begins to run stiffly

2. Carries large toy or several toys while walking

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) that
supports the strength.
HH is on track with his development with his gross motors. A great example is when
HH was outside we would run back and forth across the playground. While doing
this he would yell, Ready, set, go! and begin running. When he ran he did it while
bending one leg and tossing the other over in the front while it was mostly straight.
That was causing him to run stiffly. During observation he continued to run outside
for about ten minutes. In the picture below is HH running with his friends trying to
stay on the colored dots.

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), include a photograph supporting the strength.
HH has been working on his gross motors by carrying items around. HH would carry
around trucks and dump out the Legos he had in the back. He also walks alone
independently without any support or help. When outside Henry was carrying a big
blue ball. He began to run and stopped in front of another child and said JJ and
threw the ball over handed to him. That is when he ran to the ball, picked it up, and
started to throw it to other kids outside. We will continue to support his gross motor
skills by setting out games such as the parachute, so he can practice.

Based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five Red Flags, identify one
challenge. Write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) describing
the challenge. Include a photograph.
While henry was great with most of his gross motor skills, I noticed he struggles
with jumping. While outside we were practicing to be frogs. When it was henrys
turn to jump he would bend down touch the floor and jump. However, when he
jumped he would pick up one leg and then the other. Henry continued to do this
over and over. While it is not something most kids his age can start doing, it is what
I found he needs most of his work on with gross motors. It does not cause a concern
for his teachers it is something they plan on continue to working with him until he
builds confidence in hopping with both feet.
Childs Initials: HH
Childs Birth Date: August 24, 2015

Physical Development: Motor Development Gross Motor

Complete the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five appropriate for your focus child
for the domain listed.
List childs strengths based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
1. Begins to run stiffly

2. Carries large toy or several toys while walking

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) that
supports the strength.
HH is on track with his development with his gross motors. A great example is when
HH was outside we would run back and forth across the playground. While doing
this he would yell, Ready, set, go! and begin running. When he ran he did it while
bending one leg and tossing the other over in the front while it was mostly straight.
That was causing him to run stiffly. During observation he continued to run outside
for about ten minutes. In the picture below is HH running with his friends trying to
stay on the colored dots.

For the two strengths identified on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five
(listed above), include a photograph supporting the strength.
HH has been working on his gross motors by carrying items around. HH would carry
around trucks and dump out the Legos he had in the back. He also walks alone
independently without any support or help. When outside Henry was carrying a big
blue ball. He began to run and stopped in front of another child and said JJ and
threw the ball over handed to him. That is when he ran to the ball, picked it up, and
started to throw it to other kids outside. We will continue to support his gross motor
skills by setting out games such as the parachute, so he can practice.

Based on the Developmental Checklist Birth to Five Red Flags, identify one
challenge. Write a detailed and descriptive paragraph (7+ sentences) describing
the challenge. Include a photograph.
While henry was great with most of his gross motor skills, I noticed he struggles
with jumping. While outside we were practicing to be frogs. When it was henrys
turn to jump he would bend down touch the floor and jump. However, when he
jumped he would pick up one leg and then the other. Henry continued to do this
over and over. While it is not something most kids his age can start doing, it is what
I found he needs most of his work on with gross motors. It does not cause a concern
for his teachers it is something they plan on continue to working with him until he
builds confidence in hopping with both feet.

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