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Name: MEA D.

Course &Year: BSED-IIIB Math


Before we go to the typical and atypical developmental milestone, let us pause and ponder
about the following questions below.

1. Do you have a baby brother or sister? What was he or she like while growing up?

No, I don’t have a baby brother or sister but then, I have a 1-year old baby cousin.
I’ve observed that while growing up, she likes waking around and play her toys. She also
wants climbing in the chair, stairs or even in the bed while holding on. In her age as a toddler,
I observed that she is very active, she can’t stop squatting then stand again that’s why I can
say that it is very tiring to take care those toddlers. When it comes to eating, my baby cousin
can mostly feed herself with fingers and she also likes dancing with music.

2. When you were in grade school, what were the similarities and differences between
you and your classmates?

When I was in grade school, there was a similarities and differences between me and
my classmates in terms of height, abilities, language, likes, sports, and physical appearance.
Some of my classmates wants and enjoyed playing volleyball because it is their sports but
then I love playing table tennis. While in terms of language, we all have a same language
which is our mother tongue, Cuyonon. Then, when I was in grade school, I am so skinny
unlike my other classmates, but then I am a tall person.

3. As an adolescent, what are the changes that you have noticed within you?

As an adolescence, there are a lot of changes that I have noticed within in myself
which includes the big changes in my body shape or the physical changes, goals or mindset,
the way I interacts with people around me or social and emotional changes, and changes in
my behaviors. I noticed that my social and emotional changes show that I have started to
forming my independence identity as well as my learnings to be an adult or in order to
become more mature individual. As an adolescence, I am very self-conscious, being sensitive
and worried about my own body changes including my physical appearance. I also become
more aware in myself when it comes to fashion and I had a greater interest in my own
privacy. But then, I’ve realized that these changes are playing an important role for proper
adult functioning from a physiological standpoint. All in all, in this stage of development I
have noticed that in this stage many changes occur at various levels.


Behavior that are atypical should be observed keenly and recorded carefully. At times, the
recorded observations might just be isolated events with no significant impact on later
development. However, they might also be early warning signs of needs. The observed
patterns will be used to confirm it if there is such a need.

1. State the various child development theories and discuss.

There are four various child development theories which includes psychosocial
development theory, cognitive developmental theory, sociocultural theory, and social
learning theory. These theories focus on explaining how children grow and change over the
course of childhood. It also centers on various aspects including cognitive, social,
sociocultural, and psychosocial growth.

The psychosocial development theory of Erik Erikson focuses on the importance of

social experiences in shaping a child’s psychosocial growth and changes throughout life,
starting from birth to old age. Erikson’s theory lays out eight-stage wherein people go
through that’s why this theory also focusing on the conflicts that arise during different stages
of development. Therefore, at each stage, each person faces developmental crisis which it
serves as a major turning point. The eight-stage theory of psychosocial development includes
infant, toddler, preschooler, grade-schooler, teenager, young adult, middle-age adult, and
older adult. In this child development, Erikson believed that social interaction or experiences
of the child plays an ultimate role, and also, he believes that people continue to grow and
develop well into old age.

The cognitive developmental theory of Jean Piaget focuses on how individual

construct knowledge or it involves child’s intellectual development. This theory has a
concerned with the development of person’s thought processes, and how it influenced on the
way they perceive or interact with the environment. Piaget’s theory has four stages including
sensory-motor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational
stage. The sensory-motor stage, is a period from birth to 2 years old wherein child’s
knowledge is limited to his/her motor activities or sensory stimuli. The preoperational stage,
is a period from 2 to 6 years old wherein the child does not yet understand information but
then, he/she learns to use languages. The third stages are a period from 7 to 11 years old
wherein it characterized by the development of child’s logical thinking. At this stage, the
capability for abstract thought isn’t well developed yet. And the, forth stage are a period from
12 years old to adulthood wherein the child has the ability to think in abstract manner by
manipulating ideas.

The sociocultural theory of Lev Vygotsky, believes that children who are in the zone
of proximal development can perform the task independently but not quite there yet. But then
with the help of other people they can perform it successfully. This theory emphasizes that
the child learns through social interactions that include collaborative with people. Vygotsky’s
theory of language development focused on social learning and the zone of proximal
development. He also believes that language plays a powerful role in shaping thought.

The social learning theory of Albert Bandura, wherein Vygotsky believes that
observation plays a critical role in learning. Because by observing the actions of other people
around him/her including parents and peers, it will help children to develop their new skills as
well as acquire new information.

2. What are the various child development theories in relation to the different milestone
of each stage?


3. Enumerate and discuss the various domains of development.

The various domains of development came from the developmental milestones where
it categorized into four namely, physical, social and emotional, language and cognitive.

4. Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the different stages in child


 Look for photos that will represent various milestone for every stage. Research in
Google/internet surfing you may screenshot and then name the specific milestone,
stage, and domain. Jot down answers on the table below.


2. Create a chart or web on various development stages that shows how the milestone build
on each other. (10 points)

Developmental Stage


3. Choose a child as your care for observation. Use the tables included in this chapter to
note the child’s development and come up with a summary after the observation. If
observation is not possible, you may interview a primary caregiver to know the child’s
developmental milestone. (10 points)

Direction: Read carefully the questions and encircle only the answer of your choice.

1. This domain refers to the process of acquiring language in a consistent order without the
need for explicit teaching from the environment.
a. Physical
b. Language
c. Socio-emotional
d. Cognitive
2. The stage in child development where puberty begins.
a. Infancy
b. Early Childhood
c. Middle Childhood
d. Adolescence
3. Which is the following is the typical milestone in Early childhood development and is
under the social domain? A child _____.
a. begins to smile
b. reaches for a toy with one hand
c. turns head toward sounds
d. walks up and down stairs holding on
4. All commonly accepted principles of a child development EXCEPT for
a. the rate of development differs among children
b. development occurs in a relatively orderly process
c. child development does not follow a predictable pattern
d. development takes place gradually.

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