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Central Presbyterian Church

Minutes of Stated Session Meeting

August 19, 2002

Present: Rev. D. Mark Baridon, Pastor, Moderator for this meeting; Rev. Ann J. Deibert, Associate
Pastor; Elder Eileene J. MacFalls, Clerk; Elders: Gladys Boykin, Sharon Clements, Adam Cobb, Katie
Cobb, Priscilla Freeman, Laurie Griffith, Melanie Hardison, Jeanie King, Don Lueckert, Vince Patton,
Halsey Sandford, Susan Scott, Jeff Sodowsky, Susan Stanford, and David Wheeler. Guest: Elder Craig

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Rev. Mark Baridon serving as
Moderator at 7:10 p.m. in the Community Room and opened with Rev. Baridon reading a meditation
from A Million Visions of Peace: Wisdom from the Friends of Old Turtle and leading us in prayer.

1.The following were nominated for the positions noted below. It was moved, seconded and
passed that they be elected:
A. Clerk of Session: Elder Eileene J. MacFalls for a one-year term with voice and without vote.
B. Treasurer: Elder Susan J. Scott for a one-year term.
C. Personnel Committee (2-year terms): From the session: Elder Susan Stanford, chair;
Elder Vince Patton (Class of 2003); Elder Halsey Sandford (Class of 2004)
From the congregation: Ms. Melissa Atkinson (Class of 2004); (Elder Kathy Lueckert is
continuing - Class of 2003); one additional person to be named in September
Clergy friend with parish experience: Rev. Dick Carlson (Class of 2003)
The pastors are ex officio members.

2. Financial Report:
A. Elder Susan Scott reported that Centrals financial records and books for the calendar year 2001
have been reviewed by a committee of members versed in accounting procedures (Ms. Mich
Mussachio and Elders Susan Scott and Nick Wilkerson) using a format provided by the PCUSA
and were found to be in order.
B. Rev. Ann Deibert reported that $845. has been received from members for Wendy Bronsons
Mission Assignment in Nicaragua (toward the $1,500. needed). Persons still wishing to contribute
are to let Rev. Deibert know of their intention. An update will be made at the September Stated
Session meeting.

3. Managing Endowment Investments: Elder Craig Johnson presented a report and recommendation
based on recent information gathered by he and Elder Halsey Sandford in meetings with
investment managers from two different firms. There was discussion. It was moved,
seconded and passed that the session (with the trustees) approve moving Centrals endowment
investment portfolio to Salomon Smith Barney to receive the services of a more hands on
manager. The investment objectives and restrictions are not to be changed. It is to be a
portfolio balanced between 60%-40% stocks and 40- 60% fixed income. The stocks will
be primarily large cap U.S. companies (specifically excluding companies whose
business is tobacco, alcohol, gambling or military-related production). Session members may
provide information to the treasurer about investment options for the new manager to
4. Pastors Reports
A. Rev. Baridon noted that Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UofL will begin at the end of this week
when Presbyterians from congregations in this presbytery help students move into their rooms on
campus. There have been lots of hoops to jump through to reach this point. There is excitement
in the presbytery about this ministry. Rev. Baridon will be the supervisor of seminary students
assigned to UofL for field work and will serve on the Interfaith Center
Coordinating Committee. The lead student, Rick Upchurch, is already on board; he will
attend staff meetings at the Interfaith Center. Rev. Peggy Owens, Associate
General Presbyter of Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, will represent the denomination
and will serve on the judicatory executive board.
B. Rev. Deibert
1. Distributed the job description for the seminary intern position at Central. The focus is urban
ministry. She is putting together a pastoral formation committee to interview students for
the position and to meet with the student every 6-8 weeks during their time at Central.

2. She reported on the Montreat Youth Conference expressing the hope that Central will send a
group of youth every year. 8 youth attended this year. Gina Yeager, Carl Horton, Melissa and
John Atkinson and Ann Deibert accompanied the youth and helped make the trip possible.

5. Faith Journeys: Elders Gladys Boykin and Don Lueckert shared portions of their faith journeys.

6. Vision Statement: Rev. Deibert reviewed the revised draft and asked for responses. A few changes
were made. It was moved, seconded and passed to adopt the revised statement (copy attached).
The new Vision Statement will be introduced to the congregation in worship this Sunday, will appear
in the church bulletin each week and will be published in the September issue of The Central Idea.

7. Referrals from May 20, 2002 Session Meeting

A. Mission Committee:
1. Elder Jeff Sodowsky asked the session to consider what in Centrals annual budget is mission
giving. In addition to line items for Mission Outreach noted in budget reports, elders
suggested mission includes part of pastors salaries, part of building maintenance, the four
GA special offerings, gifts for Wendy Bronsons mission service in Nicaragua, seminary
interns, and fairly traded coffee and tea sold monthly.

Rev. Deibert said she had met with Rev. John Payne (Mission Funding, PC[USA]), who
suggested that Central compile a Program Budget in addition to the traditional line-item
budget. This will give members a better idea of the costs of mission, Christian Education,
etc. He also suggested that after April 15, 2003, Central invite members (anonymously) to
write down how much charitable giving they claimed on their 2002 income tax in
addition to the total amount given to or through Central. Elder Scott suggested that
we start asking members to put in the offering plate at the end of each month a
note about the time and dollars they have given that month.

Rev. Baridon asked, What is driving the need for this explanation? When we start counting,
what is it really about? Elder Sodowsky said he shares that concern and said as we try to
grow in many ways lots of them non-financial we should always say we
are not giving enough and be challenged to do more.

Elders Priscilla Freeman, Halsey Sandford and Jeff Sodowsky and Revs. Baridon and Deibert
were appointed to work on compiling a Program Budget. They will start by asking each
committee chair to give estimates.
2. Browinski Fund Grant Application: Elder Sodowsky distributed copies of the grant application
from Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UofL for $9,000., copies of Proposed Presbyterian
Campus Ministry at UofL and Proposed Budgets for the Next Three School Years and
recommended that the grant amount be increased to $9,500. so the project will have a
balanced budget for 2002-3. He stated that the Mission Committee recommends
that this grant be approved. It was moved, seconded and passed that the
session approve this grant and ask the trustees to instruct the bank to
disburse the funds. Elder Sodowsky said application forms have been given to Mr.
Alonzo Johnson for use by PNEUMA. To date their application has not been

B. Berry Boulevard Capital Campaign Mission Project: Rev. Baridon and Elder Susan Stanford met
with Rev. Syd Weedon, the stated supply pastor, and were encouraged by what they learned.
Elder Stanford said the program included in Centrals Capital Campaign was started
by the Rev. Jean Marie Peacock who moved away. Rev. Weedon feels the church
is no longer interested in that program; he would like them to come up with something they
would like to do for the community. It was moved and seconded to hold up on making
a decision about the Capital Campaign Funds Mission Appropriation for Berry
Boulevard and to re-visit the issue in one year. The motion passed with one no

8. July Presbytery Meeting: Elders Katie Cobb, Sharon Clements and Rev. Mark Baridon reported on
highlights of the July meeting. Rev. Cliff Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of
the PC(USA), was received as a member of presbytery. The Rt. Rev. Edwin F. Gulick, Jr.,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky, preached and was well received. He noted
how glad they are
that our presbyterys offices are located at Christ Church Cathedral.

9. Commissioners for the September 22 Presbytery Meeting at Glasgow, 10:00 a.m. Central Time:
Elders MacFalls, Stanford and David Wheeler were elected to represent Central.

10. Length of Session Meetings: Rev. Baridon noting that session meetings last year often ran past
10:00 p.m. asked for discussion about how long meetings should normally last and when they should
begin. It was agreed they will start at 7:00 p.m. He suggested that they end at 9:00 p.m. and that
when the business on the agenda has not been completed by 9:00 p.m. the session vote whether to
extend the meeting or to defer consideration of the remaining items to the next meeting. The session
adopted this plan.

11. Omnibus Motion

A. Clerks Report
1. Approve Minutes of Congregational Meeting of June 2, 2002 and Called Session Meeting
of July 8, 2002
2. Dismiss to Pleasant Hill Community Church, Pleasant Hill, Tennessee (United Church of
Christ): Mike Abts (member) and Rev. Emerson Abts (clergy friend).
3. Remove from the affiliates roll: Nancy Banks Schal who died July 9, 2002 and James Gould
Ritchey who died July 28, 2002

B. Other
1. Approve receiving the four annual General Assembly Special Offerings: Peacemaking,
Christmas Joy, One Great Hour of Sharing, and Pentecost.
2. Approve dividing Centrals 25% share of the Peacemaking Offering equally between the Peace
Education Program and PNEUMA.
3. Approve promoting the Peace Education Run/Walk and the AIDS Walk
C. Building Use
Date Time Event Room Needed Contact
8/1/02 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Jobs with Justice Forum Room Maria Price
8/5/02 7:00 p.m. Survivors of Sex Forum Room Kathleen Rankin
Abuse by Clergy
8/15/02 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Jobs with Justice Forum Room Maria Price
8/27/02 7:00 9:30 p.m. White Allies Against Community Room Eileen Blanton
Racism Workshop
4/5/03 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Gathering of Central Church Gladys Boykin
Presbyterian Women in
Sundays beginning 7:00 p.m. Dance Lessons Community Room Shelley Hackett
9/22/02 donations will be
accepted and will
benefit Centrals
mission partner that
Shelley chooses each

The Omnibus Motion was approved.

12. Received for information

A. Membership Report: 185 members; 5 affiliate members; 25 clergy friends = 215
-3 who died: Emily Martin, James Tice, Leonard Wilson
B. Average Worship Attendance Report: May - 138; June - 136; July 133
(In 2001 attendance was: May - 135; June - 144; July - 135)
C. Elder and Staff Assignments for Session Year 2002-2003
Christian Education: Elders Jeanie King and Laurie Griffith; Rev. Deibert, staff
Church Growth: No one assigned; Rev. Deibert, staff
Congregational Life: Elder Sharon Clements; Rev. Deibert, staff
Mission and More Light: Elder Jeff Sodowsky; Rev. Baridon, staff
Peace and Justice: Elder Roby and Ms. Linda Meadows (not on session); Rev. Baridon, staff
Property: Elders David Wheeler and Don Lueckert; Rev. Deibert, staff
Stewardship: Elders Priscilla Freeman and Melanie Hardison; Rev. Baridon, staff
UofL Campus Ministry: Elder Adam Cobb; Rev. Baridon, staff
Worship: Elders Katie Cobb and Gladys Boykin; Rev. Deibert, staff
D. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was observed during worship in the sanctuary on Sundays
June 2, July 7 and August 4, 2002.
E. Home Communion was provided for 15 persons since May 20, 2002. The pastors have been
accompanied by Rev. Rebecca Ritchey and seminarians.
F. Pastors Help Fund Expenditures since May 20, 2002: Rev. Baridon - $130. for food and
childcare; Rev. Deibert - $40 for food.
G. Ordination and Installation of Elders was held on Sunday, August 11, 2002 during worship in the
sanctuary. Ordained and installed: Adam Cobb; installed: Katie Cobb, Halsey Sandford and

Susan Stanford. Jeanie King was installed on Sunday, August 18, 2002 during worship in the
H. Composition of Session (copy attached)
I. Elder Mary Morrison is serving as the representative from Central to the board of RCRC
(Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice).
J. The pastors will be scheduling instruction for the new elders.
K. Combined report of activities of both pastors in the Second Quarter, 2002.
13. Church Growth Committee: The absence of a person to chair the committee was noted and
discussed. Elder Vince Patton volunteered to work with Rev. Deibert to recruit members, convene
a meeting and report back to the session at its September meeting.

14. Peace Education Program: Elder Priscilla Freeman brought a request from Rev. Lee Beckhusen, a
clergy friend of Central and a member of the Peace Education Board, that Central increase its
mission giving by $4,200 per year to reimburse them for rent paid to us. The program has been
located at Central for over 22 years and seems like part of our mission. They are facing a
significant reduction in income from the state in 2003. The session agreed to consider this
recommendation as part of the budget proposal for 2003. Budget recommendations will
come to the October session meeting.

15. Meeting extension: At 9:00 p.m. the session voted to extend the meeting 15 minutes and defer
the Co-Pastor Task Force update to the September meeting.

16. Carriage House: Elder David Wheeler reported that the church has been cited by the Louisville
Housing Inspector for repairs ordered on the Carriage House. He is consulting with our attorney
and will report back to the session in September.

17. Circus Auto: Elder Wheeler reported that Circus Auto has notified the church that they will not
renew their lease when it expires in November. They are consolidating their business in another
location. They pay $2,000/month in rent. Elder Wheeler noted that the church will have one year to
re-lease the property as a car lot and retain the current zoning classification. During the time it is
vacant the church cannot use it for any other purpose. If it is not leased as a car lot the zoning will
revert to multiple family. He will contact real estate brokers for advice and report back to the session
in September. Elder Laurie Griffith said this presents the church with an opportunity to decide how
best to use that property for the benefit of the community. The session will be considering multiple
options before making a decision.

18. Adjournment and Closing Prayer: The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. with a closing prayer by
Rev. Baridon.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileene J. MacFalls
Clerk of Session

Approved September 16, 2002


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