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DR. G.W.



Course objectives, content, evaluation and expectations for

Grade 12 University Spanish, Course code: LWS
Credit Value: 1.0, Prerequisite: LWS CU1
Teacher: L. Parkin, Room: 213

Courseware developed by: L. Parkin, Courseware reviewed: August 2013

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To provide students with communication skills in Spanish, and an

understanding of the Spanish language and culture.

COURSE CONTENT: The main textbook used in this course is Aventura! 2 (EMC Publishing).
Students will also be reading the novel Don Quijote de la Mancha (Johnston McCulley). The
following topics and associated language knowledge will be studied:

Intro: El Repaso (Review)

Unit 1: El Amor (Love)

Study/discussions of love and differing ideas of love throughout time and
throughout the world
Study/discussion of Spanish movie Flores de Otro Mundo
Videos/songs/stories from the Spanish speaking world

Unit 2: Qu es ser joven? (Whats it like to be young?)

Study/discussions of the characteristics of youth
Comparisons of youth lifestyles in Canada and in Spanish speaking countries
Study/discussions of teen magazines
Videos/songs/stories from the Spanish speaking world

Unit 3: La aventura y el Quijote (Adventure and the Quijote)

Study/discussions of the novel Don Quijote de la Mancha with respect to the
idea of adventure, fantasy versus reality, and individuality
Comparisons of the Quijote with various works
Students will also present an independent study related to travel and
Videos/songs/stories from the Spanish speaking world

Evaluation in the Grade 12 Spanish program is consistent with the Ontario Curriculum Document for
Classical and International Languages. The document may be accessed at:
Marks will be allocated in the following manner, evaluating the language skills of listening, speaking,
reading and writing:

Term: Knowledge / Understanding 15%

Thinking / Inquiry 15%
Communication 15%
Application 15%

Term Breakdown (this is a tentative outline and is subject to change):

Intro: El Repaso Quizzes/Test 3%

Final Project: Vdeo de Gramtica 6%
Additional Written/Oral Work 4%

Unit One: El Amor Quizzes/Test 4%

Final Project: Anlisis de Flores 6%
Additional Written/Oral Work 4%
Unit Two: Qu es ser joven? Quizzes/Test 4%
Final Project: La revista 6%
Additional Written/Oral Work 4%
Unit Three: La Aventura y el Quijote
Quizzes/Test 5%
Los Diarios de Motocicleta 4%
Final Project: El Quijote 6%
Additional Written/Oral Work 4%

Independent Study (In class presentation, written report) 10%

Final Summative Oral Evaluation (Independent Study Pre-Presentation Interview) 15%

Final Summative Written Evaluation (Exam) 15%

The Final Grade 12 University Spanish Oral Evaluation (Independent Study

Pre-Presentation Interview) will occur on a pre-arranged date during the last
month of school (all dates will be posted in class and on the Moodle). Please be advised that this is
an essential part of the course evaluation, and that a students absence from this interview could have serious
repercussions for his / her final achievement. Please do not schedule any appointments or
holidays for this day.

ORAL COMMUNICATION: By the end of this course, students will:

-demonstrate an understanding of a variety of oral messages, communicated in various situations and
for a variety of purposes
-communicate orally in various situations and for a variety of purposes, using language appropriate to
the level.

READING: By the end of this course, students will:

-read age-and language-appropriate passages from different sources for a variety of purposes.

WRITING: By the end of this course, students will:

-write for a variety of purposes and audiences, using increasingly broad vocabulary and sophisticated
language structures.


Learning skills and work habits are assessed and reported on your report card. The learning skills and
work habits are:


HABITS Growing Success, 2010)
Responsibility completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-
upon timelines
takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour
Organization devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals
Independent uses class time appropriately to complete tasks
Work follows instructions with minimal supervision
Collaboration responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others
shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve
problems and make decisions
Initiative demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks
demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning
Self-regulation sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them
seeks clarification or assistance when needed


1. Students are expected to be respectful and courteous at all times. Raise your hand to speak and listen
when someone is speaking. Everyone should feel comfortable participating in class. No put downs in our

2. You cant learn to speak Spanish if you dont speak. Students are expected to participate and
contribute to class discussions in Spanish.

3. Students will come to class regularly and will arrive on time. Late arrivals disrupt the class and
student learning. A student is considered to be late if the bell has stopped ringing and he/she is not in
class. After three lates, the student will be required to serve detentions for missed class time. Students
who are late to class on a regular basis will be referred to the office. Dont miss out on any of our
activities be on time.

Since learning occurs in sequence and on a daily basis, frequent or prolonged absences will have a serious
negative effect on the final mark.

4. Students will come to class prepared. This includes homework or any other assigned work being
completed on time, as well as having the appropriate materials on hand. Completion contracts and
detentions will be assigned for late work. Late work will not be accepted for evaluation unless
it meets the requirements of the completion contract and it is accompanied by a
parent/guardian signature. Late work will not be accepted after the work has been marked and
returned to the class.

5. Attendance: students should consult the Student Handbook and the Attendance Policy regarding the
schools Attendance and Lates policies. If a student misses a class, it is her/his responsibility to find out
what was missed. Each student should have the phone number and or e-mail of two other classmates to
contact concerning missed work.

Name Phone E-mail

1. _______________________ _______________________ __________________________

2. _______________________ _______________________ __________________________

In the event that a student is considered truant the day of a test or quiz, a mark of zero will be
assigned. In the event of valid absences, it is the responsibility of the student to make up missed
quizzes, tests, or assignments, the day of his/her return. Missed work is to be made up before the work is
returned to the rest of the class. If the work has been returned, the student forfeits this mark. For longer
absences, alternate arrangements may be made. In the event of a longer absence, the student or parents should
contact the school to arrange for work to be sent home.

6. Electronic devices are only to be used in class with the permission of the teacher and for educational
purposes. No texting or playing games please. Abuse of this privilege will result in the student not being
allowed to bring the device to class.

7. Plagiarism

I want to hear your ideas! Under no circumstances will any evidence of plagiarism be tolerated. Please
consult the Student Handbook for the Assessment and Evaluation Policy related to plagiarism. If
plagiarism is suspected, the student will be further asked to demonstrate the skills and knowledge in the
suspected work. If plagiarism is determined, the student will be assigned a mark of zero with no
possibility of resubmitting the work.

Some examples of plagiarism include:

a) copying ideas or work of someone else and taking credit for it;
b) someone else doing your work or assignments;
c) the use of translation websites on the Internet. It is acceptable to
look up an individual word using an acceptable website, but it is not
acceptable to type an entire sentence into a translation program and
use what comes out. These translated sentences are often WRONG
and/or use grammar that you would have not already learned,
therefore making it very easy for me to see that it is not your own
d) Recommended websites for grammar help =
(dictionary); (grammar checker)

8. Extra help is always available! If something is not making sense to you please let me know as soon
as possible. Please try to arrange an appointment with me in advance and come in several days before the
test/assignment date not the day of! Brief clarification questions are always welcome the day of a test
but it is better to ask in advance so that you have a chance to process and remember the material.

9. Students must have a binder (1.5) in which only Spanish notes are kept. Other necessary materials
required for class include an agenda, a constant supply of paper, pens and pencils.

10. Please detach and return the following page with signatures by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013.

Bienvenidos ! Que empiece la aventura !

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (905)727-3131 ext.417 or
should you wish to discuss any of these expectations, or if you have questions for me at any time
during the course. A copy of this course outline may be found on our class Moodle at
www. (please see the attached letter for more information about our class Moodle).


Seora Parkin
Moderns Dept.
Dr. GW Williams S.S.

Office Hours: Periods 2 and 3 in the Moderns Office (across from Room 210), or by appointment.

Do you know that you are now

more marketable in the
workforce because you are
able to speak Spanish?
Another great reason to study
We have read and acknowledge the course content,
evaluation and expectations for Grade 12 University
Spanish (LWS DU1). We are aware that this class has a
Moodle website that students/parents can access to find
out about the content/dates of tests and projects. (The
following information will be kept confidential)

Date: ______________________ Student name: ___________________________

Student signature: _____________________________

Parent / Guardian name(s): ___________________________ and/or _________________________

Signatures: ___________________________ and/or ________________________

Parent e-mail address (please print clearly): ____________________________________________

Telephone numbers: (Please put a check mark beside the number that you prefer me to use)

___________________ (home) _________________ (cell) _________________ (business)

[If student is 18 years old or older:

Please sign here if you allow me to share your academic information with your parents:

(The absence of a signature means that you do not allow me to share your academic information in this
course with your parents.)]

*Phone Log: * to be filled out by teacher

Date Person Details

Date Person Details

Dear Students/Parents,

I am pleased to announce that our Spanish class will have a Moodle that you will
be able to access from school and home.

A Moodle is a website sponsored by the Board which enables and facilitates

communication between home and school. I will be using this website to post
upcoming test/assignment dates, and electronic versions of handouts given in class.
Our Moodle will also have links to interesting sites which students can use to gain
more practice in Spanish.

The Moodle will be especially useful to those students who have been absent from
class and would like to find out the homework assignment that they missed, and for
those students who may have misplaced their handout between Spanish class and
home and may need another copy in order to complete the homework assignment.
The only students who will have access to our Moodle will be the students in
our Spanish class.

Please continue to check the Moodle as I will be updating it on a regular basis.

To open/access the Moodle, please follow these steps:

1. On the Internet, type the URL into the menu bar:

2. Click enter and this will take you to the login page.
3. The username and the password are each the same as the
one used by you (your child) at school to log in to the
computer. Type the username and password in and then
click LOGIN.
4. Click on Sra. Parkin Gr.12 University Spanish 2013-
2014 (you should already be in the Dr. G.W.Williams
Secondary School site). The enrolment key for our Moodle is
the word start.

If you have any questions about the Moodle please feel free to contact me. Gracias
and enjoy!

Sra. Parkin

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