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The Genies Lamp

How to Conjure and Control Jinn


By Master Zishu Singhar

Copyright 2012

Disclaimer- Never use occult practices

to harm others, when you benefit share

the wealth and joy that it has brought

you. Always have a fire extinguisher

on hand if using a candle outdoors.

This spell requires a few drops of your

own blood, do not use if hemophiliac

or if your if blood does not clot

In this simple book, I teach how to

detect the presence of a jinn, how to

conjure them, how to communicate

with them and how to bond with them.

Once you have captured Jinn and

bonded with it, they will gladly aid in

attaining the desires you have.

Although the title of this book

is the genies lamp, your genie will not

reside in a lamp. More accurately, you

will use a precious stone to entice

them and bind them to the stone. They

will be able to come and go as they

please, but will be bound to the stone

and can be called on command.

The ritual is rather long, so

you must memorize it before

performing it. The spirits you are

conjuring are very strong and powerful

and all precautions must be taken.

The legend has it that Jinn

were created by Allah to drive men

away from divinity. Since most Jinn

stories are from predominantly Muslim

cultures this is not surprising, but they

can be manipulative spirits; but must

be obedient once conquered.

Ritual Items needed

q A stone to cast the Jinn into.

Some good choices include

Amethyst, White Topaz,

Seraphinite (angel stone), and

Emerald. All of thise can be had

at somewhat reasonable prices,

the stone should be clear and not

have any breaks in it.

q Sea Salt

q Holy water from the river

Jordan (now available on ebay)

q Chalice (large enough to put

your item and some holy water


q 3 black candles and 1 white

candle (all natural unscented)

q A small knife that you have

personally blessed.

q The seal of Solomon (you can

google it and draw it yourself)

q Freshly cut and bound sage

q A small working area out

doors out of view of others

q Alter

q Compass

q Metal Bowl
You can personally bless your own

water as opposed to the holy water,

but its cheap and effective.

The Ritual

The ritual is to be done on the full

moon. All of your items must be

purified prior to the ritual. This is to

protect you and purify the energy of the

Also, a drop of Galangal root oil on

the forehead gives protection while

summoning powerful spirits.

Purification ritual

To purify items, rub a small amount of

rosewood oil (pure essential oil, not

fragrance oil or synthetic oil) rub from

the middle to the top of the item while


Magic infuse this item I use, seal out

negative and empower me, as I will it,

so shall it be.

Take the items out in the moonlight and

sit in a comfortable place (in the

grass). Hold each item one at a time in

the moonlight with your right hand and

have your left palm up and repeat:

Absorb this light, magic take flight

Imagine moonlight traveling from your

left had to your right hand into the

Once you are done, put all purified

items in a safe place until you are

ready to do the ritual.

The night before the ritual

Seek the ideal location. Take a white

candle and go sit in some comfortable

outdoors area (that is moist enough that

wild fires wont occur). See if the area

seems active enough for the ritual.

There are spirits all around, but some

areas are better than others. If the

candle flame stays tall still and thin,

this indicates spiritual activity.

Continue watching the flame as in a

state of meditation. You may see

figures, faces objects in the fire. This

is the work of fire spirits including

Jinn, fairies and fire sprites.

If there is no activity, then try another


Once you feel a presence (possibly of

a Jinn) in your mind call the Jinn.

Picture the Jinn in your mind, mentally

call out your wishes. The Jinn will not

communicate with you yet, but you may

see a sign such as the candle flame

moving wildly with no wind after

being tall still and straight. Or the wind

may pick up and there will be a gentle

swaying of the trees. Feel this energy

around you and let it embrace you.

Placement for the Ritual

Just before the ritual take a cleansing


Do this ritual on a full moon.

Go outside in a cleared off

area and draw a circle with sea

salt that is 7 feet in diameter. The

salt should be half an inch thick and

continuous, so dont skimp on it.

Make sure the grass is short and

moist to avoid a fire. Keep a fire

extinguisher nearby as a precaution.

Place an alter slightly north of the

center of the circle. Make sure there

is enough space to walk by the alter

on all sides while staying in the


Place Black candles on the East,

West and south directions of your

circle. Your alter faces north.

Sage goes on the far left side of

your alter.

Place your small knife to the sage

and point it south.

In the center of the alter draw the

seal of Solomon and place a metal

bowl on it.

Fill the bowl with sea salt.

In front of the bowl on the alter,

place the white candle.

In the upper right hand corner of

your alter, place the chalice of holy


Beginning the ritual

First, call upon the archangel

Michael for protection.

Michael, Great Spirit, I call

upon you for protection. Guide me now

in everlasting light. Wrap me in your

wings, be with me tonight.

When you begin, put salt in your metal

bowl and holy water in your chalice.

Put the precious stone (you have

chosen to trap your Jinn) into the


Sprinkle some salt from your metal

bowl around the circle, leave 50% or

the salt in the bowl. Light all of the

candles starting with east in a

clockwise rotation. Use the previous

candle to light the current candle.

In a strong voice call out I call upon

the ancient power of the spirit of

flame, in the name of Allah, I summon

thee While lighting the candles.

Once the candles are lit, Call out:

Awaken from slumber, hear me now. I

summon thee. By the powers of land,

fire, air and sea, I call upon you, I

invoke thee.

Next call out:

Spirit Stir! I beckon thee, surrender

your black soul to purity! I call upon

thee to do my work, I invoke thee.

Light the sage with the flame from the

east candle. Carry the sage back to the

alter and use the sage to light the white

candle. Put out the flame on the sage,

smudging it on the non-flammable alter

(for further protection).

State: Flame of four, white and pure,

spirit surrender yourself unto me!

Spirit subdued, I summon you!

Surrender your spirit unto me.

Darkness emerge in light.

With the sacred blade, prick your index

finger and let fall 3 drops of blood into

the holy water cup. To trap your wish

granter speak out: Take from this

blood I give to thee, and surrender

yourself to me.
(The Jinn cannot resist the blood

offering. This is intense and you may

even see the Jinn or feel their presence

next to you.)

Once you feel the Jinn has entered the

holy water (3-30 seconds at the

longest, or immediately if you are

certain) pour it (and the gem inside it)

into the sea salt, trapping the Jinn.

You have just conquered a mighty

spirit and both of you will be

exhausted. You should recover by the

next morning, the Jin in a couple days.

You should feel them inside and

possibly see their shadow or see them

in a dream.

Your Jinn will be very powerful (may

come in human form, animal form, in a

flame of a candle or fireplace, or in

astral travel) You may request wishes,

but remember you get what you give.

Treat them with respect and they will

take good care of you.

Introducing yourself to your Jinn

After a few days, both you and your

Jinn will have recovered and should

be properly acquainted. Take them to

the threshold of your home and tell

them this is their new home and that

they are welcome here, walking them

into each room of the house. Make

them a special area free from light and

noise (away from any other jinn you

may have as well). Put some sage and

candles near them. They like satin and

silk in rich colors in to hold their

vessel. Introduce yourself to them, tell

them of your desires. Do not put

pressure on them for immediate results.

Ask nicely, do not demand.

Bonding Ritual

In a dark quiet room in your home

where nobody will observe you or

distract you, light a white candle (make

sure the candle cannot start a fire) in

front of you and meditate while

wearing the vessel (sure as the jewel

placed in a ring).

Picture yourself in a beautiful forest

with rich dark green foliage and a mist

surrounding you. You see a stream

lazily flowing on the side of your path.

You follow the path and come to a

stairway made up from the shape of a

tree. You walk up it and come to an

ancient stone building, worn away by

time and covered in ivy. You enter and

meet your Jinn for the first time.

They may be in human form or animal

form, or a spinning Mandela of light

like once came to me while half

awake. Once they tell you their name,

you are no longer imagining and you

are meeting them on an astral plane.

You introduce yourself to them. They

will either say nothing or reply their

name. If they dont say anything, then

its too soon; in this case just tell them

you will give them more time to get

acquainted (and return a few days

later). If they tell you their name, take

note, as it will help the bonding

process to remember it well.

Thank them for letting you meet them,

and tell them you are appreciative to

be their new master. If the Jinn is

speaking calmly with you and having a

conversation, explain your situation

and ask if they will assist you with

your problem. Tell the Jinn your

wishes, but for now keep it basic.

Always be courteous with your Jinn.

Thank them again and then leave.

If you do not meet them the first

session its okay. Some Jinn will not

meet you the first session and some

will. Its always important to let them

know you are trying to get to know

them better.
It may take time, but with good

intentions and effort, you will form a

strong bond with your Jinn. The

stronger the bond, the quicker your

desires will manifest. They may come

in dreams, in the form of smoke or

bursts of light or animals. Bond with

your Jinn to help manifest your desires.

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