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Long ago there lived a poor old craftsman named Geppetto who lived all alone.
Geppetto was a very nice man and he spent his life making toys for children. How I wish
I had a child of my own ! So, he made a doll from a piece of fresh soft pine. A blue
winged fairy wanted to reward Geppetto for his good heart. She waved her magic wand
and the little puppet came alive. Wow ! you are the finest puppet I have ever made I will
call you Pinocchio.
After a few days, Geppetto felt that Pinocchio should go to school, so he sold his
only coat and bought Pinocchio a schoolbook. To be like a real boy you must go to
school. Now be on your way. Good bye ! father, said Pinocchio. On his way Pinocchio
met a sly fox. My friend ! real boys dont want to school, they want to sail across to
runaway island where they can have fun and play all day. May be I could sell a ticket for
you ? said the fox. But, I do not have money with me said Pinocchio. The fox say
you can give me your schoolbook . Pinocchio sold his book happily, he was going to be
a real boy and have fun.
Suddenly the blue winged fairy appeared. The fairy say Pinocchio why arent
you going to school ? . Pinocchio say I am on my way to school. And with that big
lie Pinocchios nose began to grow longer and longer. Pinocchio began to cry. The Fairy
say You said a lie Pinocchio whenever you tell a lie your nose will become big.
Pinocchio say I am sorry I promise to be a good boy and go straight to school. The
fairy forgave him, with a sweep of her wand she got back the old nose and before leaving
she warned him. The fairy say Remember one thing my boy runaway island is not a
safe place for children. If you go there you would become a donkey. But Pinocchio was
not ready to listen to her words,without thinking about his father or the fairy, he went to
the runaway island. At first it was a wonderful place to live in. There were games
everywhere, sweets and no one to stop Pinocchio from what he was doing.
After a day of fun he was too tired and he stopped by a lake rest. He dipped his
hand into the water for a drink he saw his reflection. Pinocchio say Oh ! Thats not me !
what has happened to my ears and nose ? How did I get this tail ? . He had grown long
ears, long nose and a tail like a donkey. Help ! somebody help me ! said Pinocchio. Once
again the blue winged fairy appeared. The Fairy say Foolish puppet, did I not tell you
that Runaway Island is not a safe place. Now go find your poor father who weeps for
you. With a wave of her wand, the fairy made the donkey ears, long nose and tail to
disappear. She sent him down to the seashore where Pinocchio saw Gepetto drowning.
Father! I am here. Thinking only of his father, Pinocchio jumped into the water and saved
his father. The fairy came and say Pinocchio now do you realize that being a real
person means loving and caring for others. You true love for your father has rewarded
you. Yes, Pinocchio was not anymore a puppet made of soft pine but of flesh, blood and
bone. His father sayAt last ! my wish has come true. Pinocchio lived with his father
happily there after.
Nama :

Kelas :

Task I. Fill in the blank based on what your listen to !

Long ago there lived a poor old craftsman named Geppetto who lived all alone.
Geppetto was a very nice man and he spent his life making toys for children. How I wish
I had a child of my own ! So, he made a doll from a piece of fresh soft pine. A blue
winged fairy wanted to reward Geppetto for his good heart. She waved her magic wand
and the little puppet came alive. Wow ! you are the finest 1)I have ever
made I will call you Pinocchio.
After a few days, Geppetto felt that Pinocchio should go to school, so he sold his
only coat and bought Pinocchio a schoolbook. To be like a real boy you must go to
school. Now be on your way. Good bye ! father, said Pinocchio. On his way Pinocchio
2) a sly fox. My friend ! real boys dont want to school, they want to 3) across to
runaway island where they can have fun and play all day. May be I could sell a ticket for
you ? said the fox. But, I do not have money with me said Pinocchio. The fox say
you can give me your schoolbook . Pinocchio sold his book 4), he was going
to be a real boy and have fun.
Suddenly the blue winged fairy appeared. The fairy say Pinocchio why arent
you going to school ? . Pinocchio say I am on my way to school. And with that big
5)Pinocchios nose began to grow longer and longer. Pinocchio began to cry. The Fairy
say You said a lie Pinocchio whenever you tell a lie your nose will become big.
Pinocchio say I am sorry I promise to be a good boy and go straight to school. The
fairy forgave him, with a sweep of her wand she got back the old nose and before leaving
she warned him. The fairy say Remember one thing my boy runaway island is not a
6)place for children. If you go there you would become a donkey. But Pinocchio was
not ready to listen to her words,without thinking about his father or the fairy, he went to
the runaway island. At first it was a wonderful place to live in. There were games
everywhere, sweets and no one to stop Pinocchio from what he was doing.
After a day of fun he was too 7) and he stopped by a lake rest. He
dipped his hand into the water for a drink he saw his reflection. Pinocchio say Oh !
Thats not me ! what has 8)to my ears and nose ? How did I get this tail ? .
He had grown long ears, long nose and a tail like a donkey. Help ! somebody help me !
said Pinocchio. Once again the blue winged fairy appeared. The Fairy say Foolish
puppet, did I not tell you that Runaway Island is not a safe place. Now go find your poor
father who weeps for you. With a wave of her wand, the fairy made the donkey ears,
long nose and tail to disappear. She )him down to the seashore where Pinocchio
saw Gepetto drowning. Father! I am here. Thinking only of his father, Pinocchio
10)into the water and saved his father. The fairy came and say Pinocchio now do you
realize that being a real person means loving and caring for others. You true love for
your father has rewarded you. Yes, Pinocchio was not anymore a puppet made of soft
pine but of flesh, blood and bone. His father sayAt last ! my wish has come true.
Pinocchio lived with his father happily there after.
Task II . Answer the questions based on the story above !
1. What does the story tell us about ?

2. Mention the characters of the Pinocchio story ?

3. Why doesnt Pinocchio go to school ?

4. What moral value can you get from the story ?

5. Write 3 sentences in the story that uses simple past tense!

Task III. Answer the questions state whether the statements are true or false
1. Pinocchio was made of the puppet T/F
2. Pinocchio lived with his mother T/F
3. Geppeto was a nice man T/F
4. His father loved Pinocchio so much T /F
5. Geppeto was very happy after his wish has come true T/F

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