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What to

do in
case of
The fire is a large amount
of fire provoked or

Name:Juan Leonel Tehuitzil

Grade an group: 2I

Install smoke detectors.
Check them monthly. Change
the batteries yearly, whether Getting out quickly and safely
they need it or not. is your only goal. Do not try to
save any objects, no matter
how valuable.

Meet at your safe place, away Do not return to the building

from the fire. until given the okay by the fire

Contact your insurance agent

to get an inventory of all
damaged items, which could be
covered. Save receipts that are
Develop an escape plan for related to the fire.
different areas of the home,
particularly focusing on
escaping from the bedroom
areas. Each room should have
two different ways of escape in
case one is blocked by fire.
Practice it regularly.

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