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Grant Adelson

Short Story

Im one with the energy, the energy is with me. Im one with the energy, the

energy is with me. Duke Groundwalker repeats to himself. He hangs by just his

fingers off of the ledge, one slip could lead to his death fall. Kobe Fader approaches,

ready to finish the job he came to do. With his Saber in hand, he pulls back ready to

take his swing. Im one with the energy, the energy is with me. Duke continues to

whisper to himself. Say goodbye Duke Groundwalker, and say goodbye to the Rebel

Association. Lord Fader says, as he takes his swing.


Groundwalker is one of a selected few to be a Star Knight. This allows him to

have control over things a normal Rebel couldnt. It takes years and years of

training to master the skills of being a Star Knight. Before the Twin Wars the Galactic

Universe was a united nation. Then the powerful Dictator Kobe Fader assumed

control over the Universe. After Fader used his new power against the citizens, it

caused the Universe to split into two groups. The Loyalists, or the Kingdom, and the

Rebel Association. The groups have been at war ever since. The Kingdom has a

base that looks over the Universe called the Death Sphere. The Association is on a

mission to take it down once and for all and restore peace in the Universe.
Get to the battleships! Commander Jahlil instructed the Pilots. The

Association was planning a surprise attack against the Kingdom. This was starting to

become a norm for the Association. They have been through ambushes and

massive assaults many time before, they were prepared, and they were ready for

their big rebellion. Duke sat in the carrier ship as it took off from the landing pad. He

couldnt help but think about the life he could leave behind every time he left for

battle. There were many dangers of battle, and if he was captured, the Kingdom

would be ruthless to those who rebelled.

As the ship flies of the city of Archtic it takes its descent. Lets get ready to

roll men Commander Jahlil said. The door opens and the Rebels charge out,

immediately being hit by gun fire from the Troopers. Duke hesitates, but charges out

with a scream. Lasers fire at him and he blocks every one with his saber, deflecting

back to where it came from. Soon enough the Rebels have cleared out the area, and

are continuing to move forward.

We need to get to the satellite, it is the only way to save the Universe. Said

Duke. The Kingdoms satellite had the power to fire a beam of light, so bright and

intense it could destroy a planet it seconds. They knew the Kingdom would use that

ne them sooner than later so they needed to act fast. Rebels, you go around the

back and create chaos, I will head in and get to the control panel. Instructed Duke,

Let the Energy be with you. The Rebels moved ahead, leaving Duke as the only

chance the Rebels had at victory.

Duke entered the Satellite building. There was a chill he felt on the back of

his neck. He turned around quick, ready to fight. Nothing. He continued his quest

forward, but his senses knew there was someone else near. Then it happens, the
unmistakable breathing of Lord Fader. He flashes his saber, as does Fader. Ive

been waiting for you Groundwalker. Kobe Fader teases.

Duke swings first, then again, and again, and again. Fader blocking every one

with ease. Then Fader takes a swing, knocking Duke off of his feet. He gets up and

continues to take jabs at Fader, but still cant seem to do any damage. Fader lifts his

arms back, a ball of red energy is filing between his hands. He moves them forward

and the energy flies at Duke and hits him, knocking him off of the edge of the abyss.

Im one with the energy, the energy is with me. Im one with the energy, the

energy is with me. Duke Groundwalker repeats to himself. He hangs by just his

fingers off of the ledge, one slip could lead to his death fall. Kobe Fader approaches,

ready to finish the job he came to do. With his Saber in hand, he pulls back ready to

take his swing. Im one with the energy, the energy is with me. Duke continues to

whisper to himself. Say goodbye Duke Groundwalker, and say goodbye to the Rebel

Association. Lord Fader says, as he takes his swing.

Duke flies up and jumps over Fader. Using the energy he pulls a large chunk

of metal at Fader, hitting him in the head. His saber falls through the abyss. The

Kingdom will now end, once and for all Fader. Duke tells him. He has been waiting

for this moment all of his life. He takes one clean swing at Fader and knocks him

through the black hole, never to be seen again. Duke turns around, relieved, and

enters in the code he was instructed to put in, 9065. He has destroyed the Kingdom.

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