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White tiger

written by:cc
table of contents
Page 1 tittle, page 3 appearance. page 4 diet .page 5
habitat .page 6 family. page 7 facts.
White tigers are white with black lines.White tigers can
grow up to 11 feet toll.White tigers way 140 to 300 pounds.
White tigers are a carnivore.that means White tigers eat
meat. White tigers eat deer,wild boar,cattle.
White tigers live in the dense jungle and it is cold over there. white tigers also
live in mangrove swamp. it is cold over there .White tigers also live in india.
White tigers are in the feladay family. white tiger hunt
with there family.white tigers take care of there family.
none have been seen in the jungle for 20 years.white tiger can
grow up to 11 feet toll.people yous white tigers as trophies.
facts something that is true. family things that help eachuther. habitat a location.
diet what they eat. apearance what they look like.table of contents it tells where
things are in the book. tittle it tells you the name of the book.

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