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Th ere i s ab out 13,000 Grey

Wol v es l ef t i n th e w orl d!

About GreyWolves
Grey wolves are the
ancestors of the domestic
dog and come in the color
grey, of course. They were
once nearly wiped from the
48 states that we live in.
They hunt in packs of 7 to 8
to travel and hunt

Want toHelp?
http:/ / graywolf/ what-you-can-do



What isthreateningWolves

If grey wolves were to go
extinct in 5 years. Imagine
what the forests would be
like. The grey wolves are
here to keep the
populations of deer and elk
in check. It would be
overrun by deer and elk.
The dead carcasses also
provide nutrients and food
for other wildlife species.
Overall, they help out many
plants and animal species
in the ecosystem.

Some main threats for

grey wolves going on is
people. People have been
recklessly trapping and
trophy hunting for these
wolves. Farmers have also
been putting "pest
control" to save their

What is Being done to

To help the grey wolves
governments are enforcing
laws to protect them, and
groups and societies are
creating sanctuaries to
protect them.

Grey Wolves mainly,
now, live in Alaska.
There are more wolves
in Canada and Asia, and
barely any in Europe
but that is where they
mainly live.

"Basic Facts About Gray Wolves."

Defenders of Wildlife. N.p., 14 Mar.
2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.
"Ensuring A Lasting Future For Grey
Wolves." Defenders of Wildlife, n.d.
Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

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