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Welcome TIRs

Jen Frick K-2
Elizabeth Roybal 3-5
Linda Johnson 6-8

Kelsey K-2
Holly and Catherine 3-5
Tara -Middle School

1) Build schedule with grade level wing

a) Duties: morning, lunch and dismissal
a) Plan time with grade levels
b) Evaluation Process- Co-teaching

2) Gradual Release
a) Week 1/2 assist and observe in your wing.
b) Week three- Co-teaching a lesson that the grade level teacher has planned.
c) Week Four/Five- Teaching a lesson you have planned.

3) Long-term positions.

4) Daily schedule
a)small groups
b)intervention time: 9:00-9:30, 9:45-10:15, 1:29-1:59

5) 03s - 30 min with grade level dean every week

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