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Below the schedule you will find the procedures for dismissal.

Bus Schedule 2020-2021

November Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Oct. 26th-Oct. 30th K-1 2-3 4-5 K-1 2-3

Nov. 2nd-6th 4-5 Workday K-1 2-3 4-5

9th-13th K-1 2-3 Holiday 4-5 K-1

16th-20th 2-3 4-5 Remote 2-3 4-5

Learning (A)
23rd-27th Remote Remote Vacation Holiday Holiday
Learning Learning

December Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Nov. 30-Dec. 4th K-1 2-3 Remote K-1 2-3
7th-11th 4-5 K-1 2-3 4-5 Remote
14th-18th K-1 2-3 Remote K-1 4-5
21st-25th Workday Vacation Vacation Holiday Holiday

28th-31st Holiday Vacation Vacation Vacation

# of Friday’s/Last Day of Week August-December

K-1: 4
2-3: 5
4-5: 5
January Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1st Holiday

4th-8th 4-5 K-1 Remote 4-5 K-1

11th-15th 2-3 4-5 Remote 2-3 4-5
18th-22th Holiday Workday 2-3 4-5 2-3

25th-29th 2-3 4-5 K-1 2-3 4-5

February Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1st-5th K-1 2-3 4-5 K-1 2-3

8th-12th 4-5 K-1 2-3 4-5 K-1

February Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
15th-19 Calendar Out Workday 2-3 4-5 K-1
22nd-26th 2-3 K-1 Remote 2-3 4-5
March Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1st-5th 2-3 4-5 Remote K-1 2-3
8th-12th K-1 2-3 4-5 K-1 Workday

15th-19th 2-3 4-5 K-1 2-3 4-5

22nd-26th K-1 4-5 Remote 4-5 K-1

29th-April 2nd Vacation Vacation Vacation Vacation Holiday

April Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Apr. 5th-9th Calendar Out Workday 4-5 K-1 2-3
12th-16th 4-5 K-1 Remote 2-3 4-5
19th-23rd K-1 4-5 2-3 4-5 K-1

26th-30th 2-3 K-1 Remote 4-5 2-3

May Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3rd-7th K-1 2-3 Remote 4-5 K-1
10th-14th 4-5 2-3 K-1 Workday 2-3

17th-24th 4-5 K-1 2-3 K-1 4-5

24th-28th 4-5 2-3 Remote 4-5 K-1

31st-June 4 Holiday 2-3 4-5 K-1 2-3

June Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

7th-11th 4-5 K-1 2-3 4-5 Workday

Friday’s/Last Day of the Week February 15th-June

K-1: 5
2-3: 5
4-5: 4
Bus Dismissal
Before Dismissing:

Discuss and review your grade level system for preparing for dismissal. Students should be lined up and
ready to exit the building at 3:50. Do not let any students, including safety patrol, exit the building alone
prior to 3:50. This is a serious safety concern. Staff on duty, please ensure you are at your designated
place on time so students traveling to your area will be properly supervised. Do not wait until the bell rings
to prepare students. *Kindergarten students will begin dismissal at 3:45. Kindergarten carpool students should
remain on their hallway with the teacher/IA on duty until the bell rings. A Remind text will be sent to let
everyone know which buses are on campus and in what order.

When the Bell Rings:

As you transition students to the gym for bus dismissal, one teacher on the grade will lead and monitor the front
of the line. This person is responsible for lining up the first buses that are on campus (sent via Remind) and
taking them directly to the buses using the sidewalk that runs along the gym. For example, the first buses may
be lined up in this order: Duck 1, Puppy 2, Falcon 3, Dolphin 4, and Elephant 5. These bus riders should line up
on their hallway first and follow their teacher out to the buses.

Another teacher on the grade level will be at the back of the line of bus riders for their grade level. This teacher
will go to the gym with the bus riders that need to wait until their bus arrives. This person is also the person on
gym bus duty for the day/week. When a teacher representative for all grades is present in the gym, we will
know we are clear to release the first round of buses and the caller with the walkie will let Joyce, the AP, know.

Once students get into the gym, they will look for their bus animal sign and sit in a line in front of it. Adults on
duty in the gym should monitor their zone and lines to make sure students are in the right zone, meeting
behavior expectations, and are ready to go when their bus arrives.

*Since many of our students travel almost two hours to get home, they are allowed to eat a quick,
handheld/minimum clean-up snack (i.e. granola bar, fruit snack, apple). Foods that require a spoon/fork are not
encouraged. Please help communicate this to parents via newsletters, websites, and communications home. The
students should finish eating prior to boarding the bus. *2/8/21 Students will not be allowed to eat in the

Boarding the Bus

When a bus arrives on campus, the security officer will call their names and the doors the students will exit.
Door #1 is near the gym bathrooms; students exit through the right side door and down the steps. Door #2 is
near the gym bathrooms; students exit through the left side door and down the steps. Door #3 is the exit facing
the school; students exit right and use the steps. Door #4 is the same exit facing the school; students exit and use
the ramp. ALL doors are labeled.

There is no late bus duty. The grade levels on duty stay until buses are done.

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