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link for parents to Q&A https:

Question Response usp=sharing
Schools may open their nomination window immediately. It will close on the 10th day of school
Plan B: Blended Learning
2019-2020 Test Requests already collected will still be valid and these students will be tested in the fall
of 2020. Families will also have the option to request SSA testing within the 1st ten-days once the
buildings are open. All students whose parents requested Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) will be
assessed within the first 30 days that the buildings are open. Testing will occur between the 11th & the
30th day of schools being open. Students meeting the scoring qualification will be placed in the
accelerated course no later than the 7th week in the building. Schedule changes and adjustments are at
the discretion of the Principal.

Plan C: Remote Learning

All SSA testing for this option will take place online. This plan will apply to all school calendar types.
2019-2020 Test Requests already collected will still be valid and these students will be tested in the fall
of 2020. Families will also have the option to request SSA testing within the 1st ten-days of the 2020-
2021 school. All students whose parents requested Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) will be assessed
within the first 30 days of remote learning. Testing will occur between the 11th & the 30th day of school.
Students meeting the scoring qualification will be placed in the accelerated course no later than the 7th
week of school. Schedule changes and adjustments are at the discretion of the Principal.
How will SSA testing work?
This spreadsheet will have your questions entered and my response added when I can. You can not
enter questions in this document. They need to go in the chat box.
Is there still the necessity to keep 3 week
rotation, considering that half of the students is
already signed up for VA? Yes. We can not change that as WES. It is a district structure and requirement.
Is there a possibility to keep reduced time
school for in school learning. Avoiding lunch We can not change that as WES. We are following WCPSS structures and requirements while also
and breaks may help keep safe distance and recognizing the need for longer transition times during arrival/departure, elective/class changes, cleaning
reduce mask wearing time. to follow appropriate health/social distancing protocols.
2.5 hrs of live instruction a day (google meets in any subject) 5.5 hrs a day of learning time. Not all
What level of daily time commitment will be learning has to be screen based. We will need to support students when they are at home in a variety of
required from parents for to facilitate virtual lessons. Therefore, students are not sitting and listening to a video for 2.5 hrs. Students in K will need
academy for kindergarten? one on one support from home because this is new to them.
How many classes do we think we will keep
open for each grade? And how many students Approximately half or more of each grade level teachers will be teaching virtual. Grade levels will be
in each class? figuring this out and there is currently 25-30 % virtual academy in some grade levels and 50% for others.
This will vary. There will be some larger groups of students when they are teaching and sometimes they
What will be Student to teacher ratio in VA and will be able to have smaller groups where they are workng with students. There will be a variety of
in-school learning options ? student ratios and different learning environments throughout the day.
If we opt for Virtual Academy (VA) and if things
change and school will be functioning as usual
will the kids be able to join the school from the They will have to be a part of the virtual academy the whole semester. But after the first semester you
middle of the year? can switch from VA to plan B. You could also switch from Plan B To VA.
Is there a buy in from teachers for Plan B?
Would WCPSS consider Plan C? I'm sure they are looking at Plan C as an option. They will continue to monitor COVID metrics
This is still a work in progress. We are brainstorming how to have electives both virtually and face to
What does the elective structure mean with face. Electives will happen for all students (Plan B in school Face to face, Plan B virtual, and Virtual
Virtual Academy? Academy) but it will just look different in a variety of aspects.
If you choose plan B and after experiencing it
feel that it’s not a good fit for your family, can
you join the VA late? Yes, you can switch it midyear/at the end of first semester.
VA will be taught by teachers. But students can be taught by a different teacher from a different school if
I am still a little confused ,but from what I numbers are low in enrollment. Schools could work together to add our students with other schools to
understand the my kindergardner will be taught create a class for a teacher to teach. However, our numbers are showing students will probably be with a
by a teacher from Washington ES itself? WES teacher. We are aiming to have WES teachers teach all VA students.
For kindergartners chosen VA, is there any
special consideration given to help kids interact
with peers that they will meet and study with in
the future? Yes we are taking special considersations.
I wonder what the staff would prefer? Each staff has different preferences, just like families.
Are you planning to have any one to one
sessions with kids and teachers during virtual We will need to plan to build out small groups and how to stagger times for them to prepare for the online
learning. Especially with kindergarten students work. Yes we will have to figure out how to have opportunties to model and work with kids so they will be
to understand the kids teaching requirements. able to be successful
What will happen if a child gets COVID and
needs to be home for a length of time? Will the They would need to be out for 14-17 days and anyone in contact with that studnet will need to quarantine
sick child be able to be in school online? for 14 days as well. If a student gets COVID recommendation is to join VA to work from home.
Are you trying to build in time for kids in plan B
to be able to interact virtually? How much
"morning meeting" time will there be? Still work in progress. But the vitual learning should be similar in structure to a regular school day.
If plan B kids are exposed or sick and have to
stay home during their in person week, will they
be allowed to work virtually or will they miss Students would continue with the online medium. Cannot switch out weeks or trade out. You would have
those school days entirely? to wait till your in person week started again.
If we choose VA and WCPSS moves to Plan C,
are we stuck with VA for the rest of the
semester/year? Can change after first semester. Mid Year.
Combining Plan B on line students with Virtual Academy students has the the benefit of consistent,
online instruction for both groups while also affording both groups more meaningful access to electives.
OK, both VA and Plan-B teaching is mostly Additionally, it can enable smoother transition for Plan B students between virtual and face to face in
online. However, Plan-B teaching should school teaching. Whether to have a single teacher teach a designated group of Virtual Academy
accommodate three different interruption students or have Teachers share responsibility for teaching online Plan B and VA students together will
patterns when a group of kids come face-to- depend on the number of teachers on a team, the number of students on a grade signed up for VA, and
face. Isn't combining all these groups doing the manner in which a team of teachers believe they can effectively instruct all students on their grade
more harm than good? level.
When the students are out for two weeks during
during 3 week rotation. Will they do remote
learning at home for two weeks or in campus
with out a teacher ? Students will be at home, two out of the three weeks.
If we pick face to face do we have to take any
action ? No if you are doing plan b you do nothing. If you sign up for VA you will be put in VA.
Are the VA students put in classes with WIth our numbers we do not think so. Our goal is because of your strong committment to WES we will
students from other schools or are they put in have our teachers teach those kids. But could be possible to have a different teacher if it does not work
classes with only Washington students? out with our numbers.
SSA testing will happen in the first 10 days. VA SSA testing will be online for students who are not
currently in the SSA program. We have not heard how BOG will be done yet. No decision made on the
Any update on how testing will take place with literacy assesements has been made public yet. We will assess students through formative assessments
Virtual Academy? either in person or online to help support students.
SSA testing will happen in the first 10 days. VA SSA testing will be online. We have not heard how BOG
How will BOG and AIG testing be handled for will be done yet. No decision made on the literacy assesements has been made public yet. We will
students in the VA? assess students through formative assessments either in person or online to help support students.
Are the 2/3 virtual and 1/3 in person part of the
same class? Do they learn together or are they Students are in a grade level and that grade level of teachers is working towards making learning
like 3 separate classes? possible. It is unlikely that a single teacher will be teaching a set group of students.
Can we share family information among grades The school front office can not create a directory or share that information because of confidentiality
to allow families to connect to have in-person reasons. But our PTA can create and share a school directory. Sign up for memberhub to access
meetings for kids that will be in virtual information and updates. Parents will be able to sign up on MemberHub where you will have access to
academy? Especially kindergarten, that have all WES families. More information will be forthcoming from our PTA President Kim Olds and Vice
not met other families. President Jessica Jeffries.
Will parents have opportunity to communicate
with teachers when they have concerns about
their kids' learning situation? such as a parent
and teacher conference? in the virtual academy Yes we will still set up processes to help families connect with teachers and the school
Will Dojo communication come through a lead
teacher for the student or will it come through
each teacher the student has interaction with -
depending on the issue that needs to be
communicated? We do not know at this time.
My son coming to kindergarten at school face to
face how transportation work ? How can we
register new kids for transportation. My When you enrolled for Kindergarten there should have been a place to register for the bus. If not clear or
daughters is already riding a bus. you need to register for Bus use this site:
We will be using google meet to meet with students and teach portions of lessons. There will be some
In virtually learning will students and instructors live and recorded videos. But WCPSS bandwith could not handle everyone being virtually online at the
be online on video for class hours? same time for class long periods of time.
Will the IEP/ 504 coordinator from Washington
work with the Virtual Academy coordinator to
ensure the child gets their needs met. Also will I
have to reapply for 2021-2022 school year my
child to attend Washington if he’s considered a
transfer student & does not have magnet This is being worked out. We will be figuring out how to support all of the students and you will still be
status? able to receive those services throughout the year.
If we decline bus due to virtual learning for fall ,
if things go back to normal can we request for
bus for spring sessions? Yes. Please refer to the link:
What is the difference between Plan C and
Virtual Academy? Nothing. All students are online all the time.
There are two options. Plan B means one out of three weeks students come to the building for face to
Do some students can do strictly face to face face learning. two of the three weeks students will be learning online. Plan B students will be online and
and some can do remote learning ? While others then come back to the building for a week then back to online for two weeks. If you choose VA, students
can do solely VA ? I’m so confused now. will be online all of the time and hopefully with a WES teacher.
If Wake County moves to plan C in the next few
weeks, what happens to Plan B kids? Will they
move to Virtual Academy? All students will be moved to the plan c requirements. They will be learning online instead of face to face.
I'm concerned about the amount of screen time
my kindergartner would be exposed to. What is This is also our concern as well. How to teach students and not require them to be screen dependent. Mr
the plan to teach to standards without exposing Grant will be working very hard with the PTA to help provide students with everything they need so
them to a large amount of screentime? learning isn't always online---manipulatives for example.
Are virtual academy kids taught by the same
teachers as Plan B kids or are they taught by VA may be taught by different teachers or the same teacher. But the student will be taught by a teacher
different teachers? in that grade level who will most likely be a WES teacher.
What school material (which is normally
provided by school) do we need to prepare for
virtual academy? We will figure out what you will need and work with you to make sure you recieve those materials.
Will VA students receive printed material, or will
we need access to print out? Still being decided, but likely we will provide, when needed, the materials you need for VA/Plan B online.
Does staggered entry for kindergartners apply
for Virtual Academy? We do not know how we are going to do that yet.
When/if you do have a positive test, how will
contact tracing for students be approached We would know who they are coming to school together and who they have been in contact with based
given the clustering approach? off their schedules when they are in the building.
How will 3rd graders who select VA get
preparation for standardized testing that
prepares them for when they return to face-to-
face? We will do our best to prepare students for testing whether they are learning remotely or in person.
Will siblings be on the same Plan B schedule for
in person learning week? Yes.
Can kids wear their own masks for face to face
instruction (i.e. ones with filters), or must they They can wear their own masks. The district will provide 5 masks to each student and staff member.
wear the ones provided by Wake County? Students can wear the shield with a mask but not just a shield based on what is being recommended at
this time.
How will students be tracked if they are falling
behind with the core curriculum in the VA?
What actions will be taken to make sure they are
understanding concepts and what interventions
be put in place? Same as the regular school year. Observe, assess, provide targeted support
It is being worked on and there is no official sign up for that right now. WCPSS is working with a variety
of organizations to help provide child care at every school to help with staff child care. It will not be a on
When can we expect updates on what child care site child care for families for the two weeks they are tracked out. We will not be creating a space for
is available for Plan B students during their famillies to send their children when they are tracked out. Before care is working with the YMCA to
virtual weeks for parents who cannot telework? create options for families for the week their child is at school.
Can we get tips on being organized for VA kids,
just like the kids in plan b. Example: teachers
usually help kids with organizing binders/
notebooks. Will VA have the same start time as The goal for VA and online learners there will be desginated times teachers will be online teaching. So
plan b for the day since there will be more of a students will be able to have access to technology to log on at those times. Not all of the learning will be
schedule this time around? recorded for students to watch later. It will be a combination of live videos and recorded videos.
The team is working together to provide the strongest preparation and delivery of online instruction for
How will Kindergartners learn virtually? our K students.
If plan B student tests positive, do they stay
remote plan B until they are allowed to go back
to in-person or are they shifted to VA They would receive online instruction as structured by the grade level.
If you choose VA now and before the end of the
semester, the governor announces schools can
go to plan A, can you change to plan A or do Can change after first semester (Mid Year) if in VA and wanting to go to school full time in the building
you have to wait until the end of the semester? (Plan A) if announced by the Governor and County
COMMENT: I suggest if you are going plan B,
start having your kids wear masks now and
gradually build up to 7hours Great suggestion, thank you.
COMMENT: Some of the VA FAQs posted at
WCPSS site are quite helpful https://www. Great suggestion, thank you.
COMMENT: There will be a Virtual Academy
Open House tonight at 5:30.

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