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TT3 EXPLANATION LESSON 25 (Selective Listening)

Situation 1
A trip to England
England a country on an island in the northwest part of Europe
1- What country is this?
2- Ask is s/he has been to England.
3- Ask if s/hed like to live in England.
4- Tell me a country in the northwest part of Europe.
4- Wheres this trip to?
A person or thing from England is English
1- Is this person French or English?
2 - Is Elton John American or English?
3- What about The Beatles?
4- Ask if s/he has an English friend on Facebook.
5- Is Big Ben an American or an English tourist attraction?

Were going to hear the name of the capital of England.

A- Weve finally made it to London.
1- Whats the capital of England?
2- Where are they?
3- Ask if hed like to spend his/her next vacation in London.
4- Ask what language they speak in London.
5- Whats he saying?

Were going to hear a phrasal verb that means to find an explanation for something, to finally
understand something or how something works.
Now we just have to figure out how to get to Jeremys apartment.
1- What do they have to do now?
2- Whats another way to say that you havent been able to understand how your new computer works?
3- How could you say that you cant understand statistics?
4- What are they going to use the maps for?

Youre going to hear a word that means apartment in England.

B- Jeremy flat, you mean. Thats what they call an apartment here.
1- Whats the word for apartment in England?
2- Whats another way to say that you live in a small apartment?
3- Ask if s/hed like to live in a large flat in London.
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4- What do English call an apartment?

5- Whats he saying?

C- Whatever. I just want to make sure we dont get lost.

1- What does he want to make sure?
2- Whats he telling his friend?

Youll learn how to call a place where tourists can get information about the city they are visiting.
D- Look, theres a tourist information center.
1- Whats he pointing to?
2- Where would you go if you wanted to figure out the city you were visiting?
3- Where can you find maps and information about a city you are visiting?
4- Ask if theres a tourist information center in Diadema.

We can get a city guide and a subway map over there.

1- Whats he saying they can get at the tourist information center?
2- What do they need to figure out how to get to Jeremys flat?
3- Whats he saying?

Youll hear the English word for subway.

OK. But they dont call it the subway, they call it the underground.
1- How do they call the subway in England?
2- Ask if s/he takes the underground to go to work.
3- Ask what the nearest underground station is.
4- Ask if s/hed like to live near an underground station.
5- Whats he explaining his friend now?

Now the guy will express he wanted things to be different in the present, using the past tense.
E- Gee, I wish they spoke the same English in England as we do in America.
1- What does he wish?
2- Whats another way to say that you wanted to be at home know?
3- Whats does he say?
Remember that we use the part perfect to express we wanted things to be different in the past: I wish
I hadnt spent too much money at the trip.
1- Yesterday you went to bed late and had to wake up early today. Whats a way to express that you
lament had gone to bed late?
2- How to express that you lament you hadnt study for a test today.
3- How to express that you lament you had broken up with your boy/girlfriend?

Situation 2
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A foreign adventure
1- Whats the title of this situation?
2- Ask if s/hed like to have a foreign adventure.

Well hear a word that means a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about
A- What are those brochures about, Pam?
1- What do we call these small books?
2- Whats Pam reading?
3- Ask if s/he received a brochure the first time s/he came to CCAA.
4- What do people sometimes give us on the street to advertise something?
5- What do we find in tourist information centers besides maps?
6- Whats she asking Pam?

Theyre about European tours.

1- What are those brochures about?
2- Whats Pam interested in?

Youll learn how we call a student that takes part in a program in which s/he studies in another country
during the same period a foreign student studies in his/her country.
B- Im going to be an exchange student in England next semester
1- Whats she going to be next semester?
2- Ask if s/hed like to be an exchange student in England next semester.
3- Ask if s/he knows someone whos an exchange student in Brazil.
In the U.S. and some other countries, the school year is divided in two parts. As you listened here, how
do they call each of these parts?
1- When is she going to be an exchange student?
2- How is the school year divided in the US and some other countries?
3- And at CCAA?
4- Whats Pam telling her friend?
5- Whys Pam reading these brochures?

Now youll learn how to call the act of traveling

and I plan to do some traveling.
1- What does she plan to do?
2- Ask if shes planning on doing some traveling during his/her vacation.
3- Ask if s/he did some traveling last in December.
4- Besides being an exchange student, whats she planning to do in England next semester?

Youre going to hear a word that means very exciting.

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C- Wow, that certainly is thrilling.

1- What does she think about Pams plans?
2- What would you consider a trip to the US?
3- And being an exchange student next semester in Europe?
4- Whats she saying?

Now youll learn how to call a person from another country.

Maybe youll meet a handsome foreigner, get married
1- Is he American? How is she describing him?
2- How could you describe a person from another country?
3- Ask if s/he has foreigners as friends on Facebook.
4- Ask if s/he has had a foreigner as his/her English teacher.
5- What does she think may happen to Pam in England?

Now youll hear a word that means a large and expensive house.
and live in a posh mansion in the countryside.
1- How can you describe this large and expensive house?
2- Where do you think Tom Cruise lives?
3- Ask if s/hed buy a mansion if s/he gained 1 million dollars.
4- Ask if s/hed prefer to live in a mansion or in a flat if s/he were very rich.
Posh means expensive and stylish.
1- Hows she describing this mansion?
2- Ask if s/he has a friend who lives in a posh flat.
3- Ask if s/hed buy a posh foreign sports car is s/he won the lottery.
4- Ask if s/he considers a Ferrari a posh car.
5- How could you describe Maksoud Plaza Hotel?
6- How do we describe things that are expensive and stylish?
Countryside is the part outside the city, the woods, and land around a city where there are ranches
and farms, they raise cows, horses, etc.
1- Where will her imaginary posh mansion be?
2- Where do they usually raise chickens, horses and cows?
3 What do we call the part outside the city that includes the woods, ranches and farms?
4- Ask if s/hed like to live in the countryside.
5- Wheres she saying Pam will live if she meets a handsome foreigner and gets married?

D- You couldve told me you were going to apply to be an exchange student.

1- What does she think Pam couldve done?
2- Whats she telling Pam?
As you know, we can also use might have + participle to talk about a possibility in the past that didnt
happen. If I hadnt been wearing a seat belt, I couldve hurt myself in the accident. Or: If I hadnt
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been wearing a seat belt, I mightve hurt myself in the accident.

1- Whats another way to say that you couldve chosen to study French instead of English?
2- And that you couldve gone to bed earlier if you had known youll have to wake up at 7 today?
3- Whats she telling Pam she couldve done?
Remember that we use should have + participle to talk about a past situation that was advisable in the
past was not performed. You shouldve told the truth instead of making up a story.
1- Tell us about something you shouldve done but you did something different.
2- Tell us about something you did in the past but now you realize you shouldnt have done?
3- You had a test but you hadnt studied and got a D. What do you think you should have done before
the test?

Now, shell state a condition in the past. As you know, we use if + past perfect / would have +
If I had known, I would have applied too.
1- What would she have done if she had known Pam had applied to be an exchange student?
2- What would you have done if you had stayed at home today?
3- Tell us about something you would have done last year if you had had the money.
4- Lets pretend today is s birthday and were having a party but we forgot to tell you. Tell us what
you would have brought for him/her if you had known about the party.
5- Whats she telling Pam?

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