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At Home Spa Day With

Publisher In-class group exercise
Taylor Bond, Ali Crowder, and
Rylie Fields
March 1, 2016 is a
Resources Fruit?
All information in this brochure
Cucumber Sensation was from our
Try cutting up cucumbers and own
putting them on your eyes! They
hydrate and renew your dark cir-
cles and skin surrounding your
eyes! The also reduce inflamma-
Portions of this bro-
tion (you can eat them after;))
chure are used under
Avocado Mask Madness
fair use guidelines. Fur-
You can mash up an avocado with
honey and oats for an organic face ther distribution or du-
mask! Oats are a good for getting By: Taylor
plicate or distribution if Bond, Ali
rid of dead skin Honey can help
prohibited. Crowder, and
relieve irritation while avocado
Rylie Fields
helps hydrate.
Fruits you didnt know were fruits!

Our World Famous

Squash Spaghetti Recipe
Step 1: Cut your squash in half
Step 2: Heat your oven to 400
Step 3: Put the squash on a flat
Avocados sheet face down for 30 minutes Egg Plants
Step 4: Let it cool for 10 minutes
Step 5: Use a fork to scrap out
the inside of the squash (these
are your noodles)
Step 6: Cut up the tomato in
Bell Peppers some small pieces and put them
in a blender to make smooth Tomato
Step 7: Put the tomatoes on the
stove (feel free to add bell pep-
pers, cucumbers, and eggplants
to the sauce)
Step 8: Put the sauce on the noo-
dles! YUM!
Cucumbers Squash

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