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Garcia 1

Monica Garcia
English 12
Ms. Estrada
Lala My Life
10 March 2017

Reflection #1
An activist is a person who campaigns in order to bring about political or social change.

In this case I think it means involving oneself in the act of changing policy through non-violent

resistance. A scholar is someone who perceivers in their academic endeavors. In this case I think

it means dedicating oneself to grow spiritually and academically. A creator is someone who

creates something, in other words I think a creator is someone who constructs something unique

and produces something into their own visual perspective. I consider myself a creator, scholar,

and an activist. I have created beautiful artwork that has inspired, and influenced others to create.

Id like to continue creating others important pieces. I am a scholar because I have dedicated my

time to my education. I am a lifelong learner, and school school and education are valuable to

me. As a result of my dedication I will graduate on time with my 2017 class. I am an activist

because I have participated in many protests for social change, such as The Aids Walk and the

Mayday protest. I am involved in protests because I want to promote social change and make a

difference. I consider myself to be a changemaker, and want to continue to fight for whats right.

I have developed as a scholar because I didnt really care about school until my junior

year. I decided I wanted to go to college and get the education in order to attain a long term

career. Whats more, I have evolved as an activist because I wasnt really involved in protest or I

wasnt really interested in attending them. I realized it takes many to gather and protest for

change. I have helped my community by participating and organizing school wide blood drives.
Garcia 2

I have participated in the planning, implementation and outreach for our blood drives. This is an

act of activism and it has taught me leadership skills and has given me the opportunity to

communication with organizations, community members and my peer group. I have also

demonstrated leadership and activism by helping during Cesar Chavez day events. I went to a

food bank to help distribute the food to the homeless. I have continued to grow as a creator as I

conducted and led fundraising events for our school.I have grown creatively through artistic

expression. The artworks I create have expanded my imagination. I have also created artwork

that explains that girls shouldnt care how they look they should be confident.

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