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Evaluation of Teacher Candidate by School Administrator: Site 1 SurveyMonkey

Collector: New Link (Web Link)
Started: Thursday, February 16, 2017 8:58:44 AM
Last Modified: Thursday, February 16, 2017 10:43:35 AM
Time Spent: 01:44:50
IP Address:

PAGE 1: Personal Information

Q1: Date 2/16/17

Q2: Semester/Year Spring 2017

Q3: Teacher Candidate's Name Allie Yowell

Q4: School Administrator's Name Jennifer Born

Q5: School Division Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Q6: School Indian Lakes Elementary School

Q7: School Description Suburban

PAGE 2: Rating/Evaluation

Q8: Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate on each item listed.
Personal characteristics and professional attitudes Excellent

Knowledge of subject matter Excellent

Planning Excellent

Instruction Excellent

Management and control Excellent

Team Interaction Excellent

Assessments Excellent

PAGE 3: Comments

Evaluation of Teacher Candidate by School Administrator: Site 1 SurveyMonkey

Q9: Areas of strength:

Teacher prepared ocean floor mats. She explained to the students that this specific skill was something that she felt
she needed to reteach them using a graphic, as she did not do so in the original lesson.
Teacher briefly reinforced the components of the ocean floor, especially the terms continental shelf and trenches.
Students were asked to identify the continental shelf on their graphic.
Teacher asked the students to talk about the characteristics of the continental shelf, and students shared within the
small group.
Teacher next asked the students to identify the continental slope, which they were able to do with ease.
"Do you think that the sunlight can easily reach this area?"
Teacher moved students to the continental rise.
Give me some descriptors for the continental rise.
Teacher redefined the area for the students and then shared that the continental rise can happen in different orders in
different diagrams.
"What are some words that describe the trench?"
Deep, dark, cold, specific animals can live there
"What is the last part on our drawing?"
The abyssal plain, said the students.
"What are the characteristics of it?"
flat, at the bottom of the ocean floor

Strength of the Lesson:

Visual assists were given to strengthen student understanding and assist in remediation, based on prior assessment.
Continue to be reflective of your instructional strategies and the needs of your students to personalize instruction even
within small groups. The depth to which you know your students instructionally is powerful. By using different
strategies for remediation and looking to match your instruction to learning preferences, you are working diligently to set
students up for success academically. You have made a significant difference with our students. Thank you. You are
a dynamic teacher in the making.

Q10: Areas for refinement:

Questioning is an essential component to determine student understanding. Continue to look for ways to ask open-
ended questions and have students be more active producers of knowledge rather than consumers of information that
can be answered with quick factual information. It is evident that you have been exposing your students to justifying
responses and giving descriptions of vocabulary. Please continue to encourage active learning through your


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