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Simone Beauchamp

Process Paper

A Future For Equality: Coretta Scott Kings Dream

Recently, the issue of racism has once again found its way into the spotlight.
Stories about racist acts are everywhere, and its becoming harder to ignore the
problem we have been facing for centuries. This year, both on my own and in
school, I have become more aware of this issue, as we have learned about the
American Civil War and delved into the history of slavery. Coretta Scott King, from
what little I already knew, was an inspiration, a role model for everyone, and she
embodied many of the ideals and ideas I believe in. Though I didnt know much
about her, but she seemed like someone who had an inspirational and intriguing
background. I knew that by learning about her, I would gain insight into the issues
of segregation and racism, in general, the beliefs of her time and how she worked to
change it. Her philosophies and actions were very helpful to the American Civil
Rights Movement, and I hoped to learn something from her that I could apply to my
life and share with others who could apply it to their own lives.
I began with a long list of inspirational people, and spent agonizing hours
attempting to narrow it down before writing my Topic Proposal on Coretta Scott
King. I answered many questions about Coretta, researching, learning, and forming
opinions as I went. The primary sources were particularly insightful, giving me an
inside look on the perspectives various people had of her and the various facets of
her character. I read a letter and a telegram from Martin Luther King Jr. to Coretta,
and a chapter in his autobiography on her, which only encouraged me to research
her further. I also searched through many images, choosing ones that spoke to me.
When I was contemplating how to share my information, I considered a few
things, including the time constraint, the word constraints, and the amount of
creativity required. Eventually, I decided to create a website, because it was
something that was the easiest and fastest way to share with others, which I
wanted to do since Coretta is someone everyone should learn about. I wanted to
make my website mostly black and white to reflect the time, and to include many
images to keep viewers interested and engaged in the information I am presenting.
Based on everything I have learned about Coretta, this topic relates even
more to the theme Taking A Stand than I had thought it would. Coretta Scott King
was an activist since her college years, and possibly before. She stood up against
discrimination and inequality for many different groups, and was committed to
making America, as well as the rest of the world, a better place. She made
speeches, participated in marches, boycotts, and protests, and met with many
world leaders. She helped make America and other countries, more equal, more
accepting, and more beautiful.

Word Count: 499

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