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Shinta Anggraini (145070301111046/6A2)

Why I want to be A Dietitian

The one reason I want to become a dietitian begins from my mom who was
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus so I promise to myself give whatever I can do to
take care of her. Because I know diabetes mellitus is a disease that cant be cured
and should be very concerned about the food they consume in order to be able to
control their blood sugar. The first time I thought, this work is done by a doctor so I
think I must be a doctor in future. But when I watch TV about health, I watched the
duties of a dietitian at the hospital who turns dietitian profession was associated
with arranging any food eaten by patients suffering from a particular disease.
Dietitian cooperate with the doctor in charge of applying what patient must to eat
related their illness, because the profession is very steeped in what the content of
the foods that can be given related to what foods are allowed, should not be given,
which is recommended, how much, how many needs according to their food intake.
In addition, A dietitian must provide appropriate food diet in order to maintain good
nutritional status, which is in accordance with my hobbies cooking. That why I must
be a professional dietitian in future which not only can regulate food of my mom but
also for everyone who have problem with their health and make all of them keep

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