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Everyone should adopt a vegetarian diet because eating meat can cause serious health problems.

Do you agree or disagree.

Every person should be a vegan and not meat eaters cause it can increases the risk of critical illness.
In my opinion, I totally disagree with this because firstly, a research shows that some nutrients only
found in animal not plants which is this will affect our body systems if only consume vegetarian
diets. Secondly, most of vegetables and fruits today are sprayed with chemicals which is can damage
our body tissue and it shows us that vegetables can cause critical illness too.

Eating meat can improve health level because meat contain various nutrient such as Vitamin B12
and creatine which is can maintaining bone health and brain function. Adopt vegetarian diets will
increase the risks of nutrients deficiency which is the symptoms are heart attacks and depression.
For example, as a teacher I eat meat because it is rich source of iron, lack of iron will make me tired
and weak and this will affect my works. Furthermore, animal products can promote high protein and
can help control bloods sugar. This is just one example why everyone should not ignores the
beneficial of eating meat.

Many Farmer spray pesticide to fruits and vegetables to kill weeds and insect but sadly toxicity
cannot be vanished even after you wash it them. Eating foods with pesticide is really bad for health
and this is shows us that be a vegan can cause serious problem too. As a wife, it is important for me
to prepare the best food for them and to stay healthy, I will prepare well-balanced meat and
vegetables as well. To my mind, it is not about meat can cause serious health problems but about
how you choose, prepare and cook the food.

In conclusion, eating meat cannot cause critical illness. By consume the best meat, we can complete
nutrients in our body to stay healthy and its probably depends on the type of meats you prepare and
The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine.
Government funding should reflect this. To what extend do you agree?

Prevent is better than cure and government should give financial support to this issue. In my
opinion, I totally agree with this statement because firstly, prevent of health problems can save
more money and secondly uncured disease can put you and your love in pathetic

Nowadays, healthcare dan treatment costs a rising every day. Prevent from health problem can save
a lots of money. Human should change their bad routine to healthier life style. They should
ultimately rest to not eating junk and instant food, not smoking and should spend their time to do
daily exercise. This is cheaper than a treatment. Most people who are constantly in treatment
regretted for not adopt healthy life style and really want to back to their normal life because they
have to pay high cost. For example, diabetes disease is one of the highest treatment. Furthermore,
uncured and dangerous diseases can put humans in pathetic situation and it is getting worse if they
cant afford treatment and healthcare. As a wife and a mother to three child, I would prepared and
cooked nutritious food for them as a prevention ways. Its really about our life style and eating

There are many of disease that government spends huge money to treat them. For example,
diabetes is the major disease in almost all countries and about half of their healthcare budget. If
government use money on prevention by doing awareness campaign and promotes healthy lifestyle,
there would have been less number of cases and more savings. Government should continuously
promote awareness in social media to interact society so that they can improve their health level
including create interactive videos and activities to community. This is one solution to tackle and
educate people about the seriousness it merit a healthier life style.

In conclusion, government play large role in financial support to do all the promoting and campaign
to interact community about healthier life style. Healthier life style will lower the risk of dangerous
diseases and this leads to prevent health problems.
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is
What is the reason for the growth
How can this problem solved

Nowadays, quantity of obese people increased dramatically and contribute the major diseases in
critical health issue. In my opinion, the main factor about this issue is firstly, majority of overweight
people adopted bad life style as their routine and secondly they have poor eating habits.

Nobody cannot ignore the usefulness of modernization of our daily life, especially on how much it
makes human life easier including the revolution of food preparation. Most of overweight obsessed
with junk and unhealthy food from fast food restaurants. Furthermore, Insufficient times and
stressful in working has makes people today replacing fresh food with instant and processed food
because it is easier to prepare. All these kinds of food can affect their health and will leading to build
up fat and health problem.

The major factor to loss weight is exercise and nutritious food. Many people did not spend their time
to do daily exercise,
This poor eating habits will

The way people eat today is far different the way people ate before
On the other hand, Modern life style becomes more and more an important factor
influencing health state of most developed countries. 

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