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Integrated education and mental health services _ The challenge gale] The current educational structures do not adequately accommodate Le students who have little or no external support for severe mental and y28e% behavioral health needs. © Students with disabilities who lack access to community mental health a resources can present major challenges for the most well-equipped special education staff. on cece oe Schools do not have adequate resources to address a growing group of ele students who show aggressive and dangerous behaviors, complex Sere pharmacological profiles and/or multiple developmental, cognitiveand | 5h jaa), neurobiological disorders, cee @ _ Tre intermediate schoo! districts and other cooperative entities serving : Oas this population are uniquely positioned to see how diminished funding. for out-of-school placements is creating a crisis for Setting IV schools Diese Me ena tn ipee aves eacetcees Not eee hee eke to ieee ec) multidisciplinary team of highly skilled educators, dedicated mental health providers and Bese elses Uron toktcr eee etre eet Mental health services ‘® School-led mental health funding © Partnerships with mental health agencies ‘© In-school psychiatric help for students who cannot access traditional services © Dedicated, co-located county staff to assure access to county services 9 ¢ Staff and program development for schoot partners pat | LG @ Make existing professional development funding permanent for intermediate school districts and education cooperatives a . © Create teams to build the capacity of regular school districts to tervene faster and prevent level IV placement: q Proactive, preventative measures owvupasy auceno HEM SouthWest Motio Invite Dit 288 eS Improved services at Area Learning Centers (ALCs} ae © Equalize funding for students in ALCs Uy. © Fund ALC transportation services SW v An accountability study will en: Gyee mentee ier mental health results ® Least restricti eotere

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