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Introduction Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death, every

year cigarettes claim more than 480,000 lives.
a. Electronic cigarettes are gaining popularity.
b. Electronic cigarettes havent been officially accepted into society
c. Are E-cigs actually safe?.
2. Explanation of what E-cigs are
a. How electronic cigarettes work.
b. What is inside an electronic cigarette and its ingredients.
c. Other accessories for electronic cigarettes.
3. Anti-electronic cigarette debate.
a. Refer to a doctor to get prescribed pills to take to help quit smoking.
b. Prescription drugs like Varencline and Bupropion.
c. How the drugs actually work
4. Another anti-electronic cigarette point
a. Criticizes electronic cigarettes because of higher amount of youth
b. Statistic data backing up youth electronic cigarette use.
5. How is nicotine dangerous
a. Dangers of nicotine and how it affects brain development.
b. Nicotine & pregnancy.
6. Bad ingredients inside electronic cigarette juice.
a. Found three dangerous chemicals inside electronic cigarette juice.
b. Elaborated on the dangerous chemicals and what harms they cause.
c. How the ingredients can cause airway fibrosis and explanation of
what it is.
7. Pro-electronic cigarette debate
a. Establish street cred for the two researchers
b. Less harmful than a traditional cigarette.
c. Explanation; no combustion therefore less chemicals are released.
d. Comparison to traditional cigarette and discredit the initial testing
done by previous researchers due to inconsistency.
8. Pro-electronic cigarette landmark study
a. Statistics about electronic cigarettes, 95% safer.
b. Public misconceptions about electronic cigarettes, 44.8% didnt
know electronic cigarettes are safer.
c. More statistics to back up claim
9. Pro-electronic cigarette study for quitting.
a. Highest success rate out of all the other alternative forms of
smoking cessation.
b. Tells users about how come electronic cigarettes arent extremely
popular yet.
c. Explains how big companies are trying to ban electronic cigarette
10. Hardships that electronic cigarette companies are in..
a. Unjustifiable taxes and bans
b. Explains a new law passed and how it will impact the industry.
c. Explain freeze on the market
11. Freeze and taxes on industry
a. 40% Pennsylvania tax
b. New law made it illegal to possess items related to electronic
12. Counter argument to the testing done on electronic cigarettes.
a. Debunked the data that was originally done by previous
b. Showed how big companies are trying to take down electronic
13. Counter argument for teen electronic cigarette usage,
a. Explained how teens are picking up electronic cigarettes because it
is safer.
b. Statistic data showing how teen cigarette usage is at its lowest in
14. Conclusion
a. Repeats negative outlook on e-cigs
b. Harm reduction isnt a synonym for risk-free.

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