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1. Whats the most rebellious thing you did growing up?

2. What does your ideal idyll afternoon look like?

3. If you had to pick a spirit animal, what would it be?
4. If you could switch careers without any concern for money, what would you do?
5. What makes you smile without fail?
6. What about your teenage self embarrasses you most?
7. Whats your favorite thing to do when youre totally alone?
8. Have you ever had your fortune told by a psychic or a Tarot card reader and i
f so, what did you learn?
9. Whats your familys weirdest tradition?
10. Whens the last time you failed spectacularly at something?
11. Whens the last time you stayed up all night?
12. What was your weirdest interest or hobby as a kid?
13. Do you have any irrational fears and if so, what are they?
14. Whats the funniest or most traumatic thing thats ever happened to you on a dat
15. Whats your earliest childhood memory?
16. Which of the places youve traveled to inspired you the most, and why?
17. Have you ever been caught lying?
18. Whats the last white lie you told and got away with?
19. Whens the last time you felt seriously disappointed?
20. Whats the creepiest dream youve ever had?
21. Have you ever left someone you still loved?
22. Do you believe in the concept of the one?
23. Do you believe in fate?
24. Whats the most bizarre situation youve ever walked into?
25. Have you ever had a mentor?
26. Do you consider yourself a mentor to anyone right now?
27. What made you decide to study [insert college major]?
28. What impacts your moods more than anything else?
29. Whats your greatest talent?
30. If your job isnt your passion, what is?
31. How do you really feel about your boss?
32. Are you a risk taker or someone whos more risk averse?
33. Do you prefer group dinners or one-on-ones with friends?
34. Who do you trust more than anyone else?
35. Which of your family members do you admire most, and why?
36. Did you feel closer to your mom or dad growing up?
37. Are you more into your zodiac sign or your MBTI?
38. Is there a talent or skill youve always secretly wanted?
39. Under what circumstances do you tend to feel shy?
40. Where would you live if you had no ties to any specific place?
41. Which good cause is closest to your heart?
42. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
43. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?
44. Do you have any secret untapped passions?
45. Whens the last time you really indulged, and for what occasion?
46. What age do you hope to live to?
47. Whats the most disturbing thought youve ever had?
48. If reincarnation was definitely a thing, what form would you want to take on
in your next life?
49. Which famous person, dead or alive, would you most like to know?
50. Whats the most memorable thing thats ever happened to you (up until you met me
, of course)? TC mark
1. Whats something youve learned at your job / school?
2. Whats something you regret?
3. Where do you see yourself in a year?
4. What about in five?
5. Whats your biggest goal right now?
6. What things do you value in a friend?
7. What about in a significant other?
8. Whats one important thing you learned from your mother?
9. What kind of relationship do you have with your mom?
10. What is something you hope to learn in the next year?
11. What is one time that youve made a mistake?
12. Wheres somewhere youd like to travel?
13. And why?
14. What is something they look for in a significant other?
15. What are the deal breakers in their relationships?
16. Whats a quality they really admire in someone else?
17. Who is a public figure that you really admire?
18. Why?
19. What does family meant to you?
20. Do you have a best friend?
21. How did they become your best friend?
22. What is a political issue that you care about?
23. What is your opinion on the current election?
24. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
25. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
26. What does a long term relationship look like to you?
27. What are you looking for right now?
28. What do you think commitment looks like?
29. Whats one thing youve learned from a past relationship?
30. What are the best times to talk to you?
31. How do you best communicate? (text, phone, in-person)
32. How do you resolve problems?
33. What would your friends say your best quality is?
34. Do you believe in love?
35. Have you been in love? How many times?
36. Whats your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself?
37. Whats your favorite non-physical attribute in other people?
38. Whats a time that you were really proud of yourself?
39. How do you best support your friends and family?
40. What do you think the most important quality is to relationships that last?
TC mark
------ Lover
1. If I died, what would you put on my tombstone?
2. If we were on a TV show, do you think the viewers would ship us?
3. Before you met me, did you think youd be alone forever?
4. Would you rather spend eternity in hell with me or in heaven without me?
5. When did you realize you were in love with me?
6. If every person you killed made you live another ten years, how many people w
ould you kill?
7. How would you describe me to someone whos never met me?
8. If we bought a dog, what would you want to name it?
9. Have you ever dreamt about me?
10. Would you have a superhero themed wedding?
11. Are you excited for work tomorrow?
12. Whats the weirdest song that makes you think of me?
13. If I landed a job in another country, would you move there with me?
14. What would you do if I dropped dead right now?
15. What type of wedding dress do you think Id look best in?
16. If you had to choose between dying and breaking up with me, which would you
17. Do you consider yourself successful?
18. How often do you masturbate to me?
19. Do you think youre getting more attractive as you age?
20. What do my lips taste like?
21. Were you nervous during our very first date?
22. How many pets would you consider too many?
23. What was your favorite movie when you were a little kid?
24. In your opinion, what was the best sex weve ever had?
25. What crappy movie do you secretly love?
26. If you had unlimited funds to take me on a romantic getaway, where would we
27. Whats your favorite photograph of us?
28. If I killed someone, would you call the cops on me?
29. Where do you picture us living in ten years?
30. Is there anyone, besides me, that youd go to jail for?
31. How many hours (or days) does it take for you to really miss me?
32. Whats the longest amount of time youve spent on line to see a movie?
33. Would you rather work for a living or stay home with our future children?
34. If I suggested something super kinky that you were freaked out by, would you
give it a try anyway?
35. If we won the lottery, whats the first thing youd do with the money?
36. What type of alcohol should I stock the fridge with?
37. What movie have you seen lately that you think Id love?
38. What was the first thought you had when we met?
39. If you could magically learn a new skill, what would it be?
40. Whos your favorite couple on television?
41. What do your friends really think of me?
42. What do you remember about our first kiss?
43. What was the best day of your life so far?
44. In your opinion, how long does the perfect round of sex last?
45. Whats the best birthday gift I could ever get you?
46. Where do you want to go on our date next weekend?
47. Do you think our children would be adorable?
48. Whats your favorite cuddling position?
49. Whats the worst nightmare youve ever had?
50. How was your day, baby? TC mark

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