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Student Name: Ivan Rojas

Advertsing, Promoting, and Marketing The Little Red One

Capstone Project Timeline
Time Date Advertising, Promoting, Marketing
1 day 12.7.16 Capstone Project Proposal
1 day 12.9.16 Consult with my mentor about my Capstone
1 day 12.9.16 Create a rough draft of the store sign
Begin developing store sign. Sketch it out with a pencil and
2 days wood burn it

1 day Finish the store sign. Paint it

Organize her inventory both physically and virtually so she
1 day knows how much inventory she has

1 day 1.27.17 Start doing promotions. Create flyer for store giveaway
Advertise the Grand Opening of my mentors business by using
1 day 2.10.17 Microsoft Publisher

1 day Make business cards using Photoshop

1 day Design a logo for her store
1 day 5.28.17 Make Capstone Video

Promoting and Advertising the store through the Art

Time Date Car
1 day 9.9.16 Come up with the theme of the car and sketch it out
1 day 9.16.16 Begin painting on the car
Too many days to count. More than 7 9.16.16-4.7.17 Continuing to paint the car
1 day 3.31.17 Place the tank at the top of the car

1 day 4.7.17 Put finishing touches on the Art Car

1 day 4.8.17 Art Car Parade

Time Date Helping out improve the Business

1 day Paint the Little Red One Shop
1 day Set up her divination cards
1 day Make Crystal Pendulums
1 day Help builed shelves

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