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Places to visit in Bhopal

Van Vihar National Park

1- Its a NATIONAL PARK NOT A ZOO- In a zoo the animals are in cages. In a national park they are wild and
2- it covers an area of about 4.45 km2
3- The animals are kept in their near natural habitat.
4- No animal is deliberately captured from the forest.

1- It is the largest Mosque in India.
2- BUILD BY Sultan Shah Jahan, Begum of Bhopal
3- AREA- ALMOST 1 LAKH sq ft

Noor us sabah/ Ahmedabad palace

1- The only surviving daughter of Shah Jahan Begum, Sultan Kaikhusrau Jahan Married
2- The Ahmedabad Palace was the first building in Bhopal made with Italian marble.
3- The Ahmedabad Palace was the first building in Bhopal made with Italian marble.
4- She got constructed the main government hospital of Bhopal
It is now known as Hamidia Hospital
It was the first hospital of Bhopal which had an X-ray machine

Taj Mahal (palace)

1- built by Sultan Shah Jahan, Begum of Bhopal. It is located beside the Taj-ul-Masajid in Bhopal,
2- cost of Rs. 30 lakh. Its construction spanned over a period of 13 years (NOW THAT 30 LAKH
=100 CR)
3- It was one The building was originally named Raj Mahal ("royal palace"). The British Resident at Bhopal, highly
impressed with the architecture, suggested that the palace be renamed the Taj Mahal, of the largest palaces of
the world built at that time.[2]
4- The palace contains 120 rooms, a hall of mirrors or sheesh mahal
5- The main entrance is a seven-storied structure.

kerva dam
zip line is one of the longest in Central India.), Boating, Mountain climbing.

sadar manzil

gufa mandir
Gohar Mahal
Moti Masjid

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