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Leons 3rd Grade Technology Policy

Greeting Parents and Students! Before we begin our school

year I would like to introduce you to a virtual set of rules that

we will have in our classroom. These rules are to be followed

if you want to keep the privilege of being allowed to use our

technical equipment within the classroom.

1. Stay on task: If you are caught playing games or on websites other than the ones

instructed to use, permission to use the technology will be revoked for the rest of the

2. Be courteous of the equipment proved: Purchasing computers is expensive. We should

not bang on the keyboard or run with our tablets as this might break our technology tools.
3. Food and Drinks around the computers and tablets is prohibited: Snacks should be

taken at the desk or the carpet area to ensure we dont damage our computers or tablets.
4. Be respectful of your computer neighbor: Keep your eyes on your own screen, and

maintain your hands and feet within your own space will ensure that you and your

neighbors will learn effectively.

Please sign below as proof that you and your child have read the technology policies

and understand the terms and conditions.

Parent/ Guardian: _______________________________________________
Student: ________________________________________________

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