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The way that I analyzed the climbing speech was by figure out what they were saying,

why they were saying it, and what ideologies their speech reflected. I noticed that climbers are
fairly judgmental towards each other, and that they often talked about other climbers being
stupid, or making stupid mistakes. By stupid mistakes, I mean doing things incorrectly causing
danger to themselves and or others. This is when I came to the conclusion that climbers want to
find people that they trust, and feel safe with. This semester I learned that theres a lot more
involved in language than I had previously thought, and that the way people speak comes from
their discourse, which means that everything is affecting that persons language. Things such as
being in a dominant group or a marginalized group have effects on the language, for example
Gays, African Americans, and Native Americans discourse was affected by their oppression.
Speech also establishes community, and can be a way to show that you are proud of your culture.
People who come from a different culture dont want to change the way that they speak even
when others claim that its incorrect because they are proud of their background. Many people
think that there is a correct way of speaking, but thats a myth, just because something isnt
standard doesnt mean its incorrect.

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