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Jenna Johnson

Activity Plan

This activity plan must be for early elementary (K-2nd grade).

Objective: (what you want children to learn) (one only) 5 points

Learn about Thanksgiving and why it is celebrated

Materials: 5 points

A picture of a turkey that the children can color

Feathers where they can write things they are grateful for

Color pencils or crayons


Scaffolding: (child's prior knowledge this activity is building on) 5 points

Know how to color and glue

Procedure: (in detail - how to carry out the activity) 5 points

Discuss why thanksgiving is celebrated and what it is

Hand out the feathers so the students can write things they are grateful for

Hand out turkey

Have students color turkey and feathers

Glue feathers to turkey

DAP support: (page and short quote) 5 points

In the DAP book on page 294 Teachers plan the curriculum, schedule, and environment so that
children can learn through active involvement in various learning experiences with each other and
with a variety of materials.

Open ended questions for children: (questions to make a child think) 5 points

Why is thanksgiving important? What am I grateful for?

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