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Jacobsen 1

Alyssa Jacobsen

Ms. Ingram

English 1 Honors

21 September 2016

A Wolf Family got Kidnapped.

I am Adrian. I am the leader. I am frostbitten. The chilling but refreshing night air

compared to the blistering heat of the day makes me shiver under even my fur coat. We are in a

slightly lit room that is accelerating beneath us. But we are not walking. I cant hear my young

next to me. I cannot see them. There is a strange faint chant that is slowly making its way to my

ears. It sounds much like when my family sings together to the full moon. How did we come to

be here? I will tell you my dear reader, because no one else can.

My family consists of four members not including me. We live in a forest near a lake that

could be small enough to be a pond. Mother would sometimes take me and my older siblings

there to play when I was young. Now my mate takes our two young ones there to play. My mate

is called Wilhelmina. Our two young are called Peblinara, the eldest sister, and Zuchiria, the

youngest brother. The last of my family members is my mothers mother, Betri. We show much

respect for her. She is our elder. We call her Meme. This means creater of us. Meme is

indefinitely wise and can sense when danger comes for my family so I can prepare to fight it off.

Meme also predicts when the cold will be drowned by the warmth.

That day, Wilhelmina had the young down by our pond-lake with Meme. I was walking

the perimeter of our territory, remarking what needed to be remarked. I heard an outright cry
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from Meme. It was piercing. I had never heard her sound more terrified. I sprinted to the edge of

the pond-lake where the young still romped through the water, completely unaware of the

dangers that could be there. I checked on Wilhelmina and the sopping wet children. Wilhelmina

placed her head upon my back. She was horrified. I kissed her reassuringly on her forehead and

clicked to Meme. Mostly instead of talking, our family uses different noises to communicate

with each other. I clicked to ask Meme what she sensed. She looked to the stars of the early twilit


My son of my daughter, She began in her raspy yet calming voice, I have sensed

another tribe of a rival family gaining closer to us. But they do not smell of our kind.They smell

of ape blood. I looked into her small black eyes, and felt a chill run down my spine. The only

look in her eyes was horror. Complete, pure horror. Wilhelmina chirped for our young to wade to

shore. They both splashed through the water as it blackened with the reflection of the night sky.

Get back to the den. Be on high alert Wilhelmina. I dont wish to see you injured. She nodded

and clicked to me. We all strolled back to our place of comfort. I would sleep with one eye open

that night. Nothing would happen to my family.

Our dwelling was a small place. Orange brown leaves draped naturally over the fallen

branches, both thick and thin, holding our place together. A stream trickled down the layered

rocks, and swiftly ran down a small hill. Small purple daisies reached toward the nightly silver

moon, hoping for it to give the flower nutrients. However, the moon seemed to only choke it

more. The flower gave up its fight and shriveled for the night. The next morning it would

undoubtedly bloom again. But I did not get to see that violet daisy bloom again.
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My eyes shot open. My head stood upright as my eyes forced themselves to adjust to the

infinite darkness that lie ahead of me. Something had awoken me. I raised myself from my spot

on the ground. What had awoken me? I rounded the corner of my hut. Where was my family if

they werent next to me? A blinding light met my eyes as I continued my voyage forward. Why

was it here? I crept closer to see a large metal beast. Its nostrils were flaring. It was roaring at

me. What is happeni I feel a small but sharp prick in the back of my hip. I turned furiously and

looked up at my attackers. They were around three feet taller than I. They smiled mischievously

at me. They were of ape blood. The sudden feeling of sleep overtook me. I tried but failed to

shake it away. I fell to the ground and drifted quickly into deep sleep.

For the second time that day, I shot up and opened my eyes. It was completely dark in

that container. The only source of light and air was through two golf ball sized holes in the wall

of my container. I breathe heavily. It was blistering hot. I felt as though my flesh was being

cooked to a crisp. I wished I could shed my coat. Then it hits me. It hits me like the sheer heat of

this container. My family. Were they in containers like mine? I tried to click to them. My sounds

were drowned out by the roaring of the metal beast carrying me on its back. All I could do was

sit and wait and pray. Pray to the sky god above that cool would come soon. And that my family

would be okay.

I waited until darkness fell upon us again. Then the metal of the containment structure I

was in stopped hurting me. I could rest. Until I awoke again. I shook. The cold blinded me. Frost

filled my container. The metal in my container injured me again. Why does this have to be. I put

my eye to the holes in my container. I immediately spotted a second metal beast running behind

the first. I saw more containers on the back of it. That was my family. I knew it was. It had to be.
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So here we are again my dear reader. I am Adrian. I am the leader. I am cold. The

chilling but refreshing night air compared to the blistering heat of the day makes me shiver under

even my fur coat. We are in a dark room that is accelerating beneath us. But we are not walking.

I cant hear my young next to me. I cannot see them. There is a strange faint chant that is slowly

making its way to my ears. It sounds much like when my family sings together to the full moon.

How did we come to be here? I have told you my dear reader, because no one else can.

And now I must live the rest of this story before I reveal it to you my dear reader. I must

go through the possible agony and joy. Then I will take the honor of sharing it with you.

Goodbye for now my dear reader. I will see you on the other side of the story.

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