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The Sphere of Attraction

increasing the power of your Attractor Field

[the following text is an extract from Treading The Golden Path, Part 2 which is
available in the Golden Path Program - click here for more information]

The Sphere of Attraction

In the Sphere of Attraction we come into this place where chemistry governs all. In your
Hologenetic Profile, this Gene Key is calculated by a specific position of the moon while
you are still in your mothers womb. It is in many ways a portal to another world the
so-called astral plane. The astral plane* is an esoteric term that refers to the world
where emotional currents have a living reality of their own. Here desires are born. This
is the font of our sexuality, which is why it is about attraction. It is about the
electromagnetic resonance of our dharma drawing in the etheric ingredients that will
eventually manifest our destiny. The Sphere of Attraction sits like a fulcrum between the
Pathways of Dharma and Karma. That which is encoded in our DNA as Purpose rings out
into the subtle planes and calls in those relationships that offer us the greatest
possibility of fulfilling our higher purpose. How we listen and learn from those
relationships is up to us.

Relationship chemistry is one of the greatest unknown mysteries of our age. We are
ruled by the chemistry of our relationships while at the same time having little
understanding of their underlying forces. The chemistry between any two human beings
creates a dynamic interactive energy field. When we are able to listen inwardly to what
our relationships are telling us in silence, we may discover an incredible universe that
we never realised existed. There are miracles waiting in the spaces between us, if we
only knew how to harvest them.
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When you enter the Golden Path, you are invited into a very deep contemplation of your
primary relationships. By this we mean your children, parents, spouses, lovers - anyone
who lives and shares their life with you. You are invited to explore these relationships at
a deeper level than you have ever considered possible. This is not necessarily about a
change in your external dialogue (although that may also change), but it is about a
change in your internal dialogue the way your body, mind and emotions respond
internally to others. The Venus Stream asks you to listen carefully to your chemical
responses without any judgement. We are not looking for answers when we do this. This
is not about analysis. We are simply receiving the other persons aura at the level at
which it is meant to be taken in. We can even begin this work when the other person is
absent, although their physical presence is necessary to fully learn from the

You should pay particular attention to those relationships which you find challenging or
uncomfortable. The aura of such relationships usually contains a deeper vein of chemical
information that is often rarely accessed due to the eruption of drama on the surface.
When your awareness is able to dig deeper into such relationships, you often find that
they contain the greatest diamonds, since they offer you the opportunity for inner
transformation. Its often in the deep Shadows that the miracles lie hidden.

The Attractor Field

In recent years there has been much talk in esoteric circles about harnessing the
attractor field that surrounds humans. Much of this information is geared towards the
manifestation of ones wishes on the material plane. The Golden Path does not offer any
such techniques for manifestation. It is unlikely that we humans really know what is
good for us in the first place! What you do learn from this wisdom is that in life you will
always get exactly what you need when you need it. The secret is not about asking for
something in the future it is about mining the full depth and splendour of what you
already have in the present.

What is it that you wish for? More money? A perfect relationship? The ideal home? Its
important to look at your present circumstances and see how much there is to be
grateful for. What is this something in the future that you seek? Such longings (whatever
form they take) are very human and very understandable. You do not have to stop
yourself from wishing for a happier life. But perhaps through yielding to the Golden Path
you will see that happiness isnt really the grail that you are seeking. Your Attractor
Field emerges out of the needs of your Dharma, your destiny. Although it may be
possible to tinker with your Attractor Field, the things you think you want will most
probably not lead to fulfillment.

Our Attractor Field ripples out into the cosmos. It emerges through our deep desires. As
you learn to see inwardly into your own Astral body* you will discover layer upon layer of
desires. When we get down to the bottom we all find the same thing the longing to
express our true nature as unconditional love. Few are the humans who commit
themselves fully to this path. Desires can be so wonderfully distracting! The Golden Path
Program invites you to explore the layers of wounding that cause us to break off from
following this path by allowing ourselves to be distracted by the outer drama of our

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