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June 21, 2007 - Summer Solstice

An Introduction to The Pearl

In many ways this course represents the purest distillation of all my

knowledge to date, as it offers you the keys to prosperity at all levels.
There are so many people out there in the world nowadays offering their
advice and guidance on how to be wealthy, and yet so many of them appear
to have completely missed the essential point – that wealth and prosperity
are two very different things. Wealth really represents the stockpiling of
money out of a deep fear or insecurity about life. You can have as much
money as you like, but if your relationships are terrible or your health is in
decline, then you have not even touched the true meaning of prosperity.

Prosperity is based upon the eternal laws of giving and receiving. To prosper
is to be continually giving and therefore continually receiving. Nature abhors
a vacuum. The more you give, the more you receive. There is nothing more
unnatural than wealth. What every human being is really seeking therefore
is not wealth, but prosperity. Whereas wealth can stagnate in the vaults of
your own body, leading to disease and unhappiness, prosperity is a state of
surrender – it is an eternal flow and a deeply felt trust in life. Prosperity
must touch every level of your life – it must touch your love life, your
friends, your parents and your children. This is precisely what the Pearl does
- If you have an illness, the pearl will address it, if you are short of funds,
the pearl will correct it, and if you are lonely the pearl will resolve it. There
is no aspect of your life that is not reached by the Pearl.

The Pearl uses money as the entry point into the deep issues that prevent
prosperity from occurring in our lives. Once you have touched the Pearl
inside your own being, you will be amazed at how simple everything
suddenly becomes. This is not just another new-age fad. The Pearl is
absolutely real, and if you open up your heart and mind to its very simple
process, the Pearl guarantees prosperity will enter all aspects of your life.

The Money Triangle and the Three Wise Men

At the heart of the Pearl lies a beautiful and very simple technique known
as The Money Triangle. The triangle has a deep mystical association with
money, and even today if you turn over a dollar bill you will find it has an
image of a pyramid on the back. The Money Triangle is essentially an
individualised map of the ideal flow of prosperity in your life. It represents a
genetic sequence deep inside every human being that if followed out clearly
leads to true prosperity. The Money Triangle is in point of fact the polarity
genetic transmission to the Venus Sequence, which releases prosperity
through the medium of your relationships. Just as the Venus Sequence is a
healing of the feminine nature, the Pearl is a healing of the masculine.

The world of money is the archetype of the world of the masculine, just as
the world of relationships represents the world of the feminine. Men are
from Mars and women are from Venus. The Money Triangle is created by the
three great masculine archetypes – the three wise men of the firmament –
the Sun, the primal creative universal force, Jupiter, the great King of
expansion and wealth, and Mars, God of War. The Pearl outlines a specific
path through these codes, which must be understood and lived out as a
sequence. If the sequence is not followed exactly, prosperity cannot flow in
your life. The wonder of this sequence and its keynotes and revelations lies
in its peerless simplicity. Money is the easiest thing in the world to bring
into your life, but only if you can come right back to the basics of your
nature. This is why the transmission of the Pearl can be given in a single

This October I will be teaching the Pearl together with Peter Maxwell Evans.
Since the Dream Arc course this May, Peter and I have rediscovered an
amazing wellspring of hidden knowledge that passes between us. It is out of
this spring that the Pearl has crystallised. The Pearl will be delivered via a
beautifully crafted PowerPoint presentation that is as profound as it is
entertaining and inspiring. Universal in its application and rich in visual and
graphic imagery, this presentation will guide you through an understanding
of your own Money Triangle in a language that is rooted in the world of
business but at the same time completely easy to follow. For those who are
unable to attend the course in person we have decided to make the first day
presentation available as a video download at a discounted price. This must
be paid for in advance and will be available shortly after the seminar itself.

The Power of Direct Transmission

At the same time as making the Pearl available to as wide an audience as

possible, it is my hope that this cheaper and easier option will not deter you
from attending the live event. The secret of the Pearl is the secret of
investment, and investment is directly proportionate to commitment. The
following words from the 29th Gift echo this truth:

‘Prosperity is directly linked to clear commitment – both in our

relationships and in our daily work. Within business, there are many cycles
that begin and end and begin again. Financial success cannot be measured
by a single cycle, but by continued commitment and certainty in one’s
decision making. Sometimes, when one stays committed to a direction that
seems to be unsuccessful, it is often shown to open into opportunities that
later become successful. One cannot think one’s way through life. One can
only align one’s inner direction truly, trust in it come what may, and allow
nature to do the rest.’
There is a core fractal of people who form around every one of my
transmissions, and if you feel that The Pearl might be the one you have
been waiting for I would urge you to come to the event in person. For those
of you who feel very strongly drawn to this teaching, Peter and I have
crafted a second day called ‘The Pearl in Practise – The Principles of
Mastery’. Whereas the Pearl itself is a formal presentation, the Pearl in
Practise will be a far more informal immersion in the source of the actual
transmission. Over this second day, we will be drawing on the real depth
behind the Pearl, which is symbolised by the oyster, the ‘mother-of-pearl’.

On this second day, Peter and myself will be focussing far more intently on
the individuals present, as well as working with the natural energetics of the
group as they emerge. I will also be available for a personal depth analysis
of your Money Triangle, which incorporates and synthesises the additional
knowledge of the 64 Gene Keys. This is the part of the transmission that
really brings your Money Triangle alive and places it into the context of your
life. For those of you who have attended any of my seminars over the past
years, I hope that you will recognise the difference in the quality of your
understanding when you are present as opposed to simply receiving it
online. The impact of direct transmission is deeply personal and enormously
powerful. For those of you who already sense that you might like to work
with this knowledge as part of your professional practise, attendance on this
course is also essential. The Pearl has been designed as a seamless
professional package that in the right hands can be delivered into any
business community or culture. Because of the simplicity at its core, it is a
truly universal tool.

Underground Revolutions

Venues for my courses and seminars always seem to present themselves in

an almost magical way, and the Pearl is a powerful example of this. The
fact that both venues are beautifully converted cellars right beneath the
heart of London is already suggestive of the revolutionary nature of The

The formal presentation of The Pearl will take place at Berry Brothers and
Rudd in St James’s, one of London’s most exclusive areas. Berry Bros. is my
family ancestral legacy – it is the oldest and most reputed family run wine
and spirit merchant in the UK. Our wine shop sits opposite St James’s Palace
and was established in 1698. We have been supplying wines to British
monarchs and royalty from here since the reign of George III in 1760. Part of
the 300-year-old Georgian vaulted cellars has now been converted into a
state-of-the-art conference centre, and this has swiftly become one of
London’s most exclusive and sought-after corporate venues. We will also be
providing a high-class buffet lunch, as well as champagne at the end of the
presentation. It is of historical and mythical note that Emperor Napoleon III
plotted his return to France during his exile in the 1830’s from within these
very cellars, which furthermore are said to be on a very powerful junction
of leylines running through the City of London, the hub of world finance.
Our second venue for the Sunday is Hedges and Butler Private Club just
around the corner from the first venue on London’s famous Regent St. This
area is really the heart of London’s affluence. Hedges and Butler is another
vaulted cellar that has now been converted into a decadent yet informal
private club. As two of London’s most exclusive venues – one formal, the
other informal – I hope you may begin to realise the power behind the
revelation of The Pearl. In my experience, the venue must always mirror
and match the material that is being presented. Thus I hope you will realise
how potent and exclusive a wisdom the Pearl represents.

If you are interested in attending the above course, please visit our online
shop to register and reserve your place. It is advisable to do this as soon as
possible as numbers are limited with many specific invitations already
having been sent out.

I hope to see you there,

With love


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