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VOYAGE: A journey, travel, or passage, esp one to a distant land or by sea or air.
SHAPESHIFTER: Someone who morphs their life to match the person they happen to be
dating, i.e. adopt the same taste in music, movies, fashions, foods, mannerisms, etc.
SOUGHT: Past of seek: to try to find or get something, especially something that is not a
physical object.
STRUCK: Past of strike: to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an
employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses.
WONDROUS: Extremely and surprisingly good.
WEAVE: To form something from several different things or to combine several different
things, in a complicated or skilled way.
CHIEF: Highest in Rank.
UNDERTOW: a strong current flowing underwater in a different direction to the way the
water on the surface is moving, especially one that flows away from the land at the same
time as a wave hits the beach.
STUBBORNESS: A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and
refuses to do anything else
PEAK: the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill
STRENGTH: The ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort
LEEWARD: (On the side of a ship, etc.) facing away from the wind
BREEZE: A light and pleasant wind
DEMIGOD: (In ancient stories) a being who is partly human and partly a god
TAPESTRY: a piece of cloth with a pattern or picture that is created by sewing or weaving
different coloured threads onto a special type of strong cloth.
VOYAGE: Viaje, travesa.
SHAPESHIFTER: Una persona o criatura imaginaria que puede cambiar de una forma a
otra forma diferente.
SOUGHT: Past of seek: Buscar
STRUCK: Past of strike: Huelga
WONDROUS: Maravilloso
WEAVE: Tejido
CHIEF: Jefe, ms alto en rango.
UNDERTOW: Una corriente fuerte que fluye bajo el agua lejos de una playa al mismo
tiempo que las olas en la superficie se mueve hacia la playa.
STUBBORNESS: Testarudez.
PEAK: Mximo
LEEWARD: Sotaviento, lejos del viento
BREEZE: Brisa.
DEMIGOD: Semidis.

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