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Ready to Order Technology Tools and Lesson Plan


_ease of implementation
Order/Ran Technology Tool Justification of Thinkin
8 Wordle I can use this to check for vocabul learned in each unit. Without givin
word bank see what students reca
before the assessment.
2 Story board Students can explain steps on how solve problems using story board

1 TES Teach with HYPERLINK Create lessons to use and share w

""Blendspac students. Can include videos, links
e documents, quizzes.
3 Photo Collage Maker Can use this to have students mak collage of equations of functions o
maker/ graphs of functions.
10 Edmodo Online database to share resource
information with students and par

9 Students can use to sap heiarchy, a process, brainstorm, or create a
7 Time line graphic organizer Students can use to create a timel This is interactive, they can add pi

4 Todays meet. Online chatting Some students refuse to work in g or are shy to speak their ideas. Th
be used to help students share ide
can create a chat room for studen
enter and leave a time for student
complete this chat.
5 Voki. Customizable speaking avatars. Students create their own avatars then create a story or information
character to tell to the class. Stud
can use this to present ideas or sh
general information with the class.
6 Can be used to create an animated
or lesson. Can also be used by stu
as an interactive way to present.

Note: This activity uses the Ready to Order evaluative thinking strategy
taken from the Cobb County Advanced Learning Strategies presented at the
beginning of Course 2. If you have not seen this strategy, it is recommended
that you review the lesson and teacher information provided.
5. Choose one technology strategy and explain an original engaging idea that
integrates the technology in the classroom to engage the gifted and
advanced learners.

I would love to implement TES teach with Blendspace in my class. I can use it to Create lesso
use and share with students. This is great because it can be used in class, but it can also be u
help students who are absent and missed the lesson. It can be used to supplement the lesson
for students who simply need more clarification on a lesson. This webpage can include videos,
documents, quizzes, and links to online resources. I have already started a lesson. I plan to i
a link with definitions, pictures, a how to video and a quiz on a mathematical concept, such as
graphing trigonometric functions. This is a differentiated tool as students can pick and choose
links they want to review or can go straight to the quiz if are already versed on the concept. I
great way to implement technology in the classroom or as an extension. It can be used for th
who do not like to take notes in class and need further information at home. It can be used as
for parents to help review these concepts with their child. Lastly I think this can be a great to
use to summarize or review a unit.

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