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Mr. Connollys Technology Rules and Regulations. Chemistry- 10th Grade.


All school rules apply.

Electronic devices are NOT allowed to be used in my classroom. This includes, but is not limited to:
phones, gaming consoles, etc.
Phones (or equivalent; the instructor will determine what is equivalent) may be placed in their
designated pockets by the door. Doing so will result in 1 point earned for the day. You may
exchange these points to get extra credit or homework passes, depending on the amount of points
Chromebooks are a tool to be used for school activities. You will NOT watch unauthorized videos, go
on any websites (unless the teacher instructs you do go to a certain webpage), or use any chat-
applications during class.
Chromebooks will be used nearly every day, so it is your job to ensure they are charged every day. If a
student habitually does not have their Chromebook charged, they may lose participation points for the
day(s) it was not charged.
Use of applications/social media sites are prohibited unless authorized by the instructor for
educational purposes.
Taking photos is prohibited unless authorized by the instructor for education purposes.
Recording videos is prohibited unless authorized by the instructor for education purposes.
If a quiz/test is being taken on the Chromebook, then that should be the only website/file open (most
likely, will be used). If you are caught using a chatting-application, using an unauthorized
calculator, or if have any notes/websites open that should not be used, then you will RECEIVE A ZERO
for the test. Further disciplinary action may also apply.
No phone calls, texting, listening to music, etc. unless authorized by the instructor.

By signing, I have acknowledged that I have read these rules/policies and I agree to follow them. I
acknowledge the protocols for failing to abide by these rules/policies (listed above or in student handbook). If
I have any questions/concerns, I will notify the instructor by email (

Students full name (Print): _____________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardians full name (Print):_______________________ Signature _____________________________ Date: ____________

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