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1. Which book do you think would be most useful to you and

2. Which book is the most interesting to you and why?
3. Which book would you recommend to someone who is
interested in the environment?
4. Which book would you recommend to someone who is
interest in health?
5. Which book would you recommend to someone who is
interest in how technology affects our lives?

Answer :
1. I think the book that would be useful for me is Eat for
Life. Why? First, beacause I love eat. And the book tell
the reader about how to build healthful eating patterns
that where is very important to whoever that loves
2. The most interesting book for me is Reversing Memory
Loss.. Because that book have a good title that make me
or everyone will interest for read the book, the book
interesting me because I am the one of forgetful type of
people, and the book title is about reversing the memory
that loss.
3. The book that would I recommend to who interested in
environment is State of the World 1993
4. The book that would I recommend to who interested in
healt is Where There Is No Doctor
5. The book that would I recommend to who interested in
technology affects our lives is Extinction: Bad Genes
or Bad Luck?


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