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Reading is a good

Class –VII
Subject – Moral Science
Divya Arya Vidya Public School
"No entertainment is as inexpensive as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting," said a famous thinker. rightly in thinker.

Reading makes a person wise and knowledgeable. Bacon said very famous lines that said a famous lines that
Reading makes a full man, speaking a ready man....
... the happy medium is reached when a man reads enough to give value to what he has to say.

 For general improvement of oneself a person should read whatever he is interested in.
 He should inculcate a habit to spend his time with the books.
 If we read books regularly on the subject that interests us most, we will have a thorough knowledge of that
 Our impressions will become stronger.
 Our concepts will become crystal clear.

Sometimes even if we begin reading from the middle of the book we'll find something interesting there. We can carry on
with that without going to the beginning of the book. This is beneficial because the beginning may not sustain our interest
and attention. It is well to read everything of something and something of everything.
There are four kinds of readers.

 The first is like the hour-glass and their reading runs in and runs out and leaves no impression or
even a hint of the matter that they have been going through. It keeps draining out because there is no
attempt to retain it.

 The second is like the sponge which imbibes everything and retains it fully, even the unwanted.

 A third is like jelly-bag throwing out the pure and retain the refuse, which means such a reader
seldom benefits by his reading. He adds undesirable bits to his knowledge.

 And the fourth is like the worker of a diamond mine who casts aside all the rocks that are worthless
and retains only the pure gems.

So one should be a reader of the fourth kind, if he or she wants to become a complete person. One should read good
books. Books are good companions. They give us all that we cannot find elsewhere. Books have got stories,
autobiographies, poetry, philosophy, science and knowledge of every kind. Books can keep us occupied for hours
on end together and increase our knowledge.
Answer these questions:
1. What is use of reading?
2. Should a person read for general improvement?
3. Which kind of readers are like hour-glasses?
4. What do you think of reader like a sponge?
5. Which is a best kind of reader?
6. Which type of book should be your foremost selection?
7. How does the study of life histories of great men help?

Fill in the Blanks:

1. General reading should include books on , culture and religion.
2. These kinds of books make us the around us.
3. They enable us to interpret the present of the society better.
4. Books on religion help us form our and learn about various . .

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