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No! 1.

Ability to listen

1, less learning 2, time saving

2, less disttraction

3. more focused

4, perosnaltlity build up

Is Listening to a Book Just as Good

as Reading It?
Today, many techniques and ways have been introduced to students of learning and understand several
topics. People have opted for different ways to learn. Today, reading has become increasingly common
in online settings. Now, people have chosen to listen to books instead of reading them. This is causing
many issues for people they feel more distracted as they try to multitask at the same time. A large
number of people will agree that listening to audiobooks is a more effective way of learning as it saves
time and a person’s listening ability skills are also enhanced but in my point of view it’s better to read
the book and try avoiding listening to them.

Firstly, the results at the end of the book were better for the students who preferred reading to writing.
Their knowledge has increased and they had learned more than the students who promoted listening to
books. For instance, there are two groups of students that are assigned the task to complete a book
either by listening to it or by reading it and then have to present their conclusion on the book. The result
showed that the group of students that had read the book understood more, gathered more
information from the book, and were able to draw more valid and logical conclusions.

Secondly, analyzing a book requires focus, and focus can only be attained if the person is less distracted
by the environment that’s why there are many libraries and bookstores in almost every town to provide
a peaceful and better environment for the readers. As mentioned above, reading requires focus so that
a better conclusion could be made. To illustrate this, people who often visit libraries and spend their
time reading in libraries stand in the crowd, they can conclude persuasively, are good explainers, and
can identify gradual changes.

In addition, reading helps a person shape his/her’s personality. Readers more often are of quiet
personalities with a peaceful mindset. They are less distracted and focus more on their task rather than
getting distracted by others. For example, the famous personality of Pakistan and one of the biggest
content creators based in Pakistan, Irfan Junejo, is a regular reader and has read more than 20 books.
His personality can easily be understood as he is a quiet, introverted person who talks less and avoids
social interaction. This sketching of his character could not be possible without books. Most of the
people based in Southeast Asia, relatively have more social interaction than other parts of the world. In
these situations, an introverted, quiet personality can only be built up if the person is inclined to books.

On the contrary, Listening to books has a major advantage that it improves the listening ability of the
person. Another major advantage of listening to them is that people can listen to auaudiobooks while
they drive this will save them a lot of time. According to the daily times, there has been a 5% increase in
the number of audiobooks. For instance, a person has to travel across a country, and on his way, he can
complete a book by listening to it as there will be no one to distract the person and he can complete it
without spending a lot of time on it.

From the above discussion, we can clearly and explicitly conclude that the advantages of reading a book
have outnumbered the advantages of listening to it. People should try to increase their reading and only
listen to them when want to have a summary if they have read it in the past.

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