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Music video aims

The track I have picked is On the Other Side of the World by Matthew Mc
Cracken. It is an original track by a former Music student from NWRC.
Meaning: The music video I will create will deal with the hardship that is getting
over a breakup.
Content: It will be done as a short film about a man who is trying to resume his
life after having a break up. In the short film, he continues to have flashbacks to
better times as he attempts to move on.
Imagery: Through the production design, we will create a contrast between the
tones of the situations he used to face and the ones he now faces. What features
in the frame will also build character and create atmosphere, whether that be
lonely and weak or happy and strong.
Narrative: The short film on the screen will be a visual aid to the lyrical
interpretation of the song which is very direct and explained.
Duration: The music video will last as long as the song does which will be over
four minutes.
Pace: The film will be slow pace to show how gradual closure can be. However,
when the flashbacks happen they will speed the scenes up.
Style: The filmic style of this short film will focus on character build and how the
production design portrays the atmosphere whether that be nostalgic or hard
Performers style: The artist has given us the freedom to decide the storyline of
the music video. However, he has asked us to portray the closure of the break up
in an upbeat and motivational tone.
Performers image: The performer won't focus in the film and so only the song
will speak for them. Only their voice and the lyrics will be heard and the music
they have created.
Videos style: The video will contrast locations, production design, events,
emotions and memories with an uplifting plot twist at the end. Through this we
intend to portray the message of comfort that the artist wants to send out to all
those who are dealing with heartbreak.

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